Title: Audio, audio everywhere
1Audio, audio everywhere and not a drop of ink how
disruptive is educational podcasting to
post-compulsory education?
Andrew Middleton
2look ahead 5 years debate a vision for an
audio-enhanced curriculum
3first... set the scene experience from a
Broadcast Journalism 1st year module audio has
been used in diverse ways
4- me and my role
- an educational developer leading creative
development, central academic innovation team - audio everywhere..!
- Student Audio Notes project - promoting learner
autonomy - 100 Things Every Student Should Know... -
promoting podcasting by open invite - Creativity in Action course - exploring and
promoting creativity amongst students and staff
as co-learners - createTV - a platform for digital media student
work - my own podcast
5- me and my role
- a teacher on new Making Media module
- situating Journalism in an age of disruptive
6audio everywhere
- Tutor voices
- Module expectations
- Lecture summaries
- Sharing student FAQs
- Announcements
- About assessment criteria
Educational podcasting
see also Libby Rothwell "Podcasting and
collaborative learning" Ch 12, IMPALA book
7Pervasive audio supporting
- media intervention
- orientation
- motivation
- challenge
- immediate and formative
- cross pollination and validation across seminar
groups - collective responsibility
- promoting student self-efficacy
89 critical characteristics of authentic learning
- Provide an authentic context that reflects the
way the knowledge will be used in real life - Authentic activities
- Access to expert performances and the modelling
of processes - Multiple roles and perspectives
- Collaborative construction of knowledge
- Reflection
- Articulation
- Coaching and scaffolding
- Authentic assessment
- (Herrington, J., Oliver, R. (2000) An
instructional design framework for authentic
learning environments. Educational Technology
Research and Development, 48, 23-48)
- "Thought undergoes many changes as it turns into
speech. It does not merely find expression in
speech it finds reality and form." - Vygotsky, L. and Kozulin, A. (1992) Thought and
Language. 6th Edition. MIT Press, p.219
10Break Out!
- Groups of 3-5 people
- Discuss the 5 points (3 minutes each point)
- Score each point and agree on a comment
- (20 minutes)
11Vote on the motion
- We believe that digital audio's potential to
further and higher education is as a - ubiquitous and flexible medium that can be
adapted by any academic to enrich the learner