Title: Mobile Working Lessons Learned
1Mobile Working Lessons Learned
- Karen Banks
- Pauline Hobson
- Background
- Set Up
- Benefits
- Concerns
- Demonstration
NHS Connecting for Health is delivering the
National Programme for Information Technology
- Why mobile working?
- Alternatives considered
NHS Connecting for Health is delivering the
National Programme for Information Technology
4Set Up
- How many?
- Financial Implications
- Technical Issues
- Education
- Support Required
NHS Connecting for Health is delivering the
National Programme for Information Technology
- Patient benefits
- Staff Benefits
NHS Connecting for Health is delivering the
National Programme for Information Technology
6Time taken to use eSAP in the patients home
Specific Task Approximate Time Taken
Log On 5 15 minutes
Search for Patient 5 minutes
Contact Assessment 10 15 minutes
Overview Assessment 30 - 45 minutes
Referral 5 minutes
NHS Connecting for Health is delivering the
National Programme for Information Technology
- Connections
- Signal Coverage
- Health and Safety
- Support
- Other
NHS Connecting for Health is delivering the
National Programme for Information Technology
8What have we learnt?