Title: Attention and Consciousness
1Chapter 3
- Attention and Consciousness
- . . . the means by which we actively process a
limited amount of information from the enormous
amount of information available through our
senses, our stored memories, and our other
cognitive processes (p. 66)
- . . . more directly concerned with awareness
it includes both the feeling of awareness and the
content of awareness, some of which may be under
the focus of attention (p. 67)
4Preconscious Processing
5Preconscious Processing
- Priming
- Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
6Controlled versus Automatic Processes
- Automatic processes no conscious control
7Controlled versus Automatic Processes
- Automatic processes no conscious control
- Controlled processes conscious control
8Slips Associated with Automatic Processes
9Slips Associated with Automatic Processes
10Slips Associated with Automatic Processes
- Capture errors
- Omissions
- Perseverations
11Slips Associated with Automatic Processes
- Capture errors
- Omissions
- Perseverations
- Description errors
12Slips Associated with Automatic Processes
- Capture errors
- Omissions
- Perseverations
- Description errors
- Data-driven errors
13Slips Associated with Automatic Processes
- Capture errors
- Omissions
- Perseverations
- Description errors
- Data-driven errors
- Associative-activation errors
14Slips Associated with Automatic Processes
- Capture errors
- Omissions
- Perseverations
- Description errors
- Data-driven errors
- Associative-activation errors
- Loss-of-activation errors
15Functions of Attention
16Functions of Attention
- Divided attention
- Vigilance and signal detection
17Functions of Attention
- Divided attention
- Vigilance and signal detection
- Search
18Functions of Attention
- Divided attention
- Vigilance and signal detection
- Search
- Selective attention
19Theories of Feature Search
- Feature-integration theory (Triesman, 1986)
20Theories of Feature Search
- Feature-integration theory (Triesman, 1986)
- Similarity theory (Duncan Humphreys, 1989, 1992)
21Theories of Feature Search
- Feature-integration theory (Triesman, 1986)
- Similarity theory (Duncan Humphreys, 1989,
1992) - Guided search theory (Cave Wolfe, 1990)
22Theories of Feature Search
- Feature-integration theory (Triesman, 1986)
- Similarity theory (Duncan Humphreys, 1989,
1992) - Guided search theory (Cave Wolfe, 1990)
- Movement filter theory (McLeod et al., 1991)
23Theories of Selective Attention
- Filter theory (Broadbent, 1958)
24Theories of Selective Attention
- Filter theory (Broadbent, 1958)
- Selective filter theory (Moray, 1959)
25Theories of Selective Attention
- Filter theory (Broadbent, 1958)
- Selective filter theory (Moray, 1959)
- Attenuation model (Triesman, 1960, 1964)
26Theories of Selective Attention
- Filter theory (Broadbent, 1958)
- Selective filter theory (Moray, 1959)
- Attenuation model (Triesman, 1960, 1964)
- Late filter model (Deutsch Deutsch, 1963
Norman, 1968)
27Theories of Selective Attention
- Filter theory (Broadbent, 1958)
- Selective filter theory (Moray, 1959)
- Attenuation model (Triesman, 1960, 1964)
- Late filter model (Deutsch Deutsch, 1963
Norman, 1968) - Neissers synthesis (Neisser, 1967)
28Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches
- Posners (1995) anterior frontal lobe and
posterior parietal lobe identifications
29Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches
- Posners (1995) anterior frontal lobe and
posterior parietal lobe identifications - ERP approaches
30Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches
- Posners (1995) anterior frontal lobe and
posterior parietal lobe identifications - ERP approaches
- Psychopharmacological approaches