Inequality and Human Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inequality and Human Development

Description: 2. Purpose. To present key issues (debates) around inequality. To explore methodologies to compare distributions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Inequality and Human Development

Inequality and Human Development
  • Maria Ana Lugo
  • University of Oxford
  • 20th Sept 2004

  • To present key issues (debates) around inequality
  • To explore methodologies to compare distributions
  • To analyse how much HDI incorporates (or can
    incorporate) inequality

  • Initial Remarks definitions
  • Issues on Inequality
  • Why does inequality matter?
  • Methods
  • Inequality and HDI
  • Example (Arg)

Initial Remarks
  • Inequality is like an elephant You cant define
    it, but you know it when you see it
  • (Fields 2001, 14)
  • The meaning of inequality encapsulating ethical
    concepts vs. statistical dispersion (distribution
    rather than inequality)
  • Inequality, poverty and welfare. Related but
  • broader than poverty defined over the whole
    distribution, not only below a certain poverty
  • narrower than welfare if indep of mean, only
    concerned with the second moment (relative vs
    absolute measures)
  • But 3 closely related, sometimes used in
    composite measures (e.g. Sens measure contains
    the Gini among the poor)

Issues on Inequality
  • WHY should we care about inequality?
  • HOW do we compare distributions? (we always
  • Empirical issues (dimensions, variables, unit of
    analysis, methods -indices and orderings-,
    between/within inequality)
  • WHY is there inequality? ineq as output
  • Theories to explain determinants factor share
    and market imperfections theories especially LM
    i.e. info asymmetries, efficiency wages,
    selection models
  • Tools decompositions, vertical vs. horizontal
  • WHAT are the effects of inequality? ineq as
  • On growth, HD, poverty, conflict, democracy, etc

Why does inequality matter?
.. every normative theory of social arrangement
that has at all stood the test of time seems to
demand equality of something something that is
regarded as particularly important on that
theory (Sen 1992, 12) equality of what?
space of equality Utilitarians, Rawlsians,
Nozicksean, and Senians egalitarian in some
space, anti-egalitarian in some other space.
  • Inequality good or bad for (income) growth?
  • INEQ-Levels Kuznets inverted U hyp
  • INEQ to Growth HK Loss (-), Access to K mkt
    (/-), Efficiency wages (-), Savings (),
    political instability (-)
  • Human Development effects on levels (of edu,
    health, others) achieved, political
    participation, etc.
  • Poverty sensitivity of poverty to growth, effect
    of specific policies
  • Social cohesion (Stewart) Horizontal Ineq (vs
    vertical) culturally defined groups gt social
    stability, instrumental and direct welfare reasons
  • Because it is high and increasing! - Magnitude
    of the problem
  • Maps
  • World inequality increasing?
  • International between countries
  • National Within country-inequality
  • World between within
  • Because it is fair - Theories of justice
  • Sense of justice and self-worth
  • Because it affects dev/growth/HD/ democracy /
    social cohesion
  • Mechanisms from inequality to variables

4. How do we compare two distributions?
  • It is generally agreed that, other things being
    equal, a considerable reduction in inequality of
    incomes found in most modern communities would be
  • But it is not generally agreed how this
    inequality should be measured
  • Hugh Dalton (1920)
  • The measurement of the inequality of incomes
  • Economic Journal, 1920, Vol. 30, p. 348
  • Ineq of what and among whom?
  • Variable/Indicator one or many? Which one(s)? If
    income, pre/post taxes includes profits of
    capital and land or not.
  • Unit of analysis individuals, households,
    regions, countries (? recipient unit)
  • Adjustments/corrections e.g. adult equivalent
    (eq scales), economies of scales, cost-of-living
    differentials (rural-urban, diff regions)

4. How do we compare two distributions?
4. How do we compare two distributions?
  • Indices
  • E.g. Gini coefficient, Theil index, Atkinson
    Index, 90-10 Ratio
  • Which one shall we use?
  • How do we choose between indices?
  • Axiomatic approach desirable properties
  • Anonymity, Scale Independence, Population
    Independence, Transfer Principle (Pigou-Dalton)
    gt M of Relative Inequality
  • Others Decomposability, Transfer Sensitivity
  • Ad hoc
  • mathematical appeal (GE)
  • neat statistical or graphical interpretation

4. How do we compare two distributions?
  • Some measures
  • Gini Coefficient most widely use inequality
  • Function of differences between every pair of
    inds income
  • Ranges from 0 to 1
  • It is a relative measure
  • Has a close relation to Lorenz Curves gt clear
  • Can be easily computed from normally available
    data (pop/income)
  • But
  • Not decomposable (between- and within-groups)

4. How do we compare two distributions?
  • Other two relative measures
  • GE measures from Theory of Information
  • a weight to changes at different parts of the
    distribution. The lower the a, the more
    sensitive to the lower part.
  • When a0 Theils mean log When a1 Theil index
    (equal weight)
  • Atkinson index includes subjective elements
  • e parameter of inequality aversion, explicit
    choice of weights to changes at different parts
    of the distribution. The higher the e, the more
    weight to the lower part

