Title: Tech Bite:
1Tech Bite Multicast imaging with ENGL Zim
- Introduction
- img multicast options
- manual multicasting
- automatic multicasting with Zim
- Scenario
- Global Lizard International
- Summary
- Level
- Intermediate
- Duration
- 30 minutes
- Assumptions
- An understanding of ENGL build process
5img multicast options
6Understanding Multicasting
- To multicast an image is to take an image of one
workstation (the master), immediately send it
over the network to multiple other workstations
(the participants), and put it down
simultaneously on those workstations. - You can specify a workstation as the session
master, or you can specify an image file that you
have previously saved and customized.
7Understanding Multicasting
- If the session master is a workstation, a base
image is taken of all partitions on the hard
disks and other storage devices (such as Jaz
drives) of that workstation. - Before the image is put down on the participating
workstations, all existing partitions are removed
from the hard disks and writable storage devices
of those workstations.
8Manual multicasting
9Manual Multicasting
- Once all machines are ready
- At the bash prompt type
- img session name session_type
- Note
- name is any string that uniquely identifies this
multicast session from other multicast sessions
that might be in progress on the network. - use the same session name on each of the
participating workstations in this multicast
session. - session_type is the role that the machine will
take in the multicast session. Enter either
Master or Client
10Manual Multicasting
- Once all machines are ready and connected to the
Master - click Start Session - The multicast session should start.
11Advanced Multicasting using Zim
12Advanced Multicasting using Zim
- Zim can help automate the img multicast options
- Configure the Master machine prior to imaging
- Configure the session name based on DMI
information - Name the target workstations (information is
stored in ZISD) - Multicast universal image to different hardware
types then unicast the appropriate drivers
image from the server - Remote machine multicasting using ZENworks image
script object
14ScenarioGlobal Lizard International
- Global Lizard International is a large company
with sites in several countries. - They use the ENGL Imaging Toolkit to manage their
Windows XP Build Process.
15ScenarioGlobal Lizard International
- Customer requirement
- Standard image file set across all sites
- Standard TFTP environment across all sites
- Image large numbers of machines at a time.
- Use Zim to automate multicast sessions
- Zim will read/write the computer name to ZISD
- Zim will configure the Master machine prior to
- The Master machine will have the following images
restored - Winxp-postsp
- Hotfixes
- Novcli
- Ztoolkit
- Once the Multicast session has completed all
workstations will contact the imaging server for
the appropriate drivers image.
Automating Multicasting Using Zim Setup Master
Machine Start Multicast Master Session Start
Multicast Client Sessions Launch Multicast
session Restore drivers image
ZENworks Imaging Server
Drivers Images
Winxp-postsp.zmg Hotfixes.zmg Novcli.zmg Ztoolkit.
Drivers Image
Multicast Master Workstation
img session swd master
Multicast Client Workstations
img session swd
20Configuring Zim
21ENGL ZimZim form
- To set up the multicast session we need to know
the following information - Session Type? Master or Client?
- Session name?
- What are we going to do with drivers?
- The best way to do this is to use a Zim Form
22ENGL Zimmenu
- Create a new menu in your zim.cfg file
------ Menu Definitions ----------------------
-------------------------------- Main
Menu MenuStart,mnu_main,"Main
Menu","blue" MenuSubmenu,mnu_restore,"Restore
Menu","" MenuSubmenu,mnu_maint,"Maintenance
Menu","" MenuSubmenu,mnu_multi,"Multicast
Menu","" MenuSeparator MenuItem,logout,"Logout"
23ENGL Zimmulticast form
Restore Menu MenuStart,mnu_restore,"Restore
Menu","blue" MenuItem,restore_ztoolkit_begin,
"ENGL Ztoolkit Build" MenuSeparator MenuItem,_to
p,"Return to Main Menu" Maintenance
Menu MenuStart,mnu_maint,"Maintenance
Menu","red" MenuItem,maint_clear_zisd,"Clear
ZENworks Image-safe Data" MenuItem,maint_view_zis
d,"View ZENworks Image-safe Data" MenuItem,maint_
view_inv,"View ZENworks inventory" MenuItem,maint
_view_disk,"View ZENworks disk geometry
partitions" MenuItem,maint_run_img,"Run ZENworks
imaging engine (img)" MenuItem,theend,"Exit to
prompt" MenuSeparator MenuItem,_top,"Return to
Main Menu" Multicast Menu MenuStart,mnu_multi
,"Multicast Menu","green" MenuItem,multicast,"Mul
ticast Options - Drivers","","Drivers" MenuItem,m
ulticast,"Multicast Options - No Drivers","","No
Drivers" MenuSeparator
24ENGL Zimmulticast form
- Set up the multicast item.
