Volterra VII ciclo di dottorato - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Volterra VII ciclo di dottorato


focusing), e.g. x2 at Rhea, x20 at Mimas compared with Iapetus (Smith et al. ... Several satellites show a wide spectrum of ages (Enceladus, Rhea, Ariel) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Volterra VII ciclo di dottorato

Origin of Planetary Satellites
  • Angioletta Coradini

Voyagers 1 and 2
  • Voyagers 1 and 2 are currently at 90 and 75 AU,
    and receding at 3.5 and 3.1 AU/yr
  • Pioneers 10 and 11 at 87 and 67 AU and receding
    at 2.6 and 2.5 AU/yr

  • More modern (launched 1989) but the high-gain
    antenna failed leaving ? Reducing drastically the
    data rate
  • VE-Earth gravity assist
  • Arrived at Jupiter in 1995 and deployed probe
    into Jupiters atmosphere
  • Very complex series of fly-bys of all major
    Galilean satellites
  • Deliberately crashed into Jupiter Sept 2003 Main
    source of results

  • 6 tonnes, 2 billion, launched in 1997, planned
    from 1985
  • Note the absence of scan platform and the
    reaction wheels
  • Trajectory included Venus and Earth flybys, and
    will flyby Titan 44 times

Family Portrait
  • From medium size to very small sizes
  • Icy/ Rocky composition
  • Weak negative density gradients going from the
    inner to the outer regions of the system (
    Jupiter Case)
  • Large variability both in terms of surface and
    internal evolution
  • From largely differentiated bodies ( Europa,
    Ganymede) to completely undifferentiated (
  • Tidal heating and orbital evolution (Peale Annu.
    Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 1999 is a good reference)
  • Role of volatiles (ammonia, methane)
  • Size-related effects
  • Different role and style of the craterization
  • Impact crater populations and effects
  • Presence or absence of volcanism
  • Presence or absence of intrinsic magnetic fields

Jupiter system Galilean Satellites
  • Io
  • Europa
  • Callisto
  • Ganymede

Surface Structures
Surface Characteristics
  • Io Young surface, formed by ongoing volcanic
  • Europa Completely covered by crushed ice.
  • Ganymede Dark (older) and bright (younger)
    areas, expansion indicated by the latter.
  • Callisto Heavily cratered, old surface.

Where are they?
Saturn Observations
Small (lt500 km), inactive
Small, active
Medium, inactive
Medium, active
Uranus Observations
Small, active
Small (lt500 km), inactive
Medium, inactive
Medium, active
(No Transcript)
  • Jup. Sat

  • Sat.

X Charon
  • Callisto and Uranian satellites are dark,
    Saturnian satellites bright (except parts of
  • Albedo decreases with radial distance
  • Uranian satellites are denser on average than

  • Callisto has lower reflectivity and shallower
    absorption bands, indicating a higher non-ice
  • Ganymede and Callisto show slight differences
    between leading and trailing hemispheres
  • Non-ice materials are probably hydrated minerals

Earth-based reflectance spectra, from Johnson, in
New Solar System
Inferred Composition of Galilean Satellites
Impact Cratering
  • Main source of impact craters in outer solar
    system is comets
  • Synchronously rotating satellite will be
    preferentially cratered on its leading hemisphere
    (think raindrops)
  • So distribution of impact craters on surface can
    be used to test whether NSR has occurred
  • Density of impact craters can be used to infer
    surface age
  • Obtaining absolute surface ages requires the
    impact rate to be derived, from a combination of
    current and historical astronomical observations,
    and models. Uncertainties are currently large.
  • Note that the impact rate will increase for
    satellites closer to the primary (effect of
    gravitational focusing)

Cratering and Ages
  • Cratering rate increases with decreasing distance
    to primary (grav. focusing), e.g. x2 at Rhea, x20
    at Mimas compared with Iapetus (Smith et al.
    Science 1982)
  • Size of crater caused by particular object
    increases with decreasing distance to primary
  • So observed crater density is a strong function
    of distance to primary as well as surface age
  • This makes even relative cratering ages hard to
    determine and model-dependent, never mind
    absolute cratering ages (see Zahnle et al. Icarus
  • A consequence of gravitational focusing is that
    objects near the primary may have been disrupted
    once or several times by impacts (Mimas,
    Enceladus, Miranda, Ariel)

Absolute Ages missing
  • Uncertainties in absolute fluxes mean surface
    ages are very uncertain.
  • Iapetus, Oberon, Titania and Umbriel are
    undoubtedly very old
  • Mimas and Enceladus are at least slightly, and
    perhaps much, younger
  • Parts of Miranda are very young
  • Several satellites show a wide spectrum of ages
    (Enceladus, Rhea, Ariel)

From Zahnle et al. Icarus 2003
General considerations
  • Jupiter has 4 large (gt1500 km) moons, Saturn 1,
    and Uranus and Neptune none. Neptune appears to
    be moon-poor in general.
  • All are synchronous, except Hyperion (chaotic)
  • Densities are all close to 1 g/cc, suggesting
    mainly volatile ices (see next slide).
  • Uranian satellites are denser than Saturnian ones
  • Uranus satellite densities increase (roughly)
    with distance.
  • Several of the periods are close to (or actually
    in) resonance e.g. Mimas-Tethys, Iapetus-Titan.
    May have had significant effects earlier in
  • Uranian system has no resonances (at present day)
  • Charon Pluto couple? Like the Moon??