4. How do we compare two distributions?
4. How do we compare two distributions?
  • Orderings (CD)
  • Lorenz Curves (1905)
  • Atkinson (1970) LC if do not cross, then any
    measure satisfying above axioms would rank
    distributions equally
  • gt we do not have to worry about which one to use

4. How do we compare two distributions?
  • But if they cross? gt We cannot conclude anything
    unambiguously (incomplete ordering)
  • Either we choose some measure of inequality
  • gt different measures might give us different
    answers, in fact, we are always able to find 2
    measure that disagree!!
  • Or we leave the analysis at this point
  • Is this bad? Sen argues instead of this being a
    drawback of LD criterion, it is in fact its
    greatest advantage, as it captures the essential
    ambiguity of the concept of inequality
  • Ambiguity of inequality should be preserved
    rather than trying to remove it through some
    arbitrary completed ordering (Sen 1997, p. 121)
  • NB LC for continuous (distributable) unbounded

4. How do we compare two distributions?
  • Item-by-item each vle examined separately
  • UD methods (indices/orderings)
    covariance/correlation analyses
  • Aggregative strategies Collapsing dimensions
  • Two-step procedure (1) well-being index (2) UD
  • Multidimensional measures of inequality
  • gt Complete ordering of distributions.
  • Decisions over weighting (w), degree of
    substitution bt dimensions (ß), and degree of
    inequality aversion.
  • HDI chooses w 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 and ß 1 for
    all pair of attributes
  • Non-aggregative strategies
  • Tests comparing MD distributions, as in UD
    ordering Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Pearsons tests.
    Not easy to implement, few studies

4. How do we compare two distributions?
5. HDI and Inequality
  • Between-country inequality HDI as a 1st step,
    then apply UD indices
  • Within-country inequality HDI components are
    national averages gt not included
  • An intrinsic concern for inequality in human
    development requires adjustment of average
    achievements in each of the three dimensions (by
    the extent of measured inequality in each) as
    well as an accounting of the covariances in
    achievements along the different dimensions
    (Anand 2000 99)
  • Only GDI including gender differentials
  • 1991-94 HDR include YadjY(1 G)

5. HDI and Inequality
  • Should we include w-c inequality?
  • Efficiency arguments variables as means to other
    ends, in a diminishing way. Thats why income in
  • Equity arguments intrinsically valuable
  • Basic problem type of indicators in HDI
  • LE is probability-based group measure, not
  • Literacy group measure () or individual (0-1)
    then no efficiency argument for a 0-1 variable
  • Change indicators (for a continuous unbounded)
  • Sub-group inequality (gender, location, race)
    municipalities though same for 3 attributes!

5. HDI and Inequality
  • How shall we include inequality?
  • Hicks (1997) Extending HDR91-93 income (Sen
  • Each x dimension
  • Gx Gini coefficient for component x
  • Edu years of schooling / Health life-span
    attainment (age-at-death)
  • BUT
  • It is not group-consistent/decomposable, bc. Gini
    is not
  • It depends on the ordering of aggregation across
    people and dimensions
  • Also, Anand-Sens critique interpretation of

5. HDI and Inequality
  • Foster (2003) General Mean of Means (Atkinson
  • Each x dimension
  • Aggregate components
  • Choose e according to concern for inequality
    higher e more weight to lower part of
    distribution (more aversion to inequality)
  • Group-decomposable and sequencing-free
  • Sensitive to inequality across dimensions
    (penalising uneven development, there is some
    substitutability but its not infinite)

5. HDI and Inequality
  • Related questions
  • Should e be the same for all dimensions? (see
    Anand 2003) bc of nature of the dimension and
    of the indicator used
  • How should be choose e?
  • Substitutability between inequality across
    dimensions, but not between levels of components
    (valid ? also for HDI).

6. Exercise Argentine provinces
  • Objective Do multivariate distribution analyses
    contribute to the study of Argentine welfare
  • Exercise
  • Period 1991 vs. 2001
  • Dimensions
  • Units of analysis provinces
  • Weights one province one observation (as in

6. Results
  • There are enough reasons to include distribution
    (inequality) issues in the analysis. But not
    consensus on how, even within UD.
  • Be specific, demand specificity! Definitional
    issues are too serious to be left to footnotes or
    ignore altogether (AB 2000 14) Inequality OF
    WHAT (vle) AMONG WHOM (unit)?
  • Atkinsons 1st result All measures imply
    assumptions (embedded SWF) important to make
    them explicit and understand them
  • Different measures might give different orderings
    of distributions gt
  • Atkinsons 2nd result Use LC criterion when
  • Test robustness of results (diff
  • Or use one and give reason for choosing it over
    the others

