Mycorrhizae, Gesundheit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mycorrhizae, Gesundheit


... linking Northern Spotted Owl to Old Growth Forests to their flying squirrel prey ... the other three in the system fail: owl, squirrel, mycorrhizae, tree ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mycorrhizae, Gesundheit

Mycorrhizae, Gesundheit
  • Definition
  • Mycorrhizal types
  • What do they look like?
  • What do they do?
  • Ecological Significance
  • Mycorrhizal Research

Definition of Mycorrhizae
  • Myco fungus
  • rhiza root
  • Mycorrhizae symbiosis between fungi and plant

Mycorrhizal Types
  • Ectomycorrhizae
  • Endomycorrhizae or Vesicular Arbuscular
    Mycorrhizae (VAM)
  • Ectendomycorrhizae or Ericoid
  • Orchid Mycorrhizae (parasitic)

What do they look like?
  • Ectomycorrhizal Families Pinaceae, Fagaceae,
    Betulaceae, Salicaceae
  • Mantle made of hyphae
  • Hartig net
  • Septate hyphae D. Ascomycota and D.
    Basidiomycota (clamp connections)
  • Photos from Masters Thesis UAF

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Cartoon from Masters Thesis UAF
What do they NOT look like?
Uninfected salicaceous fine roots
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Photos from Masters Thesis UAF
What do they look like?
  • Endomycorrhizae
  • Vesicles
  • Arbuscules
  • Non-septate hyphae
  • D. Zygomycota

Photos from Masters Thesis UAF
Cartoon from Masters Thesis UAF
How Do Mycorrhizae Function?
  • Fungal hyphae release enzymes (chitinase,
    peroxidase, cellulase, protease) which allows
    them to digest and penetrate substrates.
  • Secretion of enzymes breaks down tough organic
    substrates that can then be absorbed and used by
    the fungus and/or host plant as energy and
    nutrient sources for growth and reproduction.
  • (Laursen 1985)

Function of Mycorrhizae Benefits to Plants
  • Hyphae increase surface area of roots for
    increased absorption of soil nutrients Nitrogen,

10 -85 photosynthates made (Finlay and
Söderström 1992)
Function of Mycorrhizae Benefits to Plants
  • Increase water uptake and aid drought resistance
    to plants
  • Resistance to some root pathogens due to thick
    hyphal mantle
  • Increase plant tolerance to soil temperature
    extremes, pH extremes, toxic heavy metals, and
    transplant shock

Function of Mycorrhizae Benefits to World
  • Aid in plant establishment on nutrient poor soils
    (mining reclamation and revegetation projects)
  • Increase plant size in short time period
  • Reduce fertilizer requirements
  • Cut down production costs
  • Decrease fertilizer contamination of the

Ecological Significance
  • Plants of different families or genera can share
    the same mycorrhizal connection.
  • Cheating potentials
  • Tripartite associations ectomycorrhizae,
    endomycorrhyzae, AND nitrogen fixing nodules on
    the same root (Forest Soils Lab, Corvallis)
  • Holistic ecology linking Northern Spotted Owl
    to Old Growth Forests to their flying squirrel
    prey who feed on the mushrooms from the
    mycorrhizae that form specifically on Old Growth
    tree roots. Take one out of the link, and the
    other three in the system fail owl, squirrel,
    mycorrhizae, tree

Mycorrhizal Research at University of Alaska,
  • Testing Gehring and Whithams hypothesis (1991)
    that herbivory reduces aboveground photosynthetic
    tissue which in turn reduces the sugars available
    for maintaining mycorrhizae.

  • Does browsing affect
  • The total dry Salicaceous (Cottonwoods willow,
    poplar, aspen) fine root mass
  • The quantity of ectomycorrhizae on Salicaceous
    fine roots
  • Does the depth affect
  • The total dry Salicaceous fine root mass
  • The quantity of ectomycorrhizae on Salicaceous
    fine roots
  • Does the combination of browsing and depth affect
  • The total dry Salicaceous fine root mass
  • The quantity of ectomycorrhizae on Salicaceous
    fine roots

Study Site
  • 17 km segment of the Tanana River floodplain
    within the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest
    Long-Term Ecological Research (BNZ LTER) site
    located 28 km south-west of Fairbanks Alaska
  • Primary succession begins with colonization of
    nitrogen and phosphorus deficient glacial silt by
    wind blown willows and balsam poplar.
  • Soils later in succession, after thinleaf alder,
    a nitrogen fixer, are not as limited

Study Site
Study Site
Study Site
Courtesy of John P. Bryant
Study Site
Courtesy of Keith Van Cleve
Study Site
Courtesy of Keith Van Cleve
  • Seven pairs of permanent exclosures and their
    respective control plots established in 1988,
    along the 17-km reach of the Tanana River in the
    BNZ LTER site
  • High tensile strength steel wire and 2.5-cm mesh
    fence wire were hung on 5-m fungicide treated
    fence posts to prevent moose and snowshoe hare
    from entering the exclosures throughout the year

