Title: Strategic Negotiation and Power
1Strategic Negotiation and Power
Professor Joe Magee US Conference of Mayors,
Executive Staff Institute, 2006
2Todays Agenda
- Introduction to Negotiation
- EXERCISE Acme-Pinnacle Negotiation
- Key Power Negotiation Concepts Strategies
3Introduction to Negotiation and Conflict
- Why are conflict management and negotiation
skills so important today? - High job mobility
- Workforce diversity
- Rapidly expanding collaboration across sectors
- Managers spend 20 of their time managing
4Rules to Remember for the Exercise
- You may not show your role materials to your
counterpart at any time, even after you are
finished - You can tell your counterpart anything you want,
but - Follow your role instructions
- You cannot change the facts of the case
- You cannot invent new facts
- Negotiation Preparation Time 20 minutes
- Negotiation Time 30 minutes
- Return to Class with outcomes
- Complete contract
- Return materials to Prof. Magee immediately after
- What is negotiation?
- Negotiation is a decision-making process by which
two or more people agree how to allocate scarce
resources - Debate
- Convince another party of the validity of your
position or interest - Give information away to another party
- Negotiation
- Determine how to satisfy their needs
- Get what you want
- Take information from another party
7Types of Negotiation Issues
- Compatible
- Both parties want the same thing
- Distributive
- Competitive
- Zero-sum parties interests are directly opposed
- Integrative
- Cooperative
- Jointly maximize individual and collective gain
8Compatible Issue Regional Wetland Recovery
1 -100,000 2 -250,000 3 -400,000 4
-650,000 5 -800,000
1 -100,000 2 -250,000 3 -400,000 4
-650,000 5 -800,000
9Distributive Issue Public Landfill
Plymouth Park -1,000,000 Northville Hills
-800,000 River County
-600,000 Highland Grove -400,000 Southwest
Valley -200,000
Plymouth Park -200,000 Northville Hills
-400,000 River County
-600,000 Highland Grove -800,000 Southwest
Valley -1,000,000
10Integrative Issues
Commercial Landfill
-1,000,000 -800,000 -600,000 -400,000 -200,000
Adams Gulch -400,000 Burnt Mt
-800,000 County Line
-1,200,000 Dark Hollow -1,600,000 East Branch
Waste Water Mgmt
River Parks
Charcoal Unit -150,000 Secondary Treatment
-300,000 Primary Treatment
-450,000 Tri-halomethane
-750,000 Pretreatment Facility -900,000
-1,500,000 -1,200,000 -900,000 -600,000 -300,000
Fish Creek -50,000 Grouse Rapids -100,000 Henry'
s Ford -150,000 Icy Gorge -250,000 Juniper
Bend -300,000
-500,000 -400,000 -300,000 -200,000 -100,000
11Integrative Possibilities
- Multiple issues
- Multiple alternatives
- Differing interests
12Mid-Point Approach
- Acme Pinnacle Joint
- Commercial Landfill -1200 -600
- Public Landfill -600 -600
- Waste Water Mgmt. -450 -900
- River Park Recl. -150 -300
- Wetland Recovery -400 -450
- Total -2800 -2850 -5650
13The Pareto Efficient Frontier
- An agreement is defined as pareto efficient when
there is no other agreement that would make any
party better off without decreasing the outcomes
to any other party. - With any pareto inefficient agreement, there
exists an alternative that would benefit at least
one party without injuring the other party.
14An Example of a Pareto-Optimal Solution
- Acme Pinnacle Joint
- Commercial Landfill -400 -1000
- Public Landfill -600 -600
- Waste Water Mgmt. -900 -300
- River Park Recl. -300 -100
- Wetland Recovery -100 -100
- Total -2300 -2100 -4400
15Another Example of a Pareto-Optimal Solution
- Acme Pinnacle Joint
- Commercial Landfill -400 -1000
- Public Landfill -800 -400
- Waste Water Mgmt. -900 -300
- River Park Recl. -300 -100
- Wetland Recovery -100 -100
- Total -2500 -1900 -4400
- Static Power derived from personal
characteristics - Expert, Charisma, Position (Authority)
- Dynamic Power derived from your position in an
exchange network - Reward, Coercive
- A has power over B when B depends on A (i.e.,
when B cannot get a resource elsewhere). - A and B have equivalent power over each other
when they are interdependent (i.e., when each
controls resources valued by the other).
17Power in Negotiation
- Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
- The greatest source of power in negotiations
- Power increases tendency to make first offer
- People make estimates by starting from an initial
anchor value (e.g., first offer) and adjusting
from there to yield a final answer. - And they rarely make sufficient adjustments.
- Final agreements are more strongly influenced by
initial offers than by concessions. - Initial offers provide an anchor.
- Re-anchor!!
- Magee, Galinsky, Gruenfeld, 2006
18Homework for Negotiating with Power
- What type of bargaining situation are you in
- Debate, Distributive, Integrative
- Understand power dynamics
- Know your BATNA
- Estimate your opponent's BATNA