Title: Metal toxicity in fish
1Metal toxicity in fish
- Clark Fork River (Montana) contaminated with
mixture of toxic metals - Can trout develop resistance to metals toxicity
by being exposed to low concentrations of metals?
- Three groups of fish (about 60 each)
- Hatchery brown trout
- Hatchery rainbow trout
- Clark Fork River brown trout
- Two treatments (half of each group)
- Control keep fish in clean water for 3 weeks
- Treatment keep fish in weakly contaminated water
for 3 weeks - All fish survived this stage
- Measurement
- Expose fish to highest Clark Fork River
concentrations - Measure time to death in hours
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3Single factor ANOVA
The ith observation in group j
The error deviation of the observation from the
j group mean
Overall mean across all groups (grand mean)
Deviation of the jth group mean (level from
the grand mean
Sum of as is zero
4Single factor ANOVA Effect of fish source on
toxicity resistance
5Two factor ANOVA
Deviation of kth level of factor 2 from the
grand mean
Grand mean
Deviation of jth level of factor 1 from the
grand mean
Interaction deviation from j group mean of
factor 1 associated with being in kth group of
factor 2
ith obs in group j of factor 1 and group k of
factor 2
Sum of as is zero
6Hypothesis testing for two-factor ANOVA
7Assumptions of ANOVA Metals fish
- Samples random and independent
- Within-group variation normally distributed
- Homoscedasticity (groups have same variances)
- The factors (independent variables) are
- Species/source of fish
- Acclimation treatment yes/no
- The variances are very different among groups
- Range from 20 to 1200
- Log transform greatly reduces this
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9Fish Metals
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq
F value Pr(gtF) Fish 2 4.5812
2.2906 17.1087 1.635e-07 Metals 1
14.4823 14.4823 108.1684 lt 2.2e-16
FishMetals 2 1.5249 0.7624 5.6946
0.004018 Residuals 175 23.4301 0.1339
10Fish Metals
11Multiple Comparisons
- We have established that independent variable
doesnt have the same mean across all levels of
the independent variable - but which means are different?
- With n levels, there are n(n-1)/2 comparisons
- Even more if there are multiple factors
- Do a bunch of t-tests
- but the more tests we do, the more likely we are
to find a small P-value
12Bonferroni correction
- Comparison-wise error rate Probability of type-I
error in a given test - Family-wise error rate Probability of at least
one type I error in all the tests - Also called experiment-wise error
- To obtain family-wise error rate a across m
tests, set comparison-wise rate to
13Multiple comparisons
- Control vs. treatment, for each fish (3)
- Control fish vs. one another (3)
- Treatment fish vs. one another (3)
- Treatment effect per fish, vs. one another (3)
- For experiment-wise a of 0.05, need to set
test-wise a to 0.004