Dynamic Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dynamic Programming


In an optimization problem, there are typically many feasible solutions for any ... C(i,j) = mink=i to j-1 ( C(i,k) C(k 1,j) di-1dkdj) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming
  • Optimization Problems
  • Dynamic Programming Paradigm
  • Example Matrix multiplication
  • Principle of Optimality
  • Example String Matching Problems

Optimization Problems
  • In an optimization problem, there are typically
    many feasible solutions for any input instance I
  • For each solution S, we have a cost or value
    function f(S)
  • Typically, we wish to find a feasible solution S
    such that f(S) is either minimized or maximized
  • Thus, when designing an algorithm to solve an
    optimization problem, we must prove the algorithm
    produces a best possible solution.

Example Problem
  • You have six hours to complete as many tasks as
    possible, all of which are equally important.
  • Task A - 2 hours Task D - 3.5 hours
  • Task B - 4 hours Task E - 2 hours
  • Task C - 1/2 hour Task F - 1 hour
  • How many can you get done?
  • Is this a minimization or a maximization problem?
  • Give one example of a feasible but not optimal
    solution along with its associated value.
  • Give an optimal solution and its associated value.

Dynamic Programming
  • The key idea behind dynamic program is that it is
    a divide-and-conquer technique at heart
  • That is, we solve larger problems by patching
    together solutions to smaller problems
  • However, dynamic programming is typically faster
    because we compute these solutions in a bottom-up

Fibonacci numbers
  • F(n) F(n-1) F(n-2)
  • F(0) 0
  • F(1) 1
  • Top-down recursive computation is very
  • Many F(i) values are computed multiple times
  • Bottom-up computation is much more efficient
  • Compute F(2), then F(3), then F(4), etc. using
    stored values for smaller F(i) values to compute
    next value
  • Each F(i) value is computed just once

Recursive Computation
F(n) F(n-1) F(n-2) F(0) 0, F(1)
1 Recursive Solution
Bottom-up computation
We can calculate F(n) in linear time by storing
small values. F0 0 F1 1 for i 2 to
n Fi Fi-1 Fi-2 return Fn Moral We
can sometimes trade space for time.
Key implementation steps
  • Identify subsolutions that may be useful in
    computing whole solution
  • Often need to introduce parameters
  • Develop a recurrence relation (recursive
  • Set up the table of values/costs to be computed
  • The dimensionality is typically determined by the
    number of parameters
  • The number of values should be polynomial
  • Determine the order of computation of values
  • Backtrack through the table to obtain complete
    solution (not just solution value)

Example Matrix Multiplication
  • Input
  • List of n matrices to be multiplied together
    using traditional matrix multiplication
  • The dimensions of the matrices are sufficient
  • Task
  • Compute the optimal ordering of multiplications
    to minimize total number of scalar
    multiplications performed
  • Observations
  • Multiplying an X ? Y matrix by a Y ? Z matrix
    takes X ? Y ? Z multiplications
  • Matrix multiplication is associative but not

Example Input
  • Input
  • M1, M2, M3, M4
  • M1 13 x 5
  • M2 5 x 89
  • M3 89 x 3
  • M4 3 x 34
  • Feasible solutions and their values
  • ((M1 M2) M3) M410,582 scalar multiplications
  • (M1 M2) (M3 M4) 54,201 scalar multiplications
  • (M1 (M2 M3)) M4 2856 scalar multiplications
  • M1 ((M2 M3) M4) 4055 scalar multiplications
  • M1 (M2 (M3 M4)) 26,418 scalar multiplications

Key implementation steps
  • Identify subsolutions that may be useful in
    computing whole solution
  • Often need to introduce parameters
  • Define dimensions to be (d0, d1, , dn) where
    matrix Mi has dimensions di-1 x di
  • Let M(i,j) be the matrix formed by multiplying
    matrices Mi through Mj
  • Define C(i,j) to be the minimum cost for
    computing M(i,j)

Key implementation steps
  • Develop a recurrence relation (recursive
  • Recurrence relation for C(i,j)
  • C(i,j) minki to j-1 ( C(i,k) C(k1,j)
  • The last multiplication is between matrices
    M(i,k) and M(k1,j)
  • C(i,i) 0
  • Set up the table of values/costs to be computed
  • The dimensionality is typically determined by the
    number of parameters
  • The number of values should be polynomial

C 1 2 3 4
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
Key implementation steps
  • Determine the order of computation of values

