Title: The 4H Childrens Gardens:
1The 4-H Childrens Gardens
- Planting Curiosity,
- Nurturing Wonder,
- Growing Understanding!
2Curiosity, Wonder, Understanding
- The 4-H Childrens Garden is a magical
- place of learning.
- 12-year-old
3Creating Magical Places
- Space
- Creating these magical spaces
- Plants the real magic!
- Experiences
- Hands-on, interactive
- Education programs
- Staying Connected
- Website
- Wonder Wall
- Having FUN!
44-H Childrens Gardens
- Outdoor 4-H Childrens Garden
- About 2/3 acre
- 65 theme areas
- Indoor 4-H Childrens Garden
- 1500 square feet
- 25 theme areas
- Curiosity Classroom
5The 4-H Childrens Gardens
6Indoor 4-H Childrens Garden
7Creating Childrens Gardens
- Know your audience (kids)
- Think like a kid (your audience)
- Dont talk down to kids
- Meet kids needs
- Test spaces on kids watch what they do
8What do you need to know?
9About Kids
- Kids are curious and full of wonder
- Kids are concrete thinkers
- Kids like things that are familiar
- Kids dont care about adult gardening rules
- Kids want and need hands-on
- Kids love to be surrounded by plants
- Kids experience things
- intensely
10About Kids
- Kids are amazed by little things
- Kids will meet or exceed expectations
- Kids like to learn
- Kids learn based on what they already know
- Rules are made to be tested (broken)
- Kids notice the details
- NOT the vistas
11About Gardens
- Garden rules are made to be broken
- Gardens come in all shapes and sizes
- Gardens appeal to all the senses
- Gardens should be hands-on (touched, smelled,
hidden in, picked, ) - Gardens are amazing!
- Gardens are FUN!!
- It is OK to have garden
- failures
12Planting Curiosity
13ABC Garden
- Alyssum
- Basil
- Marigold
- Nasturtium
- Yarrow
- Zinnia
14Peter Rabbit Herb Garden
- Beet MacGregor's Favorite
- Radish French Breakfast
- Rhubarb Valentine
- Mint
- Lemon Balm
- Tansy
- Lavender
- Chamomile
15Cereal Bowl Garden
- Corn for Cornflakes
- Wheat for Wheaties
- Rye for bread
- Oats for Oatmeal
- Buckwheat for pancakes
- Sugar Beets for sugar
16Crayon Color Garden
- Strawberry pink
- Lavender
- Goldenrod
- Cornflower
- Dianthus pink
- Pumpkin
17Jack and the Giants Garden
- Climbing beans (Scarlet Runner)
- Giant sunflowers
- Arundo grass
18Hispanic-American Garden
- Mexican Sage
- Mexican Tea
- Tomato Big Rainbow
- Tomatillo
- Ornamental
- Pepper
- Cilantro
- Pepper Salsa
19Performing Plants Garden
- Cup plant
- Compass plant
- Ladys Mantle
- Obedient plant
- Evening primrose
- Mosquito plant
20Teddy Bear and Animals
- Dandelions
- Spider plant
- Lambs ears
- Lambs quarters
- Snapdragon
- Goldfish plant
- Hens and chicks
21Pizza Garden
- Wheat
- Tomato
- Basil
- Oregano
- Peppers
- Onions
- Marigold, The Cheese
22Around the World Herb Garden
23My Favorite Foods Garden
24Take a Deep Breath
Little lessons from flowers for a happier world
25Follow Your Nose Garden
26Michigan Garden
- Sand dunes
- Big Mac bridge
- Plank road
27Harrys Herbology Garden
28Nurturing Wonder
- It has to be interactive fun!
29Monet Bridge
30Dance Chimes
31Its OK to touch and smell!
32Nurturing Wonder
33Sensitive Plant
34Eyeball Plant
36Broom Corn
37Sunflower Teddy Bear
38Cool Kid Plants
- Sensitive plant
- Eyeball plant
- Snapdragon
- Cherry tomato Matts Wild Cherry
- Basil Magical Michael
- Broom corn
- Chocolate Mint
- Sunflower Teddy Bear
- Scarlet Runner Bean
- Pumpkin Cinderella
39Growing Understanding
40Butterflies in the Garden
41Butterflies in the Garden
42Butterflies in the Garden
43Butterflies in the Garden
44Butterflies in the Garden
45Family Programs
- Dinosaur Day
- Bug Day
- Teddy Bear Tea Party
- Around the World Jubilee
- Compost Day
- Plant Detectives
- Harvest Festival
46Multi-day Summer Programs
- Stories in the Garden
- Kid Curator
- Garden Chefs
- Camp Monet
47Garden Chefs
48Seeds of Science
- Day-long field trips
- Multi-day
- Visits separated by 1-2 weeks
- Specific between visit experiments, activities,
connections - Designed with teachers
49Seeds of Science
50Seeds of Science - Questions
51Kids Questions
- Why do we even have aphids?
- Where do plant smells come from?
- Do Poinsettias have red chlorophyll?
- Do the leaves of Sensitive plant close when it
52Staying Connected
53On-line Wonder Wall
54On-line Wonder Wall
55Wonder Wall Questions
- Why are most plants green?
- Is the style like the filament on the male part
of the flower? - Is all pollen the same color?
- What is the most important
- part of a flower
- the stamen or pistil?
56Wonder Wall Questions
- Sometimes a plants stem is cut, but if I put the
stem and flower in water then in 2 weeks it will
have roots. Why are the roots growing? - Why do plants smell good?
- How come flowers dont have
- smell when they are old?
57Staying Connected
- http//4hgarden.msu.edu/kidstour
58Where to from here?
- Be curious about everything
- Value kids curiosity
- Always ask why?
- Never cease to stand like curious children
before the great mystery into which we - have been born.
- -A. Einstein
59Where to from here?
- Visit the 4-H Childrens Garden
- In person
- On-line (http//4hgarden.msu.edu/kidstour)
- Support the 4-H Childrens Garden
- Theme gardens
- Programs
- Bricks
- Become a Friend of the 4-H Childrens Gardens
- Garden with kids where ever you are
- Encourage curiosity in
- everyone
60Learn more!
- National Children and Youth
- Gardening Symposium
- July 19-21, 2007
- Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
61Join Us
- Look at a garden
- Through a childs eyes
- Its magic, its wonder
- Its full of surprise!
62Contact Info.
- Dr. Norm Lownds
- lownds_at_msu.edu
- 517-355-5191 ext. 1-349