Title: Reduce Global Warming with ICE
1Reduce Global Warming with ICE!
Insulation Conservation Efficiency
Renewable Energy Carbon Sequestration
2Fossil Biomass
Florida Electric Power 50,654 MW capacity
Florida -- 9 billion gal fuel/yr All from
imported petroleum
3Brighter future Renewable Fuels Chemicals
- Displacement of oil
- Recycling waste
- Commodity chemicals
- polylactic acid
- 3-HP, 1-3 PD
- Solvents, acids
- Fuels
- ethanol
- biodiesel
- power
- Rural Employment
- Carbon
- sequestration
- (short term)..
DOE, 2002
4Brazil currently burns E85 in many vehicles.
There are no technology barriers to expanding the
ethanol level in US automotive fuel.
5?15 Billion Gallons per yr
BioDiesel (B20) 85 Ethanol Gasoline 10 Ethanol
But not in Florida!
5National Research Initiative Biobased Products
Bioenergy Research
Office of Science, Energy Biosciences Energy
Efficiency Renewable Energy Biomass Program
Joint USDA-DOE Biomass Initiative Cellulosic
fuels could replace 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 of US
automotive fuel.
6Biomass Residues
Bagasse Brown Gold of the Future South of
Lake Okeechobee, Florida
7 70 Carbs woody biomass corn
Primarily pentoses, 5-carbon sugars.
Xylose and other sugars
Natures plastic glue
Black thermoplastic that can be burned to provide
energy for ethanol production.
Glucose polymer
Homopolymer of glucose, hexose, a 6-carbon sugar.
Composition of Lignocellulosic Biomass
8- 1 in sugarcane and citrus
- 1 in forest residues
- 1 in urban wood waste
- 2 in vegetables
15 million acres of forest land 10 million acres
of farm land
Agricultural crops,citrus ornamentals Pulp and
paper industry,wood products
From 10 tons dry biomass ? Fuel Ethanol (600
gal) or Energy for 2 homes for 1 year
Wood Production 5 dry tons/acre yr Canes
Grasses 15-30 dry tons/acre yr
Intermediary Products
Energy Crops (corn, cane?)
Agricultural Residues
- Hydrolysis
- Fermentation
- Biocatalysis
Forrest Residues
Final Products
Municipal Solid Waste
(Modified from DOE, 2002)
10Florida can be 1 in Biomass Production More
than Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Pennsylvania, New York, Wisconsin, Ohio,
Oklahoma, and South Dakota combined! Florida can
produce 9 billion gal of ethanol per year from
biomass residues and energy crops
Florida can be 1 in the Nation in Renewable
Fuel Production.
11(No Transcript)
12Bioenergy Feedstocksin Florida
15 million acres of forest land 10 million acres
of farm land
- 1 in sugarcane and citrus
- 1 in forest residues
- 1 in urban wood waste
- 2 in vegetables
Energy Crops Trees, Grasses, Canes, Sorghum,