C 1 2 3 4
1 0 1 2 3
2 0 1 2
3 0 1
4 0
Computing actual ordering
P 1 2 3 4
1 0 1 1 3
2 0 2 3
3 0 3
4 0
C 1 2 3 4
1 0 5785 1530 2856
2 0 1335 1845
3 0 9078
4 0
P(i,j) records the intermediate multiplication k
used to compute M(i,j). That is, P(i,j) k if
last multiplication was M(i,k) M(k1,j)
int MatrixOrder() forall i, j Ci, j 0 for j
2 to n for i j-1 to 1 C(i,j) miniltkltj-1
(C(i,k) C(k1,j) di-1dkdj) Pi, jk return
C1, n
Procedure ShowOrder(i, j) if (ij) write ( Ai)
else k P i, j write (
ShowOrder(i, k) write ? ShowOrder (k1,
j) write )
Principle of Optimality
  • In book, this is termed Optimal substructure
  • An optimal solution contains within it optimal
    solutions to subproblems.
  • More detailed explanation
  • Suppose solution S is optimal for problem P.
  • Suppose we decompose P into P1 through Pk and
    that S can be decomposed into pieces S1 through
    Sk corresponding to the subproblems.
  • Then solution Si is an optimal solution for
    subproblem Pi

Example 1
  • Matrix Multiplication
  • In our solution for computing matrix M(1,n), we
    have a final step of multiplying matrices M(1,k)
    and M(k1,n).
  • Our subproblems then would be to compute M(1,k)
    and M(k1,n)
  • Our solution uses optimal solutions for computing
    M(1,k) and M(k1,n) as part of the overall

Example 2
  • Shortest Path Problem
  • Suppose a shortest path from s to t visits u
  • We can decompose the path into s-u and u-t.
  • The s-u path must be a shortest path from s to u,
    and the u-t path must be a shortest path from u
    to t
  • Conclusion dynamic programming can be used for
    computing shortest paths

Example 3
  • Longest Path Problem
  • Suppose a longest path from s to t visits u
  • We can decompose the path into s-u and u-t.
  • Is it true that the s-u path must be a longest
    path from s to u?
  • Conclusion?

Example 4 The Traveling Salesman Problem
What recurrence relation will return the optimal
solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem? If
T(i) is the optimal tour on the first i points,
will this help us in solving larger instances of
the problem? Can we set T(i1) to be T(i) with
the additional point inserted in the position
that will result in the shortest path?
Summary of bad examples
  • There almost always is a way to have the optimal
    substructure if you expand your subproblems
  • For longest path and TSP, the number of
    subproblems grows to exponential size
  • This is not useful as we do not want to compute
    an exponential number of solutions

When is dynamic programming effective?
  • Dynamic programming works best on objects that
    are linearly ordered and cannot be rearranged
  • characters in a string
  • files in a filing cabinet
  • points around the boundary of a polygon
  • the left-to-right order of leaves in a search
  • Whenever your objects are ordered in a
    left-to-right way, dynamic programming must be

Efficient Top-Down Implementation
  • We can implement any dynamic programming solution
    top-down by storing computed values in the table
  • If all values need to be computed anyway, bottom
    up is more efficient
  • If some do not need to be computed, top-down may
    be faster

Inexact Matching of Strings
  • General Problem
  • Input
  • Strings S and T
  • Questions
  • How distant is S from T?
  • How similar is S to T?
  • Solution Technique
  • Dynamic programming with cost/similarity/scoring

Measuring Distance of S and T
  • Consider S and T
  • We can transform S into T using the following
    four operations
  • insertion of a character into S
  • deletion of a character from S
  • substitution (replacement) of a character in S by
    another character (typically in T)
  • matching (no operation)

  • S vintner
  • T writers
  • vintner
  • wintner (Replace v with w)
  • wrintner (Insert r)
  • writner (Delete first n)
  • writer (Delete second n)
  • writers (Insert S)

  • Edit Transcript (or just transcript)
  • a string that describes the transformation of one
    string into the other
  • Example
  • v intner
  • wri t ers

Edit Distance
  • Edit distance of strings S and T
  • The minimum number of edit operations (insertion,
    deletion, replacement) needed to transform string
    S into string T
  • Levenshtein distance, Levenshtein appears to have
    been the first to define this concept
  • Optimal transcript
  • An edit transcript of S and T that has the
    minimum number of edit operations
  • cooptimal transcripts

