Title: Health Aspects of Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water
1Sustainable Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse
Takashi Asano SlawomirW. Hermanowicz Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Davis and Berkeley
2Photo Credits
- California Department of Water Resources
- Water Education Foundation
- Du Pont Permasep Products
3Presentation Outline
- State of California as an Example
- Population growth and urbanization
- Sustainability and Water
- The role of water reuse with examples
- Technological Development
- How safe is water reuse
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5Increasing Water Demand in California (Water Plan
Update 160-98)
Urban 11
Environmental 46
Environmental 46
Agricultural 43
6Sustainability and Water
7Sustainability and Water
- We are here consecrating this water supply and
dedicating the Aqueduct to you and your children
and your childrens children for all time.
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111995, by Ray Sterner, Johns Hopkins University
12200 commercial crops, ¼ of the nations table
foods, and ½ of fruits and vegetables
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21Recovering Sustainable Water from Wastewater
22The Role of Water Reuse - 1
- Very often society no longer has the luxury of
using water only once - For water supplies to be sustainable, the rate at
which water is withdrawn needs to be in balance
with the rate of renewal or replenishment - Water recycling and reuse as an alternative water
resource - Drought and dependable water supply
23The Role of Water Reuse - 2
- Seven categories of water reuse - examples
- Treatment technologies and process reliability
- How safe is water reuse?
- Future perspectives - all living species in
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25Quality Change in Use of Water
26Categories of Reuse
- 1. Agricultural Irrigation
- 2. Landscape Irrigation
- 3. Industrial Reuse
- 4. Groundwater Recharge
- 5. Recreational and Environmental
- 6. Nonpotable Urban Reuses
- 7. Potable Reuse
27Reclaimed Water Use in California
Source May 2000, Office of Water Recycling,
California State Water Resources Control
28Wastewater Reuse
29Regional Water Supply Sources Comparison San
Diego, CA
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36 Orange County Water Factory 21
Granular Activated Carbon
Chlorine Disinfection
Deep Well Injection
Lime Clarification
Reverse Osmosis
Aquifer Recharge
1976 - 2004 (28 years of operation) 21 million
M3/ yr (15 mgd) No more than 5 of the reclaimed
water actually comprises the domestic supply No
observed water quality degradation that
constitutes a public health concern
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48Benefit of Water Reuse
- Important element of integrated water resources
management - Treated effluent is used as a water resource for
beneficial purposes - The wastewater is kept out of streams, lakes, and
beaches thus reducing pollution of surface water
and groundwater
49How safe is water reuse?
- ? Acceptable health risks debate
- Absolute risk vs. relative risk
- ? Microbiological risk assessment
- Enteric virus control by treatment technologies
- Regulatory oversight
- ? Chemical risk assessment
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51Various assay methods for trace organic compounds
and their relative significance to human health
52Technical Solutions
53Conventional Advanced Wastewater Treatment
54Immersed membrane activated sludge and RO
55Adapted from Du Pont PERMASEP Permeators
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