An evolutionary game approach to culture: Illustration by an adaptive norm development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An evolutionary game approach to culture: Illustration by an adaptive norm development


Resurgence of collective constructs (e.g., norms, conventions, ... Hunted game (peccary, monkey, deer) Communal-sharing including non-family members widely ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An evolutionary game approach to culture: Illustration by an adaptive norm development

An evolutionary game approach to culture
Illustration by an adaptive norm development
  • Tatsuya Kameda (Hokkaido University)
  • http//

CEFOM/21, 2nd Workshop Culture, Norm, and
Evolution Hokkaido University, Aug. 6-8, 2003
  • Resurgence of collective constructs (e.g., norms,
    conventions, values) in social sciences
  • How can we study these collective constructs
    fruitfully? Adaptive perspective
  • Evolutionary game theory as a useful research
  • An illustration with communal-sharing norm in
    primordial societies

Social norm
  • Cialdini Trost (1998)
  • Social norms are rules and standards that are
    understood by members of a group, and that guide
    and/or constrain social behavior without the
    force of laws. These norms emerge out of
    interaction with others they may or may not be
    stated explicitly, and any sanctions for
    deviating from them come from social networks,
    not the legal system (p.152).
  • Socially-shared rules that emerge and are
    sustained through people's autonomous
    interaction, not necessarily with formal
    regulating authorities or forces such as laws

Theory of norm development?
  • Emergence and sustainability of social norms as
    core issues for any theory of social norms.
  • But, do we have a reasonable theory of norm
    development in this sense?
  • Classic studies on norm development (e.g.,
    Sherif, 1936 Jacobs Campbell, 1961)
    adaptively irrelevant norms
  • Social/cultural learning as a general engine for
    norm development, but

Theory of norm development?
  • A more fundamental question Why some beliefs are
    acquired socially and are maintained as a shared
    rule, while other beliefs are not.
  • Adaptive/evolutionary perspective
  • Beliefs that help us acquire a fit behavior in a
    given social/physical environment are more likely
    to be transmitted culturally and maintained as a
    social norm.

Illustration Norms about food-sharing in
primordial societies
  • Kaplan Hill (1985) Fieldwork on the Ache
    foragers in Paraguay
  • Collected resources (vegetables, fruits)
  • Kin-sharing
  • Hunted game (peccary, monkey, deer)
  • Communal-sharing including non-family members
  • Existence of two different sharing rules/norms in
    the same society Why?

Why communal-sharing of hunted games?
  • Risk-reduction hypothesis
  • Acquisition of a meat is a highly variable,
    uncertain prospect, compared to the provision of
    collected resources.
  • Communal-sharing system functions as a
    collective-risk reduction device.
  • By including more individuals in the risk-pooling
    group, the variance in food supply decreases

Intuitively appealing, but truly adaptive
  • Problem of egoism in social sharing
  • Hunted meat is often regarded as a common
    property or public goods in hunter-gather
  • What if egoists emerge in the group who just
    share others acquisitions but are never willing
    to share his own acquisition?
  • Emphasizing adaptive function of the whole
    system, but silent about how those egoists are
    precluded in the group.
  • Need a theory based on individual-level
    adaptation rather than group-level adaptation.

A theory about development of the communal
sharing norm
  • Proposing a theory based on individual-level
  • Using an evolutionary game analysis
  • Maynard Smith (1982) Evolutionary biology
  • Axelrod (1984) Introduction to social sciences

Evolutionary game
  • Represents various behavioral/cognitive
    properties of individuals as strategies in a
  • Examines how each strategy performs in the game
    against other strategies in terms of net profit.
  • More fit strategies proliferate in the population
    gradually (via social/cultural learning).
  • Different from classical game theory, it does not
    assume players with super-intelligent information
    processing ability.

Applying the evolutionary game analysis to
adaptive norm development
  • EGA Does the interaction among given individual
    behavioral/cognitive strategies lead to a stable
    collective state (evolutionary equilibrium)
    where the population is dominated by a single
    strategy (or a set of strategies)?
  • Social norm a stable set of socially-shared
    behavioral/cognitive properties (Cialdini
    Trost, 1998)
  • EGA is particularly suited for examining adaptive
    norm developments in societies.

Our model 4 behavioral strategies about sharing
under uncertainty
        When in the non-acquirer role When in the non-acquirer role
        Demanding communal-sharing Granting another acquirers ownership
When in the acquirer role Provisioning as a common property Communal sharer Saint
When in the acquirer role Claiming private ownership Egoist Bourgeois
Key Question Can communal sharers outperform
other types of members inthe population?
Evolutionary computer simulations
  • Implement the four behavioral strategies in a
    same population and let them interact.
  • A strategy that achieves higher profit than the
    other strategies increase its proportion in the
    population gradually.
  • Emergence of a stable equilibrium over time?

Results of a simulation starting with nearly 100
egoists in the population
Evolvable from nearly zero
  • 2nd-(and higher-) order free-riding? How can
    this issue be solved?