  • A global alignment of strings S and T is obtained
  • by inserting spaces (dashes) into S and T
  • they should have the same number of characters
    (including dashes) at the end
  • then placing two strings over each other matching
    one character (or dash) in S with a unique
    character (or dash) in T
  • Note ALL positions in both S and T are involved

Alignments and Edit transcripts
  • Example Alignment
  • v-intner-
  • wri-t-ers
  • Alignments and edit transcripts are interrelated
  • edit transcript emphasizes process
  • the specific mutational events
  • alignment emphasizes product
  • the relationship between the two strings
  • Alignments are often easier to work with and
  • also generalize better to more than 2 strings

Edit Distance Problem
  • Input
  • 2 strings S and T
  • Task
  • Output edit distance of S and T
  • Output optimal edit transcript
  • Output optimal alignment
  • Solution method
  • Dynamic Programming

Identifying Subproblems
  • Let D(i,j) be the edit distance of S1..i and
  • The edit distance of the first i characters of S
    with the first j characters of T
  • Let S n, T m
  • D(n,m) edit distance of S and T
  • We will compute D(i,j) for all i and j such that
    0 lt i lt n, 0 lt j lt m

Recurrence Relation
  • Base Case
  • For 0 lt i lt n, D(i,0) i
  • For 0 lt j lt m, D(0,j) j
  • Recursive Case
  • 0 lt i lt n, 0 lt j lt m
  • D(i,j) min
  • D(i-1,j) 1 (what does this mean?)
  • D(i,j-1) 1 (what does this mean?)
  • D(i-1,j-1) d(i,j) (what does this mean?)
  • d(i,j) 0 if S(i) T(j) and is 1 otherwise

What the various cases mean
  • D(i,j) min
  • D(i-1,j) 1
  • Align S1..i-1 with T1..j optimally
  • Match S(i) with a dash in T
  • D(i,j-1) 1
  • Align S1..i with T1..j-1 optimally
  • Match a dash in S with T(j)
  • D(i-1,j-1) d(i,j)
  • Align S1..i-1 with T1..j-1 optimally
  • Match S(i) with T(j)

Computing D(i,j) values
D(i,j) w r i t e r s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
v 1
i 2
n 3
t 4
n 5
e 6
r 7
Initialization Base Case
D(i,j) w r i t e r s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
v 1 1
i 2 2
n 3 3
t 4 4
n 5 5
e 6 6
r 7 7
Row i1
D(i,j) w r i t e r s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
v 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
i 2 2
n 3 3
t 4 4
n 5 5
e 6 6
r 7 7
Entry i2, j2
D(i,j) w r i t e r s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
v 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
i 2 2 2 ?
n 3 3
t 4 4
n 5 5
e 6 6
r 7 7
Entry i2, j3
D(i,j) w r i t e r s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
v 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
i 2 2 2 2 ?
n 3 3
t 4 4
n 5 5
e 6 6
r 7 7
Calculation methodologies
  • Location of edit distance
  • D(n,m)
  • Example was to calculate row by row
  • Can also calculate column by column
  • Can also use antidiagonals
  • Key is to build from upper left corner

  • Using table to construct optimal transcript
  • Pointers in cell D(i,j)
  • Set a pointer from cell (i,j) to
  • cell (i, j-1) if D(i,j) D(i, j-1) 1
  • cell (i-1,j) if D(i,j) D(i-1,j) 1
  • cell (i-1,j-1) if D(i,j) D(i-1,j-1) d(i,j)
  • Follow path of pointers from (n,m) back to (0,0)

What the pointers mean
  • horizontal pointer cell (i,j) to cell (i, j-1)
  • Align T(j) with a space in S
  • Insert T(j) into S
  • vertical pointer cell (i,j) to cell (i-1, j)
  • Align S(i) with a space in T
  • Delete S(i) from S
  • diagonal pointer cell (i,j) to cell (i-1, j-1)
  • Align S(i) with T(j)
  • Replace S(i) with T(j)

Table and transcripts
  • The pointers represent all optimal transcripts
  • Theorem
  • Any path from (n,m) to (0,0) following the
    pointers specifies an optimal transcript.
  • Conversely, any optimal transcript is specified
    by such a path.
  • The correspondence between paths and transcripts
    is one to one.