  • Surface compositions mainly water ice (except
    for Io), plus contaminants (spectroscopy)
  • Ios surface is silicates sulphur
  • Interiors discussed in detail later, but
    roughly equal mix of water ice, silicates and
  • How did they form?
  • Presumably accreted while Jupiter was forming
  • Lateral temperature gradient in nebula
  • May have been earlier satellites that didnt
  • Energy of accretion 0.6 Gms/Rs per unit mass
    2MJ/kg this is enough to heat ice through
    1000 K.
  • Satellites subsequently evolved to their
    present-day positions

  • We expect that satellite formation be a natural
    byproduct of planet formation, given the
    multitude of satellites in our solar system.
  • Two formation mechanisms are believed responsible
    for the majority of the large planetary
  • Impact
  • Our own Moon is thought to have resulted from
    what was perhaps the largest impact of Earths
    accretion, and the so-called giant impact
    hypothesis is favored for its ability to explain
    the primary dynamical and physical attributes of
    the Earth-Moon system.
  • co-formation
  • The Galilean satellites are a key example of a
    satellite system that is believed to have
    co-formed with its parent planet, with satellites
    accumulating within a circumplanetary accretion
    disk that existed during the final stages of the
    planets own growth.

Two extreme views for satellite origin
Num Mass Ratio Earth 1 0.012 I
Pluto 1 0.1 I Jupiter 4 2 x
10-4 Co-F Saturn 5 2.5 x 10-4 Co-F Uranus
4 10-4 Co-F or I Neptune 1 2 x 10-4
Bate et al.
I ? Impact
Co-I ? Co Formation
Working Hypothesis Co-formation
  • We consider a scenario in which the regular
    satellites form within circumplanetary accretion
    disks produced during the final stages of gas
    accretion (e.g.,Coradini et al1981, Magni and
    Coradini, 2003, Lubow et al. 1999 D'Angelo et
    al. 2002).
  • For a given inflow rate M of gas and solids, a
    quasi steady-state circumplanetary gas disk is
    produced through a balance of the inflow supply
    and the disk's internal viscous evolution,
    assuming that the disk viscous spreading time is
    short compared to the timescale over which the
    inflow changes.

Minimum mass subnebulae for the Jupiter and
Saturn satellite systems (from Pollack
Consolmagno 1984).
What is the mass Accretion rate?
  • The accretion disk model assumes that the
    contraction of the planet to a scale of less than
    a few RJ occurred prior to the complete removal
    of the solar nebula.
  • Late-inflowing gas containing sufficient angular
    momentum for centrifugal force balance at an
    orbit of 2030 RJ (e.g., Ruskol 1982), then leads
    to the formation of a circumplanetary disk
  • Typical mass accretion rate can be

Satellite a-disk
  • Coradini et al. (1989) incorporated viscous
    evolution of an accretion disk formed via nebula
    mass inflow into circum-jovian orbit.
  • We computed the steady-state disk conditions
    using the Lynden-Bell Pringle (1974) formalism.
    The disk was conceived to be highly convective
    with a strong turbulence viscosity parameter a
    0.1 in the inner satellite region, and

The a-disk (contd)
  • During the initial phase, solid accretion would
    be precluded by high temperatures or viscous
    turbulence in the disk, whereas in the latter,
    satellite accretion would proceed along the lines
    of the Lunine and Stevenson 82 model, i.e., in
    the absence of gas in flow.
  • The assumption that satellite accretion would
    occur after mass inflow to Jupiter has ceased
    would require that

We disliked this result since is not clear how to
evaluate correctly the mass infall rate
  • Protosatellite disk of gas solids
  • Current satellite masses disk solids 2 10-4
    Jupiter masses
  • Required solar composition mass
  • 100 MSAT 2 10-2MJ
  • Standard approach protosatellite disk
  • Minimum mass sub-nebula (MMSN)
  • ? Gas rich disk sGAS 105 g/cm2
  • Basic difficulties MMSN disk is too hot,
    accretion too fast, satellite lifetimes against
    decay in short time due to friction with the gas

