Mutations and recombination - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mutations and recombination


Mutations can occur due to errors during DNA replication (replication-dependent mutations) ... Primate g-globin genes: Conversion occurs at TG-repeat 'hot spots' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mutations and recombination

Mutations and recombination
  • Level 3 Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics
  • Jim Provan

Patthy Chapter 3 Page and Holmes Sections
  • Mutations can occur due to errors during DNA
    replication (replication-dependent mutations)
  • Mutations can also occur independently of DNA
    replication (replication-independent mutations)
  • May occur in somatic or germ-line cells
  • Somatic mutations are not inherited and thus play
    no major role in evolution
  • In cases of antibody formation and malignant
    transformation, somatic mutations are significant
  • Only germ-line mutations are inherited and thus
    are important in evolution

  • Substitution mutations in protein-coding regions
    can be categorised by their effect on the
  • If they cause no change to the amino acid
    sequence they are synonymous
  • If they alter the amino acid sequence then they
    are non-synonymous
  • Synonymous substitutions usually occur at third
    codon position

Spontaneous substitution mutations
  • Amino- and keto- groups can tautomerise
  • Amino ? imino
  • Keto ? enol
  • Non-standard base pairing
  • Cytosine can also spontaneously deaminate
  • Forms uracil
  • Uracil pairs with adenine
  • Ultimately results in a GC to AT transition

Induced mutations
  • Natural mutagens largely act on DNA directly
  • Nitrous acid can covert cytosine into uracil
  • Ultraviolet radiation is another major natural
    source of mutations
  • Causes photochemical fusion of adjacent
  • Defects in DNA photolyase result in the condition
    xeroderma pigmentosa

Correcting mutations
  • Most incorrect base-pairs do not ultimately
    become incorporated into DNA
  • DNA polymerase proofreads the polymerisation step
    before proceeding to the next one
  • Incorrect bases are removed by the 3?5
  • Some E. coli mutants with abnormally high
    mutation rates have an altered DNA polymerase II
    with lowered 3?5 exonuclease activity
  • There may be an optimal mutation rate balance
    between proportion of non-viable progeny and
  • Even incorrect pairings which escape proofreading
    may be removed by mismatch repair

Gap mutations
  • In coding regions, deletions, duplications or
    insertions involving a number of nucleotides not
    a multiple of three will give rise to frameshift
  • Causes numerous amino acid changes
  • Likely to create a new stop codon
  • Polycyclic molecules may intercalate between
    bases and cause looping out of DNA which leads
    to an insertion or deletion event
  • Replication slippage or slipped-strand mispairing
    can also give rise to deletions / duplications

Gap mutations (continued)
  • Distinct mechanism can lead to triplet repeat
    expansion diseases
  • Coincidence of disease manifestation with
    amplification of d(CAGCTG), d(CGGCCG) or
    d(GAATTC) repeats
  • Huntingdons disease
  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Myotonic dystrophy
  • Caused by formation of stable hairpin structures
    which interfere with movement of enzymes along
    DNA strand
  • Longer insertions, deletions or fusions occur
    mainly by recombination and involve unequal
    crossing-over, exon-shuffling or transposition

  • Mutations can move between homologous chromosomes
    or even to other chromosomes by recombination
  • Recombination is an important aspect of sexual
    reproduction since it means that by shuffling
    mutations, progeny resemble neither of the parents

Recombination (continued)
  • Homologous recombination occurs between regions
    with similar sequences
  • Unequal crossing-over is a major mechanism in the
    evolution of multigene families
  • Occurs when there is a mis-alignment between
    genes during meiosis
  • Example is the Lepore mutation in haemoglobin

Gene conversion
  • Occurs when DNA sequence of one gene is replaced
    (converted) by sequence from another
  • More similar sequences have greater chance of
  • Primate g-globin genes
  • Conversion occurs at TG-repeat hot spots
  • g1 genes can convert part of the g2 gene