  • Multidimensional inequality three strategies
    with adv and disadv.
  • Also they imply taking many decisions
  • There is an inescapably arbitrariness in the
    choice of ß. The right way to deal with the
    issue is to explain clearly what is being assumed
    so that public criticism of the assumption is
    possible (Anand 2003 218)
  • Better than neglecting the issue altogether, as
    generally done, and focus solely on income
  • Again, use sensitivity analysis, results under
    different assumptions
  • Statistical Inference for data derived from
    surveys, meaningful comparisons between estimates
    need include standard errors of the measures (not
    usually done)

  • Atkinson (1970) "On the Measurement of
    Inequality", Journal of Economic Theory, 2 (3)
  • Fields, G. S. (2001), Distribution and
    development a new look at the developing world,
    New York, London Russell Sage Foundation MIT
    Press. Chapter 2 "The Meaning and Measurement of
    Income Inequality"
  • Sen, A. K. (1992), Inequality reexamined, New
    York and Oxford Russell Sage FoundationClarendon
    Press. Chapter 1 "Inequality of what?"
  • Sen, A. K., and J. E. Foster (1997), On economic
    inequality (Enl. / ed.), Oxford Clarendon Press.
    Chapter 2 "Measures of inequality"
  • Sen, A. (2000), "Social Justice and the
    Distribution of Income" in Handbook of Income
    Distribution (Vol. 1), A. B. Atkinson and F.
    Bourguignon (eds), Oxford Elsevier Science, pp.
  • Stewart, F. (2001), "Horizontal Inequalities A
    Neglected Dimension of Development", CRISE
    Working Paper 1, Centre for Research on
    Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE)
    and Queen Elizabeth House (QEH), University of
    Oxford, Oxford
  • Atkinson, A. B., and A. Brandolini. (2004),
    "Global World Inequality Absolute, relative or
    Intermediate?" presented at the 28th General
    Conference of The International Association for
    Research in Income and Wealth, August 22-28,
    Cork, Ireland.
  • Bourguignon, F., and C. Morrisson. (2002),
    "Inequality among World Citizens 1820-1992",
    American Economic Review, 92 (4), 727-744

  • ON WHY INEQ Gral Theories of social justice and
  • Atkinson, A. B., and F. Bourguignon. (2000),
    "Introduction Income Distribution and Economics"
    in Handbook of income distribution (Vol. 1), eds.
    A. B. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon, Oxford
    Elsevier Science, pp. 1-58.
  • Milanovic, B. (2003), "Why we all do care about
    inequality (but are loath to admit it)", EconWPA
    /0404002, UNPUBLISHED.
  • Sen, A. (2000), "Social Justice and the
    Distribution of Income" in Handbook of income
    distribution (Vol. 1), eds. A.-B. Atkinson and F.
    Bourguignon, Oxford Elsevier Science, pp. 59-85.
  • Kanbur (2004) Growth, inequality, and Poverty
    some hard questions at www.people.cornell.eduy/pa
  • Kanbur, R. (2000), "Income Distribution and
    Development" in Handbook of income distribution
    (Vol. 1), eds. A. B. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon,
    Amsterdam New York and Oxford Elsevier Science,
    North-Holland, pp. 791-841.
  • Fields, G. S. (2001), Distribution and
    development a new look at the developing world,
    New York, London Russell Sage Foundation MIT
    Press. Chapter 3 and 10.
  • Stewart, F. (2000), "Income Distribution and
    Development", QEH Working Papers Series 37,
    University of Oxford, Oxford
  • Stewart, F. (2001), "Horizontal Inequalities A
    Neglected Dimension of Development", CRISE
    Working Paper 1, Centre for Research on
    Inequality, CRISE and QEH, University of Oxford,
  • Subramanian, S. V., and I. Kawachi. (2004),
    "Income Inequality and Health What Have We
    Learned So Far?" Epidemiologic Reviews, 26 78-91.

  • Anand, S., and A. K. Sen (1995), Gender
    inequality in human development theories and
    measurement, New York United Nations Development
  • Anand, S., and A. K. Sen. (2000), "The income
    component of the human development index",
    Journal of Human Development, 1 (1) 83-106.
    Also, printed in (1999) mimeo, New York UNDP
    Human Development Report Office.
  • Anand, S., and A. K. Sen. (2003), "Concepts of
    human development and poverty a
    multidimensional perspective" in Readings in
    human development concepts, measures and
    policies for a development paradigm, eds. S.
    Fukuda-Parr and A. K. Shiva Kumar, New Delhi
    Oxford University Press, pp. 204-220.
  • Foster, J. E., L. Lopez-Calva, and M. Szekely.
    (2003), "Measuring the Distribution of Human
    Development Methodology and an Application to
    Mexico" presented at the WIDER Conference on
    Inequality, Poverty and Human Well-Being, 30-31
    May, Helsinki, Finland WIDER.
  • Hicks, D. A. (1997), "The Inequality-Adjusted
    Human Development Index A Constructive
    Proposal", World Development, 25 (8), 1283-1298.
  • Anand, S. (2002), "The concern for equity in
    health", Journal of Epidemiology and Community
    Health, 56 (7) 485-487.
  • Sen, A. K. (2002), Why health equity?, Health
    Economics, 11 659-666.
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