Communal sharers    
  • However, the infinite regress is blocked.
  • The lukewarm members (1st-order free rider)
    quickly acquire behavioral propensity to be less
    reactive (less likely to engage in fighting when
    refused access to the resource) against
    intolerant members (p2), than against non-sharers
    (p1). p1 gt p2
  • Lukewarm members p1 is already small. Thus, p2
    is negligible. That is, lukewarm members back
    off, when refused to access the resource by the
    intolerant members.
  • So, no fitness differences accrue between the
    tolerant and the intolerant members. Tolerant
    members can survive, while effectively
    eliminating the lukewarm members.
  • See Kameda, Takezawa Hastie (2003) for details.

Communal-sharing mind under uncertainty?
Conceptually parallel patterns were also obtained
with American samples (see Kameda, Takezawa,
Tindale, Smith, 2002)
  • Communal-sharing ideology can develop to a stable
    equilibrium (-- socially-shared rule) under
    uncertainty, as a result of individual-level
    fitness maximization.
  • Although living in modern societies (US and
    Japan), communal-sharing minds are triggered
    easily for uncertain resources.
  • Such an operation of mind is adaptive under
  • Evolutionary game analysis is a powerful research
    tool to understand various micro-macro dynamics
    in our societies.

Some thought experiment Two imaginary
  • Promising conclusion, but any limitations in the
    current communal-sharing model?
  • Two imaginary commentators
  • A behavioral ecologist
  • A comparative institutional economist

Behavioral ecologist
  • An interesting talk. Methodologically sound and
    theoretically coherent with work in behavioral
  • One critical question Given your model, why
    dont chimps (or other social animals) engage in
    communal sharing? They may have the same
    adaptive problem of uncertainty-reduction in food
    supply, but no primates other than humans have a
    broad food-sharing system. What elements in your
    model limit its scope just to humans? Some
    sophisticated cognitive mechanisms are assumed in
    your model?

A comparative institutional economist
  • I like your talk, but share the concern with the
    behavioral ecologist.
  • Technological and ecological factors may not
    be the sole determinants in the selection of a
    (social) equilibrium historical and social
    factors may also matter. Otherwise, norms are
    nothing but a mechanical transformation of
    technological and ecological characteristics
    (Aoki, 2001, p.50)

What do these (imaginary) criticisms imply?
  • My model Communal-sharing norm as evoked by the
    local ecological conditions
  • High variance (uncertainty) in meat supply
  • Group-living no privacy
  • Behavioral ecologist Chimps and other social
    animals may have the same local ecological
    condition. Then, why dont they have the
    communal-sharing norm? Do they lack
    sophisticated cognitive mechanisms? What exactly
    are these mechanisms?
  • Comparative institutional economist Just a
    mechanical transformation of ecological
    characteristics into a norm? Specific
    historical and social factors leading to the
    norm? Any role of beliefs?

Evoked culture vs. Epidemiological culture
  • Tooby Cosmides (1992)
  • Evoked culture Culture triggered by local
    circumstances Shared local conditions lead to
    within-group behavioral similarities and
    between-group behavioral differences.
  • Local ecological conditions evoke culture.
  • Epidemiological culture Culture maintained by
    constructing shared representations.
  • Traditional conceptualization of culture
    (transmitted culture) in social sciences (e.g.,
    Sperber, 1996)

  • Evolutionary psychologists tend to emphasize the
    role of evoked culture in human societies.
  • However, in the evoked culture, cultural beliefs,
    in principle, do not play a unique, independent
    role from behavior. Beliefs are just
    psychological counterparts (reflections) of the
    adaptive behavior in the local environment, and
    might even be argued as a redundant concept.
  • However, cultural beliefs matter!
  • Chimps vs. humans (re. cultural capacities)
  • Social/historical changes

  • So, real challenge is to go beyond the evoked
    culture and theoretically incorporate the
    epidemiological (transmitted) culture into the
    adaptive perspective.
  • Cross-fertilization among different disciplines
    is essential.
  • Psychology
  • Evolutionary anthropology
  • Economics (comparative institutional analysis)
  • Game-theoretic framework (including evolutionary
    and repeated game approaches) provides a common

  • Aoki, M. (2001). Toward a comparative
    institutional analysis. MIT Press.
  • Axelrod, R. (1986). An evolutionary approach to
    norms. American Political Science Review, 80,
    1095- 1111.
  • Axerlod, R. (1984). The evolution of
    cooperation. Basic books.
  • Boyd, R., Richerson, P.J. (1985). Culture and
    the evolutionary process. U. Chicago Press.
  • Boyd, R., Richerson, P.J. (1996). Why culture
    is common, but cultural evolution is rare.
    Proceedings of the British Academy, 88, 77-93.
  • Cialdini, R. B., Trost, M. R. (1998). Social
    influence Social norms, conformity, and
    compliance. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, G.
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  • Foley, R. (1987). Another unique species
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  • Kameda, T., Nakanishi, D. (2002). Cost-benefit
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  • Kameda, T., Nakanishi, D. (2003). Does
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    adaptability? Rogerss question revisited.
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  • Kaplan, H., Hill, K. (1985). Food sharing
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  • Maynard Smith, J. (1982). Evolution and the
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  • Sperbar, D. (1996). Explaining culture A
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  • Tooby, J., Cosmides, L. (1992). The
    psychological foundations of culture. In
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