The Godhead A Bible Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Godhead A Bible Study


and whom shall he make to understand doctrine23? ... and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Godhead A Bible Study

The GodheadA Bible Study
  • Isa 289 Whom shall he teach22 knowledge? and
    whom shall he make to understand doctrine23? them
    that are weaned24 from the milk, and drawn from
    the breasts.
  • Isa 2810 For precept25 must be26 upon precept,
    precept upon precept line upon line, line upon
    line here a little, and there a little
  • Isa 2811 For with27 stammering lips28 and
    another tongue will he speak to this people.

Head Dictionary definition
  • -head \-head\ (-hed), suffix. A variant of
    -hood. 1913 Webster
  • Head \Head\ (hed), n. OE. hed,. The word
    does not correspond regularly to L. caput head
    (cf. E. Chief, Cadet, Capital), and its
    origin is unknown.
  • The part of an animal, containing the brain.
  • The seat of the intellect the brain the
    understanding the mental faculties.

Godhead Dictionary definition
  • Godship deity divinity divine nature or
    essence godhood.
  • Referring to the Judeo-Christian God syn
    Lord, Creator, Maker, Divine, God
    Almighty, Almighty, Jehovah
  • The essential being or nature of God.
  • Divine nature or essence deity.

Godhead KJV occurances
  • Ac 1729 Strongs 2304 Forasmuch then as we are
    the offspring of God, we ought70 not to think
    that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or
    stone, graven71 by art and man's device.
  • Ro 120 Strongs 2305 For the71 invisible
    things of him from the72 creation of the world
    are clearly seen, being understood by the things
    that are made, even his73 eternal power and
    Godhead74 so that they are75 without76 excuse
  • Col 29 Strongs 2320 For in30 him dwelleth all
    the fulness of the Godhead bodily31.

Strong's Number 2304
  • Pronunciation theios thi'-osTotal Occurrences
    3KJV Word Usage divine (2) , Godhead (1) from
    2316 TDNT-3122,322 adjDefinition1) a
    general name of deities or divinities as used by
    the Greeks2) spoken of the only and true God2a)
    of Christ2b) Holy Spirit2c) the Father

Strong's Number 2305
  • Pronunciation theiotes thi-ot'-aceTotal
    Occurrences 1KJV Word Usage Godhead (1) from
    2304 TDNT-3123,322 n fDefinition1)
    divinity, divine nature

Strong's Number 2320
  • Pronunciation theotes theh-ot'-aceTotal
    Occurrences 1KJV Word Usage Godhead (1) from
    2316 TDNT-3119,322 n fDefinition1)
    deity1a) the state of being God, Godhead

Strong's Number 2316
  • Pronunciation theos theh'-os
  • Total Occurrences 1343KJV Word Usage God
    (1320) , god (13) , godly (3) , God-ward (2)
    4214 , misc (5) of uncertain affinity a deity,
    especially (with 3588 ) the supreme
    DivinityDefinition1) a god or goddess, a
    general name of deities or divinities2) the
    Godhead2a) God the Father2b) Christ2c) Holy
    Spirit3) spoken of the only and true God3a)
    refers to the things of God3b) his counsels,
    interests, things due to him4) whatever can in
    any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him
    in any way4a) God's representative or
    viceregent4a1) of magistrates and judges

Where else do these Greek words occur?
  • 2304
  • Ac 1729 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring
    of God, we ought70 not to think that the Godhead
    is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven71
    by art and man's device.
  • 2Pe 13 According as his11 divine power hath
    given unto us all12 things that pertain unto life
    and godliness, through13 the knowledge of him
    that hath called14 us to15 glory and virtue
  • 2Pe 14 Whereby are given16 unto us exceeding
    great and precious promises that by these ye
    might17 be partakers of the divine nature,
    having18 escaped the corruption that is in the
    world through lust.
  • 2305
  • Ro 120 For the71 invisible things of him from
    the72 creation of the world are clearly seen,
    being understood by the things that are made,
    even his73 eternal power and Godhead74 so that
    they are75 without76 excuse
  • 2320
  • Col 29For in30 him dwelleth all the fulness of
    the Godhead bodily31.

Godhead refers to the attributes of God.Just
what are these attributes?
  • Ac 1729 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring
    of God, we ought70 not to think that the Godhead
    is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven71
    by art and man's device.
  • This tells us that it is certainly not anything
    man made.

So who did make it?
  • Ex 314 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM
    and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the
    children of Israel, I AM hath30 sent me unto you.
  • Joh 858 Jesus said unto them, Verily117, verily,
    I say unto you, Before118 Abraham was, I am119.
  • Heb 138 20Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and
    to day, and for ever.
  • Re 18 I am Alpha28 and Omega, the beginning and
    the ending, saith the Lord, which is29, and which
    was, and which is to come, the Almighty30.
  • Re 48 And the four beasts had each of them
    six28 wings about him and they were full29 of
    eyes within and they30 rest not31 day and night,
    saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty32,
    which33 was, and is, and is to come.

