Title: Kathy Patterson
1Stronger Together The Federal Landscape
2009 Water Cooler Discussion Sacramento,
California January 30, 2009
Kathy Patterson Senior Officer for Government
Relations Pew Center on the States
2- Pew Center on the States
- Pre-K Now has joined the Pew Center on the States
as part of Pews continuing campaign to show the
proven benefits of early investment in children. - The Pew Center on the States houses multiple
initiatives promoting investments in young
children and their families that provide a proven
return on investment. - Including
- Partnership for Americas Economic Success, a
project created by a unique alliance of business
leaders, economists, advocates, and a dozen
funders to document the economic impacts to the
nation of investing in children from before birth
to age 5 - A childrens dental health initiative that works
to increase access to dental care for low-income
children - A campaign to increase access to home-visiting
programs for disadvantaged families.
3- Pre-K Now
- Pre-K Now, a campaign of the Pew Center on the
States, collaborates with advocates and
policymakers to advance high-quality, voluntary
pre-kindergarten for all 3- and 4-year-olds. - Since 2001, Pew has committed more than 83
million to advance a state-led movement for
high-quality pre-kindergarten for all 3- and
4-year-olds. - Pre-K Now was launched in 2002 with Pew funding
as part of a broader early education initiative. - Our vision is a nation where every child enters
kindergarten prepared to succeed.
4The Pre-K Movement
- In 2007, the Wall Street Journal described the
- pre-kindergarten movement as one of the most
significant expansions in public education in the
90 years since World War I, when kindergarten
first became standard in American schools.
5Pre-K Around the Country
- Total state appropriations for pre-k increased
from 3.6 billion in FY06 to 5.2 billion in
FY09, or about 45. - Nationwide, enrollment in state pre-k increased
from about 943,000 in FY06 to more than 1.16
million in FY09, or about 23. - The South continues to outpace all
- other regions of the country
- 12 states still lack a state pre-k program, 7
of them have no investment in pre-k or Head Start
6Growth of state support for pre-k nationwide
7Importance of Pre-K to Voters Hart Research
8Support for Pre-K Findings by Hart Research
Majority Says Federal Government Doing Too Little
on Pre-K Overall, do you think that the federal
government is doing too much, about the right
amount, or too little to make sure that all
parents have access to affordable
pre-kindergarten programs for their young
9Support for Pre-K Findings by Hart Research
Strong Support for Proposed Federal Pre-K
Incentive Grants Would you favor or oppose the
federal government adding funding to what state
and local governments already put into
pre-kindergarten programs?
When told that the proposal would cost an
estimated average of forty-five dollars per
taxpayer, more than 60 of the respondents still
favored the proposal.
10What can federal government do to support the
goal of pre-k for all 3 and 4-year-olds?
- Incentive funding for quality A new federal
grant specifically to support quality elements of
state pre-kindergarten programs - Programs and funding to help grow the early
education workforce of teachers with BA degrees
and training in early childhood development
- Fund up to the authorized levels the existing
programs that partner with and thereby support
state pre-k including Head Start and Early Head
Start, Child Care, Title I, IDEA. - Executive branch leadership to bridge the
stovepipes of current federal programs such
as a White House czar for early education
11What can the federal government do in the
middle of a severe recession?
- State fiscal relief to alleviate pressure on
pre-k funding - Funding for workforce preparation
- Directed funding for state/local early education
12Where are we today Washington DC, January 30,
- Economic Recovery Package with significant
support for early education - New Administration including new President and
new Education Secretary with strong commitment to
early education
13Economic Recovery Legislation Early Childhood
- House and Senate packages include
- 2.1 B for Head Start (Specifically 1.1B for
Early Head Start) - 2B for CCDBG
- ESEA Title I funds (13B in House 11B in
Senate of which 15 is required to be spent to
support preschool) - School Modernization and Repair Program (14B
in House 16B in Senate) - 13B for Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA) - 100M for Teacher Quality Partnership Grants
14- From the White House Presidents Education Agenda
- Zero to Five Plan
- Emphasize early care and education for infants
- Establish Early Learning Challenge Grants to
promote state Zero to Five efforts and help
states move toward voluntary, universal
pre-school. - Early Head Start and Head Start
- Quadruple Early Head Start
- Increase Head Start funding
- Improve quality for both.
- Affordable, High-Quality Child Care
- Increase access to affordable and high-quality
child care to ease the burden on working
15- From the Campaign Trail Plans and Promises
- Invest 10 billion to
- Create Early Learning Challenge Grants
promoting Zero to Five efforts (a potential
funding stream for pre-k) - Quadruple the number eligible for Early Head
Start - Increase Head Start quality
- Create Presidential Early Learning Council to
promote coordination across federal agencies. - Allocate 250 million for Head Start regional
training centers - Work to ensure high-quality, voluntarypre-k for
16- From the Campaign Trail Plans and Promises
- Adequately fund the Child Care Development Block
Grant (CCDBG) every year - Double the resources for child care quality
within CCDBG - Expand home visiting to a half-million more
low-income mothers - Create and use Presidents Early Learning Council
to coordinate more public-private partnerships
for early learning - No legislative details of the plan are yet
available, but support on Capitol Hill is evident
17- Bills introduced
- S 206 Early Education Act (Boxer, CA) funding
stream for state pre-k for 4-year-olds. - HR 702 PRE-K Act (Hirono, HI) incentive grants
to states to improve quality of pre-k. - HR 555 (Kucinic, OH) universal pre-k.
- S 7 (Reid, NV) Education Opportunity Act of
2009 Signals education reform priorities - In the works
- Re-introduction of other pre-k bills
- CCDBG reauthorization
- Appropriations
- Reform and reauthorization of NCLB?
- A legislative version of the Presidents plan?
111th Congress Gearing Up for Action
18Coming Budget and Appropriations
- Congress acts on FY09 Omnibus Appropriations Bill
- President submits FY10 budget
- Congress acts on FY10 budget
- Issues funding for key early education
priorities CCDBG, Head Start, Title I, IDEA
19Other Legislation
- Workforce Investment Act
- ESEA/No Child Left Behind
- IDEA Reauthorization
- Education Begins at Home Act
20Regulatory Changes Removing Barriers to
- Braiding/Blending funds what would make it
easier for you? - What can be done to help you serve more children
in better programs ? - What barriers to coordination exist and how can
they be removed in a way that benefits children
the most?
21 Early learning councils required by Head Start
Reauthorization and timely now with new infusion
of economic recovery funds Challenge Using the
Early Learning Council as a true coordinating
body where all early education stakeholders have
a voice Leadership on the local and state level
is critical to ensure that coordination and
collaboration happen there are plenty of kids
that need to be served.
Coordination Building a Cohesive System
22Challenges at the state and local level
- ASAP Developing a state plan for allocating new
funds from the economic recovery package - Effectively spending new funds to promote
recovery AND build for the future continuing
federal investments in early education
23Contact Â
- Kathy Patterson
- Senior Officer,
- Government Relations
- Pew Center on the States
- 901 E Street, NW
- 8th Floor
- Washington, DC 20004
- kpatterson_at_pewtrusts.org