Factors affecting rates of mutation
  • Different sites are not equally susceptible to
    mutation sites that gain more mutations than
    expected are called hotspots
  • Spontaneous deamination of 5-methylcytosine to
    thymine at methylated 5-CpG-3 islands
  • Microsatellite length polymorphism
  • Enzymes for DNA replication etc. may have
    different fidelity e.g. mitochondrial vs. nuclear
  • High mutability in human and mammalian males
  • Male/female ratio of substitution rate is 6
  • Close to the ratio of the number of male/female
    germ-cell divisions per generation

Natural selection and the fate of mutations
  • The fate of a new mutation depends largely on
    whether it is neutral, deleterious or
  • When competing genotypes differ markedly in
    fitness, natural selection will operate
  • Deleterious mutations will eventually be
    eliminated (purifying or negative selection)
  • Mutations which confer a selective advantage will
    be subjected to positive selection
  • Even a minor difference in fitness (s 1) may
    lead to elimination of allele with lower fitness
  • In selectively neutral mutations, the fate of the
    new genotype is determined by random genetic drift

Random genetic drift
  • The probability that a new mutation will become
    fixed in a population also depends on the size of
    the population
  • According to Kimura (1962), for a neutral allele
    the fixation probability (P) equals its frequency
    in the population
  • Fixation occurs by random genetic drift
  • All alleles have equal probability of fixation
  • An advantageous mutation with selective advantage
    s has a fixation probability of P2s
  • Advantageous mutations are not always fixed
  • Even slightly deleterious mutations have a chance
    of fixation

The neutralist vs. selectionist debate
  • Selectionism considers selection as the only
    force that drives the evolutionary process and
    that genetic drift is of minor importance
  • The neutral theory of Kimura suggests that the
    majority of evolutionary change is due to the
    random fixation of neutral or nearly-neutral
  • The neutralist / selectionist debate centres
    around the frequency distribution and fitness of
    mutant alleles
  • It is agreed that the majority of mutations are
    deleterious and removed by purifying selection
  • Selectionists claim that very few mutations are
    neutral, whilst neutralists maintain that most
    non-deleterious mutations are neutral and very
    few are advantageous

Patterns of amino acid replacement
  • Since each codon can undergo nine types of
    substitution (three positions x three
    substitutions), point mutations in the 61 sense
    codons can lead to 549 types of substitution
  • 392 result in the replacement of one amino acid
    with another (non-synonymous substitution)
  • 134 result in silent (synonymous) mutations
  • Of non-synonymous substitutions, there are
    various reasons why all do not occur with equal
  • The genetic code - some interchanges require a
    single substitution whilst others require two or
  • Conservative changes are likely to be nearly

Patterns of amino acid replacement (continued)
  • Data collected by Dayhoff has shown striking
    differences between the relative mutabilities of
    different amino acids
  • Asparagine, serine and alanine are the most
  • Tryptophan, cysteine, tyrosine and phenylalanine
    are the least mutable
  • Cysteine has several unique functions, most
    notably the ability to form disulphide bonds
  • Tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine have bulky
    aromatic side chains which are important in
    protein folding
  • 20 of interchanges - far more than expected by
    chance alone - involve changes of more than one
    nucleotide - suggests the role of selection

Mutation data matrix
  • Favoured interchanges between chemically similar
    amino acids
  • Patterns imposed by natural selection against
    drastic changes
  • Key properties include
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Polarity
  • Charge
  • Ability to form bonds

The molecular clock
  • Idea developed from observation that number of
    amino acid or nucleotide substitutions separating
    orthologous proteins is roughly proportional to
    the time that has passed since divergence from a
    common ancestor
  • Another important observation is that different
    types of genes change at vastly different rates
    which are inversely proportional to structural
    and functional constraints
  • Histones can accept and fix a smaller number of
  • Disruptive mutations are rejected by natural

The molecular clock (continued)
  • Ticks of the clock do not occur regularly -
    mutations happen at random time intervals
  • Poisson distribution originally used but actual
    variation is significantly greater
  • Suggests that variation in evolutionary rates is
    greater than that observed by chance alone
  • Mutation rates vary greatly among different
    evolutionary lineages
  • Changes in functional constraint and selection
    accelerated rates of evolution in insulin in some
    rodents due to adaptive changes
  • Substitutions at different sites may not be
  • Environment may alter mutation rate directly or
    may change functional constraints
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