Title: Physics 199BB The Physics of Baseball
1Physics 199BBThe Physics of Baseball
- Fall 2007 Freshman Discovery Course
- Alan M. Nathan
- 403 Loomis
- 333-0965
- a-nathan_at_uiuc.edu
- Week 6
2Miscellaneous Topics from Adair,Chapters 2 and 4
- Chapter 2 The Flight of the Baseball
- Chapter 4 Pitching
3Some Topics I Will Cover
- Effect of wind
- Effect of altitude and temperature
- Estimating home run distances
- Keeping the batter off balanced
- The knuckleball
4Effect of Wind
- on a batted ball see Wind.xls
- example 100 mph, 30 deg, 2000 rpm backspin
- distance with no wind 395 ft
- distance with 10 mph 375/413 ft
- hence, average effect is about 2 ft for each 10
mph - note headwind increases drag but also increases
Magnus - on a pitched ball lets estimate
5Effect of wind on pitched ball
- Headwind or tailwind
- drag vf ? 0.9v0
- with wind (vf /- vw) 0.9(v0 /- vw)
- for headwind/tailwind
- vf 0.9v0 -/ 0.1vw for headwind/tailwind
- example 10 mph wind
- 1 mph effect on vf
- ½ mph effect on average velocity
- ball arrives at plate 4 inches (later/sooner)
- See Adair, p. 66
- not very significant
6Effect of wind on pitched ball
- Sidewind (10 mph)
- sideward component to drag
- if head-on drag ? weight of ball
- sideways drag is 1/9 of weight of ball
- sideways break is 1/9 drop due to gravity
- 3 ft/9 0.33 ft ? 4 inches
- see Adair, p. 66
- this could be significant
10 mph
90 mph
7Effect of wind on pitched ball
- Effect of headwind on curveball
- Magnus force proportional to v
- v is larger with a headwind
- therefore, greater break with headwind
- estimate
- v75 mph, vw10 mph
- Magnus force larger by 85/751.13
- Break is 13 greater (2-3 inches)
- well known to discus throwers!
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9Effect of Altitude and Temperature
- air density ? reduced by 4 per 1000 ft
- elevation
- 10o F change in temperature changes ? by 2
- changing pressure affects both drag and Magnus
see pressure.xls
10PITCHf/x Data Toronto vs. Denver
11How Far Did That Home Run Travel?
-time of flight can remove the ambiguity -see
12Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting
timing. Effect of varying the speed
13Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting
timing. Effect of varying the spin
14What about the knuckleball?
- Surface roughness induces turbulant air flow
- Turbulant airflow reduces drag
- thats why golf balls have dimples
- Stitches on baseball reduce drag
- for spinning ball, drag is symmetric
- for non-spinning ball, drag can be asymmetric
- for slowly spinning ball, force can change
directions - Such force responsible for the swing of a
cricket ball - Scuff ball can be effective too
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