Courtesy of John P. Bryant
Animals Omitted from Exclosures
Moose (Alces alces), left Snowshoe hare (Lepus
americanus), below
Courtesy of John P. Bryant
Data Gathering
Five soil cores were taken randomly from each
treatment Soil cores were preserved in
Formaldehyde, acetic acid and ethanol (FAA Sass
1958) Cores where cut into 3 depths (0-5cm,
5-10cm, 10-15cm) Willow, aspen, and balsam poplar
roots (salicaceous species) were lumped together
because they could not be isolated from one
Data Gathering
Fine roots were washed, sorted, weighed, and
stored in 50 ethanol (210 samples) Stored fine
roots were randomly subsampled 2x per sample 10
KOH was added to each slide to view
ectomycorrhizae Counts of ecto infection per
total root numbers were recorded for each
Data Gathering
Data Gathering
Courtesy of John P. Bryant
Data Gathering
Essentially all browsing of willow and balsam
poplar shoots occurs in the winter season, so
will be called winter browsing by moose and
snowshoe hare
Courtesy of John P. Bryant
ANOVA of browsing effects on ectomycorrhizal
infection () and fine root biomass (g/m2)
Mean Browsing BNZ LTER Floodplain (Kielland
1988-89 60 1989-90 60 1990-91 50 1991-9
2 25 (Deep snow)
  • Ectomycorrhizal infection of fine roots of willow
    and balsam poplar growing outside exclosures was
    reduced by about 16 in comparison to
    ectomycorrhizal infection of willow and balsam
    poplar that had been protected from browsing by
    moose and snowshoe hare for the previous 4
  • 16 reduction in ectomycorrhizae compares
    favorably to the results of Gehring and Whitham
    (1995) following simulated herbivory on pinyon
    pines growing in infertile cinder soil and
    fertile sandy loam soil.
  • Bryant (1987) demonstrated that pruning of shoots
    in one winter reduced the soluble carbohydrate
    concentration of current-year shoots in the next

  • Thus, browsing by moose and snowshoe hare could
    reduce the supply of soluble carbohydrate to
    roots, thereby reducing the supply of
    carbohydrate available to ectomycorrhizae, and as
    a consequence, reduce ectomycorrhizal infection
    of salicaceous fine root.
  • Successful infection of fine roots by
    ectomycorrhizae is very important to the
    competitive ability of woody plants (Allen and
    Allen 1990), and especially woody plants growing
    in nutrient deficient soils (Allen 1991), such as
    the recently deposited glacial silt that formed
    our sites on the floodplain of the Tanana River
    (Van Cleve et al. 1991)

  • By reducing ectomycorrhizal infection of willow
    and balsam poplar fine roots, winter browsing by
    snowshoe hare and moose are likely to reduce the
    ability of these species to compete for nutrients
    with thinleaf alder (Alnus tenuifolia), a species
    that is mycorrhizal and rarely browsed by
    snowshoe hare and moose (Wolff and Zasada 1979
    McAvinchy 1991).

  • This shift from willow to alder is an extremely
    important event in ecosystem development because
    the nitrogen fixed by alder in the alder stage of
    primary succession provides most of the nitrogen
    annually accumulated by the Tanana River
    Floodplain ecosystem (Klingensmith and Van Cleve
    1993 Van Cleve et al. 1993)
  • Thus the willow stage of succession will be brief
    with browsing, and the alder stage will take
    over, giving less food to sustain moose and
    snowshoe hare. (implications for hunting)

Mycorrhizal Research at University of Alaska,
  • Testing Gehring and Whithams hypothesis that
    herbivory reduces aboveground photosynthetic
    tissue which in turn reduces the sugars available
    for maintaining mycorrhizae.
  • Results support the hypothesis by finding that
    moose and hare browsing on willows and poplars
    decreases the photosynthetic biomass the sugars
    made, and thus fewer mycorrhizae are supported

  • Allen, M.F. 1991. The ecology of mycorrhizae.
    Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Allen and Allen 1990. The mediation of
    competition by mycorrhizae in successional and
    patchy environments. In Grace, J.B., Tilman,
    G.D. (eds). Perspectives on plant competition.
    Academic Press, New York, pp 367-389.
  • Bryant, J.P. 1987. Feltleaf willow-snowshoe
    hare interactions plant carbon/nutrient balance
    and flood plain succession. Ecology 681319-1327
  • Finlay, R and Söderström, B. 1992. Mycorrhiza
    and carbon flow to the soil. In Allen, M.F.
    (ed) Mycorrhizal functioning. Routledge Chapman
    and Hall, New York, pp 134-160.
  • Gehring, C.A. and Whitham, T.G. 1991. Herbivore
    driven mycorrhizal mutualism in insect
    susceptible pinyon pine. Nature 353556-557.
  • Gehring, C.A. and Whitham, T.G. 1995. Duration
    of herbivore removal and environmental stress
    affect the etomycorrhizae of pinyon pines.
    Ecology 762118-2123
  • Kielland, K. 1996. Role of free amino acids in
    the nitrogen economy of arctic cryptogams.
    Ecoscience, in press.
  • Laursen, G.A. 1985. Mycorrhizae A review of
    the importance of fungi from high-latitude
    forests of Alaska. Agroborealis 17(2)58-66.
  • McAvinchy, R.J.P. 1991. Winter herbivory by
    snowshoe hares and moose as a process affecting
    primary succession on an Alaskan floodplain.
    M.S. Thesis, Universiyt of Alaska, Fairbanks.
  • Sass, J.E. 1958. Botanical microtechnique, 3rd
    ed. Iowa State University Press, Ames.
  • Wolff, J.O. and Zasada, J.C. 1979. Moose
    habitat and forest succession on the Tanana River
    flood plain and Ykon-Tanana upland. Proc. N. Am.
    Moose Conf. Workshop 15213-244.
  • Van Cleve, K., Chapin, F.S. III, Dyrness, C.T.,
    Viereck, L.A. 1991. Element cycling in taiga
    forests state-factor control a framework for
    experimental studies of ecosystem processes.
    BioScience 4178-88.
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