Alternative model Slow-inflow accretion
diskCanup and Ward 2002
  • Gas solids delivered during final stages of
    Jovian accretion 10-2MJ is minimum mass that
    was processed through satellite disk, but not
    necessarily in disk all at one time
  • Gas maintains quasi steady-state solids accrete
    and buildup in disk with time
  • Result prolonged satellite formation over gt105
    years in a cool, gas-starved disk
  • Consistent with incompletely differentiated
    Callisto, icy outer satellites, satellite
    survival against viscous decay

Implications of Canup-Ward model
  • Regular satellites of giants formed during final
    slow accretion of gas and solids to planets
  • Inward orbital migration of large satellites
  • Differences in final satellites systems can
    result from similar conditions, depending of
    stopping inflow
  • Galilean- like system with 4 large satellites at
    170,000 years.
  • Galilean- like system with a single-like
    satellite 300,000 years.

Some key open issues for the Canup and Ward 2002
  • 1) Character of late inflow onto Jupiter/Saturn?
  • Flow dynamics within Hill sphere
  • Specific angular momentum on inflow
  • Dust/Ice Ratio unknown
  • 2) Disk viscosity magnitude character?
  • Turbulence due to inflow (e.g., Cassen Moosman)
  • Torques from growing satellites (e.g., Goodman
  • General turbulence associated with Keplerian
    disks (e.g., Klahr Bodenheimer)

Hydro-dynamical model
  • The planet accretion has been treated assuming an
    annular region to mimic the planet feeding zone.
  • This region is centered on the Sun and has a
    thickness comparable with the height of the
    protosolar nebula at the same distance.
  • In the case treated here, at the Jupiter
    distance, the annular region has a thickness of
    about 10 a.u.
  • The reference system is rigidly rotating with an
    angular velocity equal to the Keplerian one.

Area where the gas has prograde motion ?Accretion
  • The region that we can call disk is deeply
    imbedded in the feeding zone and much smaller
    than the Hill sphere.
  • Moreover is characterized by the fact that the
    gas motion from being prograde becomes retrograde
    in the planet reference system.
  • In Figure are depicted the regions where the gas
    is in Keplerian motion in different simulations

  • Pressure and temperature profile of the planet
    for model J4.
  • The planet is characterized by the presence of a
    large inner convective zone divided by a
    radiative region from the external convecting
  • The two profiles correspond to the planet s
    masses 0.1and 0.3 Jupiter masses.
  • The external envelope of the planet covers a very
    large region of more than 700 RJ

  • Final stage the atmosphere of the planet largely
    cover the formation region of planetary
    satellites for models JF3-JF1.
  • Model JF4 exhibits a different behaviour, since
    the planet atmosphere covers only the present
    position of Io.

The abrupt changes in slope are due to opacity
During the slow contraction phase the planet
recedes from the region where presently satellite
are located. The formation region of Callisto is
in 100.000 years emptied, but 10 millions of
years arent sufficient to clear up the formation
region of Io. The planet luminosity evolves from
values ranging from about 1.1 10-6 1.1 10-5
-after 10.000 years of evolution to about 1.1
10-6 after about 107 .
  • Protoplanet radius and external radius of the
    protosatellitary disk versus accretion timescale
    for the growing planet in its final evolution
  • At right are plotted the distances of the
    Galilean satellites

The ?-disk
Accretion time of an object by collision in the
Gravitational Focusing
Orbital decay time
The orbital decay timescale of an object due to
gas drag within a disk with sound speed c.
Small Particles have shorter decay time than
accreted particles
Decay Time 104 years
In the disk accreted particles can survive to
the viscous drift and to the disk dissipation!
Decay Time 106 years
Particles surviving in the disk, during the final
stage, can increase their mass more efficiently
having larger relative velocities.
For long lasting disks the particles accretion is
driven by gas interactions
Only at Callisto distance ice is always present
Only at Callisto distance ice is always present
The role of external planetesimals
  • N-body simulation of dynamical evolution of
    15,000 objects under their reciprocal
    gravitational interactions in the gravitational
    field of Jupiter.
  • The planetesimals entering in a zone close to the
    planet as far as 10 of the Hill lobe are
  • An initial gap 2 au has been assumend

The planetesimals accretion (no gas) 100,000
years evolution 15,000 planetesimals of 1016g
  • 31 Planetesimals Captured
  • 718 Planetesimals Expelled

The planetesimals accretion (gas viscosity) in
150,000 years .The gas-planetesimals velocity is
computed by considering the gas flux in the
tube in which it moves.
Balance of captured and Ejected planetesimals
Planetary System detectability
What happened to the Saturn System?
Working Hypothesis impact
  • The origin of the Moon is one of the oldest and
    most studied problems in planetary science.
  • The Moons lack of a large iron core together
    with planet accretion model predictions that
    large impacts would be common ? Hartmann and
    Davis (1975) Model
  • An impact with the Earth could have ejected
    iron-depleted mantle material into orbit from
    which the Moon then formed.
  • An independent and contemporaneous investigation
    by Cameron and Ward (1976) recognized that the
    oblique impact of a roughly Mars-sized planet
  • account for the rapid initial terrestrial
    rotation rate implied by the current angular
    momentum of the Earth Moon system,
  • vaporization might provide a physical mechanism
    to emplace material into bound orbit.

