Title: Wakefields in Collimators
1Wakefields in Collimators
- Roger Barlow
- Adriana Bungau
- Adina Toader
2What were doing
- Collimator wakefields
- Wakefields in Merlin
- Geometric and resistive wakes
- BDS studies
- Wakefields in Placet
3ILC collimators
4Why these are different
- Collimators are not dominated by resonance
structures - Short range (intra bunch) wakefields matter, long
range (inter bunch) dont - High order modes may be important
5Points to note
- Cant just consider dipole mode
- Cant assume ???
- Axial wakes matter as well as radial ones
- Bunches are not Gaussian
- Luminosity is lost by emittance growth and jitter
6Basic Formalism
- Single particle wake
- wx??mmWm(s)rm rm-1
- cos(m-1)?cosm?sin(m-1)?sinm?
- wy??mmWm(s)rm rm-1
- -sin(m-1)?cosm?cos(m-1)?sinm?
- Slice wake
- wx??mWm(s) rm-1 Cmcos(m-1)?Smsin(m-1)?
- wy??mWm(s)rm-1 Smcos(m-1)?-Cmsin(m-1)?
- where
- Cm ?rm cos(m?) Sm ?rm sin(m?)
7Whats all that for
- Wake due to slice is sum of terms like Cm Wm(s)
rm-1 cos(m-1)?
Mnumber of modes considered
Particle by particle wake calculations are
possible (avoid Gaussian assumption)
- First find Cm, Sm for all slices
- All done in three for loops
- foreach (particle)
- foreach(mode)
- foreach(slice)
- Framework adaptable
- Consider Wx and Wy, not just WT
- Done by defining new classes inheriting from
(almost) standard Merlin - SpoilerWakeFieldProcessWakefieldProcess
- SpoilerWakePotentialsWakepotentials
- SpoilerWakeFieldProcess does the sums
- SpoilerWakePotentials is pure virtual functions
Wtrans(s,m), Wlong(s,m)
10Geometric wakes
- TaperedCollimatorSpoilerWakePotentials
- Raimondi formula for geometric wake
- Wm(s)2(1/a2m-1/b2m)e-ms/a
- Simple setup
- Increasing offset
- More modes
- Note distortion
12Resistive wakes
- Different Wtrans, Wlong
- Work in progress (AB)
13Application to BDS
- Studies done (AB) showing small emittance growth
for reasonable offsets - Large emittance growth for unreasonable offsets
14Other apertures
- Can use numerical simulations (Echo2D, GdfidL)
to compute bunch wakes - Split into angular modes (automatic for Echo2D,
needs work for GdfidL) - Extract delta wakes using Fourier deconvolution
15Bunch to Delta wakes
16Contrast Raimondi formula
17Where next
- Still some problems with FT artefacts that need
to be sorted - Can then use these values in interpolation table
for Merlin etc
18Runs at SLAC ESA
- Data on several collimators
- Analysed at Manchester
19Collim. Side view Beam view Revised 27-Nov-2006
6 a166mrad r1.4mm (1/2 gap)
10 a166mrad r 1.4mm
11 a166mrad r 1.4mm
12 a166mrad r1.4mm
Exists, from 2006 runs. For reproducibility
Runs 3, 2007
Roughened surface, compare with 12
As 10, in Ti-6Al-4V, polished, cf. 12
As 10, in OFE Cu, polished, cf. collim. 6, 13
20Results being analysed
21Wakes in PLACET
- Includes wakefields although
- Only up to 2nd order
- Not generally extendable
- Uses some very-short-wake approximation.
Wakefields only within slice - But they do handle square apertures which our
formalism doesnt (yet)
22PLACET studies (AT)
- Comparisons with Merlin predictions
- Investigate effects of wakefields on Frank
Jacksons improved ILC BDS collimator
23Summary and Outlook
- Lots being done
- Lots still to do
- Interesting problems and potentially useful