Title: Linear boundary value problems:
1Linear boundary value problems Matrix methods
- write boundary value problem for ODE as a matrix
equation. - use NAG (Numerical Algorithms group) routine to
solve the matrix problem.
2Setting up the problem
- linear 2nd order ODE
- boundary conditions
- Discretize the independent variable, t.
3Discretizing t the function
4Discretizing t, the derivatives
- Taylor expand the function x(t)
- Solve for ,
- Solve for ,
- Substitute these into the continuum ODE to get a
set of linear equations for the unknowns xn.
5The equation
The boundary conditions
The analytic solution
6- the discretized equation is
7- given that the boundary conditions are x00,
x41, we arrive at - which we can write in matrix form
- Now solve with linear algebra, e.g. row
reduction, matrix inversion
8- in this example we have that for general
- this tri-diagonal structure comes from the
discrete version of the derivative operator. - We can think of the derivative operator as
connecting neighbouring lattice points, as
exemplified by the above equation.
9Back to Schrodingers equation matrix method
- we want to solve
- subject to the boundary conditions
10Back to Schrodingers equation matrix method
- introduce the rescaled quantities
- introduce the finite difference derivatives to
get - it is our aim to find E (i.e. ?) and
11- We then get the series of linear equations
- Or, in matrix form
- This is now a matrix eigenvalue problem,
which we can solve to find the eigenvalues
And the eigenvectors, ?n. This
gives us the E we are after.
12- We could try to solve
using the standard technique from matrix algebra
the characteristic equation - This leads to a large order polynomial and is
intractable analytically. - Fortunately there are people who have solved
this before, the Numerical Algorithms Group, NAG. - We shall be using a particular routine which
solves the eigenvalue, eigenvector problem for
tri-diagonal matrices, F08JEF.
13Using NAG routines in C
- create a folder in which your program will live
- write your C program, remembering to include the
NAG routines, in the new folder - In Plato, click on New Project in the file
menu - Click on C application, enter a name for your
project, and choose the location to be the folder
you just created. - A new Project Explorer window will appear on
the right. - Right-click on references, then left-click on
add reference - Choose Nag_mk21 on the P-drive, by clicking on
the MyComputer icon - Go into the bin folder and double-click on
FLDLL214Z_nag.dll - Right-click on Source Files in the Project
Explorer window, choose Add Existing Items and
select your C program.
include ltnagmk21.hgt //link to NAG
library include ltstdio.hgt include
ltmath.hgt include ltstdlib.hgt main(void)
14F08JEF the tri-diagonal NAG routine
include ltnagmk21.hgt //link to NAG
library include ltstdio.hgt include
ltmath.hgt include ltstdlib.hgt int const N100
//Size of matrix main(void) char
COMPZ'I' //Calculate eigenvalues and
eigenvectors int CLEN1
//Character length int INFO0
//Gives error information double DN
//Input diagonal elements
//and returns eigenvalues double
EN-1 //Input off diagonal elements
double ZNN //Returns array of
eigenvectors //as
Zquantum statei double WORK2(N-1)
//Work space int i for(i0iltNi)
Di 1.0 //Diagonal elements go here
for(i0iltN-1i) Ei 2.0
//Off diagonal elements go here F08JEF(COMPZ,CLEN
,N,(double )D,(double )E,(double
)Z,N,(double )WORK,INFO) for(i0iltNi)
printf("f\n",Di) //Print eigenvalues
for(i0iltNi) printf("f\n",Z0i)
//Print first eigenvector
15F08JEF and the harmonic oscillator
- For the harmonic oscillator the diagonal
elements are - the off-diagonal elements are
- Ei-1
- the results depend on N and ?x
- N500, ?x0.1 gives En0.994.., 2.9969..,
4.9919.. - N100, ?x0.1 gives En0.994.., 2.9969..,
4.9919.. - N50, ?x0.1 gives En1.007.., 3.083..,
- the higher eigenvalues are not so well measured
because the eigenfunctions spread out beyond our
lattice size.