Running Time
  • Initialization of table
  • O(nm)
  • Calculating table and pointers
  • O(nm)
  • Traceback for one optimal transcript or optimal
  • O(nm)

Operation-Weight Edit Distance
  • Consider S and T
  • We can assign weights to the various operations
  • insertion/deletion of a character cost d
  • substitution (replacement) of a character cost r
  • matching cost e
  • Previous case d r 1, e 0

Modified Recurrence Relation
  • Base Case
  • For 0 lt i lt n, D(i,0) i d
  • For 0 lt j lt m, D(0,j) j d
  • Recursive Case
  • 0 lt i lt n, 0 lt j lt m
  • D(i,j) min
  • D(i-1,j) d
  • D(i,j-1) d
  • D(i-1,j-1) d(i,j)
  • d(i,j) e if S(i) T(j) and is r otherwise

Alphabet-Weight Edit Distance
  • Define weight of each possible substitution
  • r(a,b) where a is being replaced by b for all a,b
    in the alphabet
  • For example, with DNA, maybe r(A,T) gt r(A,G)
  • Likewise, I(a) may vary by character
  • Operation-weight edit distance is a special case
    of this variation
  • Weighted edit distance refers to this
    alphabet-weight setting

Modified Recurrence Relation
  • Base Case
  • For 0 lt i lt n, D(i,0) S1 lt k lt i I(S(k))
  • For 0 lt j lt m, D(0,j) S1 lt k lt j I(T(k))
  • Recursive Case
  • 0 lt i lt n, 0 lt j lt m
  • D(i,j) min
  • D(i-1,j) I(S(i))
  • D(i,j-1) I(T(j))
  • D(i-1,j-1) d(i,j)
  • d(i,j) r(S(i), T(j))

Measuring Similarity of S and T
  • Definitions
  • Let S be the alphabet for strings S and T
  • Let S be the alphabet S with character - added
  • For any two characters x,y in S, s(x,y) denotes
    the value (or score) obtained by aligning x with
  • For a given alignment A of S and T, let S and T
    denote the strings after the chosen insertion of
    spaces and l their new length
  • The value of alignment A is S1ltiltl

s a b -
a 1 -2 0
b 2 -1
- 0
  • a b a a - b a b
  • a a a a a b - b
  • 1-21102025

String Similarity Problem
  • Input
  • 2 strings S and T
  • Scoring matrix s for alphabet S
  • Task
  • Output optimal alignment value of S and T
  • The alignment of S and T with maximal, not
    minimal, value
  • Output this alignment

Modified Recurrence Relation
  • Base Case
  • For 0 lt i lt n, V(i,0) S1 lt k lt i s(S(k),-)
  • For 0 lt j lt m, V(0,j) S1 lt k lt j s(-,T(k))
  • Recursive Case
  • 0 lt i lt n, 0 lt j lt m
  • V(i,j) max
  • V(i-1,j) s(S(i),-)
  • V(i,j-1) s(-,T(j))
  • V(i-1,j-1) s(S(i), T(j))

Longest Common Subsequence Problem
  • Given 2 strings S and T, a common subsequence is
    a subsequence that appears in both S and T.
  • The longest common subsequence problem is to find
    a longest common subsequence (lcs) of S and T
  • subsequence characters need not be contiguous
  • different than substring
  • Can you use dynamic programming to solve the
    longest common subsequence problem?

Computing alignments using linear space.
  • Hirschberg 1977
  • Suppose we only need the maximum
    similarity/distance value of S and T without an
    alignment or transcript
  • How can we conserve space?
  • Only save row i-1 when computing row i in the

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Linear space and an alignment
  • Assume S has length 2n
  • Divide and conquer approach
  • Compute value of optimal alignment of S1..n
    with all prefixes of T
  • Store row n only at end along with pointer values
    of row n
  • Compute value of optimal alignment of Sr1..n
    with all prefixes of Tr
  • Store only values in row n
  • Find k such that
  • V(S1..n,T1..k) V(Sr1..n,Tr1..m-k)
  • is maximized over 0 lt k ltm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Recursive Step
  • Let k be the k that maximizes
  • V(S1..n,T1..k) V(Sr1..n,Tr1..m-k)
  • Record all steps on row n including the one from
    n-1 and the one to n1
  • Recurse on the two subproblems
  • S1..n-1 with T1..j where j lt k
  • Sr1..n with Tr1..q where q lt m-k

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Time Required
  • cmn time to get this answer so far
  • Two subproblems have at most half the total size
    of this problem
  • At most the same cmn time to get the rest of the
  • cmn/2 cmn/4 cmn/8 cmn/16 lt cmn
  • Final result
  • Linear space with only twice as much time
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