The Age of Imperialism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Age of Imperialism


Controls Congo for 20 years, stripping the region of rubber, elephant herds, enslaving people ... Indian soldiers rebel against British commanders for economic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Age of Imperialism

The Age of Imperialism
  • Chapter 16

Pressures for Expansion
  • The desire for building an empire, the search for
    raw materials, and the need to civilize the
    rest of the world through religion were reasons
    for Imperialism.
  • Imperialism is one countrys domination of the
    political, economic, and social life of another

Political Rivalries
  • In the mid 1800s, European countries see
    themselves as actors on a world stage, all
    fighting for a starring role.
  • If one major European power started a small
    colony, every power would follow suit
  • As more and more colonies were established,
    boarders disputes led to conflict among European
    countries in Asia and Africa

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Desire for New Markets
  • Industrial Revolution produces a greater need for
    raw materials
  • Rubber, copper, and gold came from Africa
  • Cotton came from India
  • Tin from Southeast Asia
  • Colonies provide a new market for finished
  • Tools, weapons, and clothing were sold back to
    the markets that provided the raw materials
  • Extractive economics

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Seeking New Opportunities
  • Colonies needed people loyal to the imperialist
  • Imperialist citizens left for the colonies in
    search for a better life
  • Thousands of French citizens left for Algeria
  • British citizens leave for Australia and New
    Zealand for gold in the 1850s

Civilizing Mission
  • Religious Humanitarians leave secure lives for
    distant colonies in order to spread western
    culture, technology, and religion to those lands
    not exposed to them
  • Missionaries believed Africans needed to reject
    their religion and accept Christianity
  • Based on Social Darwinism
  • Rudyard Kiplings White Mans Burden

Forms of Imperialism
  • Colony
  • An imperial power rules directly through colonial
  • Protectorate
  • Had own government, but policies were guided by
    foreign power
  • Sphere of Influence
  • Imperial power has exclusive investment or trade

Division of Africa
  • Africa was full of rich minerals and resources
    and lacked stable leadership
  • Europe scrambles for Africa between 1880 and 1914
  • King Leopold II of Belgium
  • This magnificent African Cake

North Africa
  • Most of North Africa consists of the Largest
    Desert in the World, Sahara
  • A Thin strip of land north of the Sahara on the
    Mediterranean coast possessed great resources and
  • This set off multiple European countries to
    Northern African territories
  • Algiers, Egypt, Libya, Tripoli, Tunisia

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North Africa
  • France to North Africa
  • 1830, King Charles X ordered an invasion of
    Algiers in order to colonize
  • Abd al-Qadir leads a stiff resistance of
  • 10 years later and 100,000 French troops
    involved, France defeats Algiers
  • Later seize neighbor countries Tunis in 1881 and
    Morocco in 1904
  • 1 million French settle in North Africa during
    this time

North Africa
  • Britain and Egypt
  • Muhammad Ali makes Egypt a power in the eastern
  • Ali modernizes country with taxes and industry
    and irrigation projects
  • 1875, Great Britain gains control of canal when
    Egypt sells in order to pay off debts
  • This leads to a growth of British influence
  • 1882, British forces put down Egyptian revolt,
    becomes protectorate

North Africa
  • Italy Seizes Libya (Tripoli)
  • Libya had no economic value, but still wanted by
  • Italy was last country to enter the race, grabbed
    nearest nation, eager to start an empire
  • Italy declares war on the Ottoman Empire in 1911,
    which ruled Tripoli
  • Italy wins easy, took Tripoli as a colony,
    renamed Libya
  • Libya was the last North African country

West Africa
West Africa
  • 1500s through 1600s, European countries traded
    along the West Coast of Africa
  • Slave trade along with salt, gold, iron
  • 1800s, European nations declare the slave trade
  • West African states grow trade of natural
  • European move to take over West Africa and trade

West Africa
  • Challenges to moving inland
  • Deadly terrain and diseases
  • Growth of Steamships for river transportation
    make this easier
  • By 1900, European powers, Great Britain and
    France controlled most of West Africa
  • Liberia remained independent due to strong ties
    with the United States

Central Africa
  • Belgian king, Leopold II, claims the Congo region
    as his own private plantation
  • Controls Congo for 20 years, stripping the region
    of rubber, elephant herds, enslaving people
  • 1908, agrees to return the region for a large
    loan due to World pressure

East Africa
  • British, Germans, Italians claim East Africa
  • Ethiopia is the only country to remain
  • Ethiopian Emperor, Menelik II, crushed invading
    Italy in the battle of Adowa
  • Ethiopia and Liberia were the only two African
    countries to escape Imeperialism

Southern Africa
  • 1652, Dutch settlers came to South Africa and
    established the Port of Cape Town
  • Afrikaners (Boers) rule this area for 150 years
  • British rule of the Cape Colony leads to growing
    tension between Boers and British
  • Anglo-Boer War in 1899
  • Conflict over gold in diamonds in Transvaal
  • 3 years of war, British victory
  • Resulted in the British unification of what was
    renamed Union of South Africa

Union of South Africa
  • British Constitution made it impossible for non
    whites to vote
  • United Afrikaners and British
  • Racial tensions in South Africa would be a major
    issue for years to come

Effects of African Imperialsim
  • Imperialist became very wealthy extracting
    natural resources in the territories
  • Little money is given to the natives or back into
    the land
  • Local culture is stripped

The Division of Asia
  • The British in India
  • British involvement in India dates back to the
  • 1600, East India Trading Company opens
  • Sets up trading posts and forts all throughout
  • Britain expands their influence through wars and
    commercial activity

  • Britain and India
  • The Sepoy Rebellion
  • Indian soldiers rebel against British commanders
    for economic reasons and Christianity
  • British men, women, and children killed
    throughout India
  • Britain puts down rebellion, bitterness left on
    both sides
  • 1858, East India Trading Company ends, Viceroy
    sent to rule India

  • China Faces the West
  • 1890s, European Powers and Japan create Spheres
    of Influence in China
  • Create Open Door Policy
  • Opium War gives Britain Hong Kong
  • Boxer Rebellion
  • Put down with help of Foreign powers, increases
    foreign influence
  • 1912, Qing Dynasty replaced with a Republic

  • Japan modernizes
  • 1853, American Matthew Perry influences trade
    with Japan
  • Japan signs treaties with Britain, France,
    Holland, Russia, and the USA (unequal treaties)
  • Japan overthrows Shogun leaders, Samurai declare
    loyalty to new emperor, Mutsuhito
  • Military strengthens
  • Nation transforms into an industrial society
  • Modern Japan takes Korea, Russo Japanese War

Asia (Southeast)
  • Islands of Southeast Asia had attracted
    foreigners for centuries
  • 1800s, Dutch controlled East Indies
  • Spain controlled the Philippines
  • Philippines revolts against Spain in 1896,
    receive American support during Spanish/American
  • USA broke promise to free Philippines, became a

Asia (Southeast)
  • Great Britain and France control Mainland
    Southeast Asia
  • Britain controlled Burma
  • France claims Indochina
  • Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos

Imperialism in the Americas
  • The Monroe Doctrine
  • 1823 warns Europe not to interfere in countries
    in the western hemisphere
  • Spanish American War
  • Fight over Cuba
  • Maine explodes
  • US gets Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines
  • Teddy Roosevelt extends US power in Latin America
  • Panama Canal

Group Questions
  • How did science, industry, and technology aid the
    growth of imperialism
  • Contrast the ways in which the age of Imperialism
    contributed to the growth of unity in the world
    with the ways in which in contributed to disunity.
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