- This will read the _itemparams from the menu
Multicast ---------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- labelmu
lticast Set Driver option based on
_itemparams variable IfVar,_itemparams,EQ,"Driv
ers" SetMcast_Drivers,"Yes"
SetMcast_session_default,drivers_image Else
SetMcast_Drivers,"No" SetMcast_session_default
,engl End
25ENGL Zimmulticast form
- Configure a form to ask our questions
FormStart,"Multicast","Select Multicast
options","_NextCancel_Next",blue FormItem,"Item1
",Label,"Select Multicast Option" FormItem,"Item
2",Radiobuttons,"Client","Master,Client" FormItem
,"Item3",Label,"Session Name" FormItem,"Item4",E
ditBox,"Mcast_session_default" FormItem,"Item5"
,Label,"Computer Name" FormItem,"Item6",EditBox,
"ZISD_COMPUTERNAME" FormItem,"Item7",Label,
"Auto Restart after imaging" FormItem,"Item8",Ra
diobuttons,"Yes","Yes,No" FormItem,"Item9",Static
Text,"Continue?" Display form FormDisplay,"Mult
icast" IfVar,_Form,eq,"_Cancel"
MenuReturn End setmcast_type,_Multicast_item2
setmcast_session_name,_Multicast_item4 setmc
ast_computer_name,_Multicast_item6 setmcast_aut
orestart,_Multicast_item8 IfVar,_Form,eq,"_Nex
t" IfVar,_Multicast_item2,eq,Master
GotoMulticast_Master Else
GotoMulticast_Client End End
26ENGL Zimmulticast form
- If we have selected Master we need to ask some
additional questions
LabelMulticast_Master FormStart,"Multicast_Mast
er","Multicast Master","_BackNextCancel_Next",Blu
e FormItem,"Item1",Label,"Clients to wait for
(i.e. 30)" FormItem,"Item2",EditBox,"30" FormIte
m,"Item3",Label,"Time to wait for Clients to
connect (i.e. 30min)" FormItem,"Item4",EditBox,"3
0 Display form FormDisplay,"Multicast_Master"
IfVar,_Form,eq,"_Cancel" MenuReturn End If
var,_Form,eq,"_Back" GotoMulticast End Setmc
ast_master_clients,_Multicast_Master_Item2 Setm
27ENGL Zimmulticast form
Need to set up the machine to be imaged
DialogPopup,"configuring multicast session
hardware_image, using dmi restore
info,please wait...",green Pause1
FileRun,"img rp PROXYADDR //PROXYADDR/images
FileRun,"img rp PROXYADDR //PROXYADDR/images
FileRun,"img rp PROXYADDR //PROXYADDR/images
FileRun,"img rp PROXYADDR //PROXYADDR/images
IfVar,Mcast_Drivers,eq,"Yes" FileRun,"img
rp PROXYADDR //PROXYADDR/images_path/driver
s_image",verbose End Pause1
28ENGL Zimmulticast form
Now run the Multicast Master session
FileRun,"img session mcast_session_name master
clientmcast_master_clients timemcast_master_t
ime",verbose labelMulticast_Client
IfVar,mcast_type,eq,"Client" Session is a
multicast client SetSession_Type,"Multi-Client"
FileRun,"img session mcast_session_name
client",verbose End Now restore the drivers
add-on image if appropriate IfVar,Mcast_Drivers,
eq,"No" FileRun,"img rp PROXYADDR
",verbose End Update ZISD Zisdclear ZisdPu
t,Netbiosname,"mcast_computer_name" Zisdwrite
Gotoreboot End MenuReturn
- ENGL Zim can extend multicasting using ZENworks
imaging. - Drivers can be delivered as part of the multicast
session or after depending on the hardware. - This can be automated in imaging scripts for
remote re-imaging of a large group of machines.