How do we know?
  • Ro 118 For the wrath65 of God is revealed from
    heaven against all ungodliness66 and
    unrighteousness67 of men, who hold68 the truth in
  • Ro 119 Because that which69 may be known of
    God is manifest in them70 for God hath shewed it
    unto them.
  • Ro 120 For the71 invisible things of him from
    the72 creation of the world are clearly seen,
    being understood by the things that are made,
    even his73 eternal power and Godhead74 so that
    they are75 without76 excuse

God created man in Gods own image.
  • Ge 126 And God said, Let us45 make man46 in
    our47 image, after our likeness and let them
    have dominion48 over the fish of the sea, and
    over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
    and over all the earth, and over every creeping
    thing that creepeth upon the earth.
  • Ge 127 So God created man in his own image, in
    the image49 of God created he him male50 and
    female created he them.

This is what is meant by
  • Ro 120 For the71 invisible things of him from
    the72 creation of the world are clearly seen,
    being understood by the things that are made,
    even his73 eternal power and Godhead74 so that
    they are75 without76 excuse

God is a personal God
  • Isa 455 I am the LORD15, and there is none
    else, there is no God beside me I girded thee,16
    though thou hast not known me
  • Joh 110 He was in16 the world, and the world
    was17 made by him, and the world knew18 him not.

He is our saviour
  • Isa 433 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One8
    of Israel, thy Saviour I gave9 Egypt for thy
    ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
  • Isa 4311 29I, even I, am the LORD and beside me
    there is no saviour.
  • Ho 134 Yet I am11 the LORD thy God from the land
    of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me
    for12 there is no saviour beside me.
  • Lu 211 For unto24 you is born this day in25 the
    city of David a Saviour, which26 is Christ the

The Prophet Isiaah said
  • Isa 714 Therefore the Lord himself shall give
    you a sign Behold,35 a virgin shall conceive,
    and bear a son, and shall call36 his name

And this is the fulfillment of it
  • M't 120 But while63 he thought on these
    things, behold, the angel64 of the Lord appeared
    unto him in65 a dream, saying, Joseph66, thou son
    of David, fear not67 to take unto thee Mary thy
    wife for that68 which is conceived69 in her is
    of the Holy Ghost.
  • M't 121 And she70 shall bring forth a son, and
    thou71 shalt call his name JESUS72 for he shall
    save his people from their sins.

God with us!
  • M't 122 Now all this was done, that73 it might
    be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the
    prophet, saying,
  • M't 123 Behold, a virgin74 shall be with child,
    and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call
    his name75 Emmanuel, which being interpreted is,
    God with us.
  • M't 124 Then Joseph being raised from sleep
    did77 as the angel of the Lord had bidden him,
    and took unto him his wife
  • M't 125 And knew her not till she78 had brought
    forth her firstborn son and he79 called his name

The Word was made flesh
  • Joh 114 And the Word29 was made flesh, and dwelt
    among us, (and we30 beheld his glory, the glory
    as of the only31 begotten of the Father,) full32
    of grace and truth.

Word is the Greek Logos
  • 1a) a word, uttered by a living voice, embodies a
    conception or idea
  • 1b2) the sayings of God
  • 1b4) of the moral precepts given by God
  • 2) its use as respect to the MIND alone
  • 2a) reason, the mental faculty of thinking,
    meditating, reasoning, calculating

He is our bridegroomand we are His bride
  • Isa 6110 I will greatly27 rejoice in the LORD,
    my soul shall be joyful in my God for28 he hath
    clothed me with the garments of salvation, he
    hath covered me with the robe of righteousness,
    as a29 bridegroom decketh himself30 with
    ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with
    her31 jewels.
  • Re 219 And there came unto me one of the seven
    angels which35 had the seven vials full of the
    seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying,
    Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the
    Lamb's36 wife.

There is none like Him
  • Isa 455 I am the LORD15, and there is none
    else, there is no God beside me I girded thee,16
    though thou hast not known me
  • Isa 456 17That they may know from the rising of
    the sun, and from the west, that there is none
    beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
  • Isa 457 I form18 the light, and create
    darkness19 I make peace20, and create evil I
    the LORD do all these things.

There is only one Lord
  • De 64 Hear, O Israel The LORD our God is one
  • Eph 45 One Lord11, one faith12, one baptism13,
  • 1Co 86 But to us there is but one God11, the
    Father, of whom12 are all things, and we13 in
    him14 and one15 Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are
    all things, and we by16 him.
  • M'r 1229 And Jesus answered him, The first of
    all the commandments is, Hear55, O Israel The
    Lord our God is one Lord
  • Zec 149 And the LORD26 shall be king over all
    the earth in that day shall there be one LORD27,
    and28 his name one.

There is only one God
  • Ro 330 74Seeing it is one God, which shall
    justify the circumcision by faith, and
    uncircumcision through faith.
  • Eph 46 One God14 and Father of all, who15 is
    above all, and through all, and in16 you all.
  • 1Ti 25 For there is one God15, and16 one
    mediator between God and men, the man17 Christ
  • Jas 219 48Thou believest that there is one God
    thou doest49 well the50 devils also believe, and
  • Mal 210 Have we not all26 one father? hath27
    not one God created us? why28 do we deal
    treacherously every man against his brother, by29
    profaning the covenant of our fathers?
  • M'r 1232 And the scribe said unto him, Well,
    Master, thou hast said the truth for57 there is
    one God and there is none other but he

  • Col 29 For in30 him dwelleth all the fulness of
    the Godhead bodily31.

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