Title: Internationalization at Home
1Internationalization at Home
- Opleiding Engels
- Manon van der Laaken
- Roos van der Zwaard
- Juni 2008
2Digitale internationaliseringprojecten
- Digitale uitwisseling tussen studenten van de UvA
en studenten van buitenlandse universiteiten
- Studenten digitaal gelinkt
- Virtuele uitwisseling via email, Blackboard,
Surfnet, Moodle, - Desire2Learn
- Duur projecten 5 tot 6 weken
3Waarom virtuele uitwisseling?
- Internationale samenwerking tussen universiteiten
en studenten
- Internationaal en intercultureel bewustzijn
- Ontwikkelen presentatie- en communicatievaardighei
4Voor wie?
- Studenten Academisch Engels
- Studenten Minor English Proficiency
- Peer-assessment en feedback
6De onderwerpen
- Stedenplanning en architectuur
- Interculturele verschillen
7Uitwisseling voorbeeld 1 Across
culturesManon van der Laaken en Rosalie Mesker
- Academisch Engels met studenten van de
universiteiten van Minnesota (VS), York (GB) en
Vanersborg (Zweden)
- Studenten discussiëren on-line in groepen over
interculturele verschillen (taboes, media,
omgangsvormen, standaardtaal)
- Video van presentaties van Nederlandse studenten
gestreamed on line
- Video van feedback/geschreven feedback op
presentaties door studenten uit York, gestreamed
on line
8Uitwisseling voorbeeld 1 Across
culturesManon van der Laaken en Rosalie Mesker
Onderwerp Standaardtaal en Stereotypen,
Presentatie over accenten en stereotypen mms//ha
9Voorbeeld van feedback
Style of Language use The English Mirjam used
was very easy to understand. She seemed very
comfortable talking in front of the class. No
difficulties apparent with the English language.
Talked kind of softly, but very clear
nonetheless. Stress was shown, but Mirjams
personality was very warm and never made me feel
uncomfortable watching her presentation. Very
well composed.
10Voorbeeld van feedback
Presentational techniques Charts showing the
direct comparison of the northern and southern
parts of the Netherlands were easy to follow and
recognize, as well as the chart comparing the
cockney, scouse and yorkshire dialects of British
English. Examples were provided for each case.
Eye contact was good overall, but during the
comparison of the British English accents Mirjam
looked at the powerpoint a little more than I
would have liked for the knowledge she seemed to
have. For being so comfortable with her topics,
she could have easily done this I believe.
11Uitwisseling voorbeeld 2 Creatief
schrijvenRoos van der Zwaard
- Uitwisseling tussen tweedejaars hoofdvakkers
Engels (TV3) en studenten Creatief schrijven
University of Chichester
- Titel project Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino)
- Opdrachten over steden Chichester en Amsterdam
- Studenten doen dezelfde schrijfopdracht en geven
elkaar feedback on line
12Voorbeeld van een opdracht
Study the photograph of Chichester Cathedral,
pictured from the gardens where John Keats was
inspired to start his famous poem, 'The Eve of St
Agnes'. Consult the poem before you start this
exercise. Fill yourself with the subject!
Describe a character who is suffering from an
illness (as Keats was when he visited
Chichester). SHOW the character walking around a
setting that inspires them in some way. (Note
the inspiring setting does not necessarily need
to be beautiful. It could be extremely ordinary.
It could even be that the character's inspiration
is malign, e.g. what if the character is
interested in turning an apple orchard into a car
park?). Be specific in your description of the
setting's details. Using the character's body,
SHOW us his or her struggle. Describe their
JOURNEY around the setting. Slowly, start to
incorporate memories, thoughts, and fears into
the description. Try to build an off-stage
character whom the central character is thinking
about. Give us the sense of some kind of
relationship between the two people. (appr. 250
words).  Put the writing away and let it mulch in
your imagination before returning to the work.
13Voorbeeld van feedback
English student to Dutch student (the assignment
personify Amsterdam/Chichester, i.e. turn your
city into a fictional character) I have read
this several times over several days and today I
feel confident to respond. I really liked you
personification of Amsterdam. It made me feel
like it is a welcoming place, where youth keeps
you in touch with the world outside. I really
liked the concrete images that stuck in my head
after I finished reading like -, the parakeet,
rain boots, pea pods and taxi cabs. I loved the
chestnut hair, such a soft colour that planted a
strong image. One thing my tutors drum into us
at Chichester is the age-old advice of show
dont tell (I am still trying to get fully to
grips of this myself)!! In some places I would
possibly think of stripping it down and use more
concrete images to show emotions instead of
telling them. Try cutting out adjectives, I
always find that useful, and see where it takes
you. Its hard isnt it? Take care I hope this
is some useful feedback for you
14Plannen (bij voldoende fondsen)
- Interdisciplinaire on-line uitwisseling
- onze studenten Engels vs
- buitenlandse studenten kunstgeschiedenis,
geschiedenis, politicologie, etc
- Nieuwe contacten met Scandinavië, Australië, VS
en GB
15Tips en hints
- Streef naar gelijkwaardigheid in niveau
- Streef naar even groot leereffect
- Houd rekening met veel extra werk
- Zorg dat project voor alle partijen integraal
onderdeel is van de cursus
- Houd rekening met culturele verschillen
- Zorg voor continuïteit subsidies
- Inspirerend voor docenten
- Motiverend voor studenten
- Inspirerend
- Authentieke context
- Leerzaam