Large .. But how large??
  • Since Cameron and Benz (1991), progressively
    larger impactors relative to the targets were
    considered in an effort to increase the yield of
    orbiting material, with Cameron (2000, 2001)
    considering collisions that all involved
    impactors containing 30 of the total colliding
  • The type of impact favored by those works
    involved an impactor with roughly twice the mass
    of Mars and an impact angular momentum close to
    that of the current EarthMoon system, LEM, but
    with a total mass (impactor plus target) of only
    MT 0.65M?. In this so-called early-Earth
    scenario, the Earth is only partially accreted
    when the Moon forms and must subsequently gain
    0.35M?, with the later growth involving
    sufficiently small and numerous impacts so that
    the system angular momentum is not drastically

Key Constrains ( Canup 2004)
  • The lunar forming impact is constrained by basic
    properties of the EarthMoon system
  • The system angular momentum, LEM 3.5 1041
  • the masses of the Earth and Moon (ML 7.35
    1025 g 0.0123M?), and
  • The observed degree of lunar iron depletion.

Smooth particle hydrodynamics, or SPH
Example of Lunar Forming Impact
  • SPH (e.g., Benz et al. 1986)
  • Good way to evaluate state equations
  • A sophisticated, semi-analytic equation of state
    known as ANEOS (Thompson and Lauson, 1972) has
    been utilized by previous giant impact studies
    (Benz et al., 1989 Cameron and Benz, 1991
    Cameron, 1997, 2000, 2001)
  • ANEOS takes into account of the entropy and
    energy required for vaporization of molecular
    species (such as mantle rock, modified to take
    into account of the for molecular vapor
  • Targets ? e. g. contain 30 iron and 70
    silicate (forsterite/dunite) by mass,
    differentiated into a core-mantle prior to the
    impact. We create objects in one of two ways.
  • Collisionally generate the objects by colliding
    an iron projectile into a dunite target to
    produce a self-equilibrated and
    self-differentiated object.

Proto-Earth containing 0.89M?.
  • Time series from an N 60,000 particle
  • Color scales with particle temperature, with red
    indicating particles with temperatures exceeding
    6444 K.

  • Peak particle temperatures experienced during
    impact color scales with temperature in degrees K
    with red for T gt9000 K
  • same as (a), close-up on impactor
  • mapping of final particle states yellowgreen
    particles end up in the orbiting disk, red escape
    the system, and blue end up in the protoearth
  • same as (c), close-up on impactor
  • mapping of final particle states onto time step
    shown in Fig. 2b, same color scale as (c) and
  • instantaneous particle temperatures within a
    4000-km slice centered on the z 0 plane for the
    time step shown in (e).

The vectors are proportional to the particle
velocity magnitude
Post-impact state of proto-earth and disk
  • (a) Temperatures within a 2000-km thick slice
    through the protoearth, parallel with and
    centered on the equatorial plane of the planet
  • (b) same slice as shown in (a) but color scales
    with the source object of the material, with red
    particles originating from the impactor and blue
    from the target
  • (c) same slice as in (a), but color scales with
    material type, with iron particles in red and
    dunite particles in blue
  • (d) the entire proto-earth and disk, with color
    scaling with material type (iron vs. dunite) as
    in (c).

An impact formation of Pluto-Charon?
Pluto-Charon and Plutinos
  • Alan Stern, Robin Canup, and Daniel Durda have
    found clues that some KBOs in neighboring orbits
    to Pluto may, in fact, be debris created in the
    Pluto-Charon forming event.
  • The evidence found by the SwRI team linking some
    KBOs called "Plutinos" to Pluto-Charon comes in
    three forms.
  • First, there is a close orbital similarity
    between some KBOs and Pluto that is consistent
    with the expected distribution of debris from the
    Pluto-Charon formation event. Second, the colors
    of Pluto and some KBOs, and Charon and other
    KBOs, suggest similar surface compositions.
  • Third, the apparent size distribution of the
    objects that suggest themselves as potential
    shards of the Pluto-Charon forming collision is
    similar to both laboratory results from studies
    of catastrophic collisions and asteroid belt
    families known to result from collisions

..possible conclusion
  • The formation of satellites can take place in
    different conditions and through different
  • We have reviewed two main mechanisms, but they
    can variously overlap depending on the boundary
  • It is important try to correlate the process of
    satellite formation to the local situation
    generated by central body formation
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