Title: 13. Spatiotemporal Databases
113. Spatiotemporal Databases
- Extreme Point Data Models
- Parametric Extreme Point Data Models
- Geometric Transformation Data Models
- Queries
2- Spatiotemporal objects - have spatial and
temporal extents - Spatial extent- the set of points in space
that belong to an object - Temporal extent- the set of time instances
when an object exists
3- 13.1 Extreme Point Data Models
- Extreme points the endpoints of intervals and
- the corner vertices of polygonal or polyhedral
objects - Examples extreme points data models include
- Rectangle data model and
- Worboys data model
4Extreme Point Data Models
- Rectangles data model --- for each object
- Spatial extent a set of rectangles.
- Temporal extent a set of time intervals.
5(No Transcript)
6Rectangles Data Model
- Archaeological Site (Figure 13.1)
Id X Y T
1 3,6 3,6 100,200
2 8,11 3,7 150,350
3 2,4 5,10 250,400
3 2,10 8,10 250,400
7- Worboys Data Model --- for each object
- Spatial extent a set of triangles,
- represented by corner
vertices - Temporal extent a set of time intervals,
- represented by From and To
8(No Transcript)
9Worboys Data Model
Id Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy From To
Fountain 10 4 10 4 10 4 1980 1986
Road 5 10 9 6 9 6 1995 1996
Road 9 6 9 3 9 3 1995 1996
Tulip 2 3 2 7 6 3 1975 1990
Park 1 2 1 11 12 11 1974 1996
1013.2 Parametric Extreme Point Data Models
- Extend the extreme point data models by
specifying the extreme points as linear,
polynomial, or periodic functions of time - Examples parametric rectangles and
parametric 2-spaghetti data models
11- Parametric Rectangles Data Model ---
- for each object
- Spatial extent a set of intervals, whose
endpoints are represented by functions of
time - (time t is the only
parameter) - Temporal extent a time interval, whose
endpoints are represented
by From and To constants
12 X Y T
5t, 102t 5t, 153t 0, 20
13- The Parametric 2-Spaghetti Data Model---
- for each object
- Spatial Extent set of triangles, whose corner
vertices - represented as functions of time
- Temporal Extent A constant time interval
- Example Net
Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy From To
3 3-t 40.5t 4-0.5t 5t 3 0 10
1413.2.1 Periodic Parametric Data Models
- Periodic Parametric Rectangles Data Model ---
- Spatial Extent a set of triangles, whose corner
- vertices are
represented as - periodic functions of
time - Temporal Extent Periodic intervals
151200 am
300 am
Parking Lot
500 am
16- Example Tide (Figure 13.6)
Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy From To P End
1 4 1 4-t t1 4 0 2 11.5 8
1 4 1 2 3 4 2 9.5 11.5 8
1 2 3 4 3 6-t 2 3 11.5 8
1 2 1 4-t 3 6-t 2 3 11.5 8
1 2 3 4 3 3 3 8.5 11.5 8
1 2 1 1 3 3 3 8.5 11.5 8
1 1 3 3 3 6-t 3 5 11.5 8
1713.3 Geometric Transformation Data Models
- Generalize geometric transformations by using a
time parameter. - Types of geometric transformations
scaling, translation, linear, affine.
1813.3 Geometric Transformation Data Models
- Geometric Transformation -- bijection of
d-dimensional space into itself. - Example
- Affine Motion x Ax B
- Linear Motion x Ax
- Scaling x Ax where A is
diagonal - Translation x x B
- Identity x x
19- Geometric Transformation Data Model ---defines
each spatiotemporal object as some spatial object
together with a continuous transformation that
produces an image of the spatial object for every
time instant
2013.4 Queries
- Querying Parametric Extreme Point Databases ---
- allow only the constraints of the type xc,
xltc, or xgt c. - Example Find where and when will it snow given
- Clouds(X, Y, T, humidity)
- Region(X, Y, T, temperature)
- (SELECT x, y, t
- FROM Clouds
- WHERE humidity gt 80)
- (SELECT x, y, t
- FROM Region
- WHERE temperature lt 32)
21- Example
- Window(id, x, y, t) -- open windows on a
computer screen, where id is the identifier, x,
y spatial points - of the window, and t is the time when it is
active. - Which windows are completely hidden by other
- windows?
- Seen(i) - Window(i, x, y, t),
- not Window(i2,
x, y, t2), - t2 gt t.
- Hidden(i) - Window(i, x, y, t),
- not Seen(i).