23'1 Mendels Laws - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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23'1 Mendels Laws


Pea plants are available in many varieties with distinct heritable features ... Siamese cats and Himalayan rabbits are darker in color where body heat is lost ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 23'1 Mendels Laws

23.1 Mendels Laws
  • Gregor Mendel
  • Augustinian Monk
  • Around 1857, began breeding garden peas to study
  • Performed crosses between true breeding lines of
    garden peas that differed in a single trait.

  • Pea plants have several advantages for genetics
  • Pea plants are available in many varieties with
    distinct heritable features (characters) with
    different variants (traits).

Seed shape
Seed color
Pod shape
Pod color
  • Mendel could control which plants mated with
  • Each pea plant has male (stamens) and female
    (carpal) sexual organs.
  • In nature, pea plants typically self-fertilize,
    fertilizing ova with their own sperm.
  • However, Mendel could also move pollen from one
    plant to another to cross-pollinate plants.

Stigma (receives pollen)
Anthers (produce pollen grains, which contain
male gametes)
Ovules (produce female gametes)
1. Remove anthers from one plant.
2. Collect pollen from a different plant.
3. Transfer pollen to a stigma of the individual
whose anthers have been removed.
Mendels Experiment
  • In a typical breeding experiment, Mendel would
    cross-pollinate (hybridize) two contrasting,
    true-breeding pea varieties.
  • The true-breeding parents are the P generation
    and their hybrid offspring are the F1 generation.
  • Hypotheses
  • All offspring will be a blend of the two colors
  • All offspring will be some of each color
  • All offspring will be one color or the other

  • Mendel then allowed the F1 hybrids to
    self-pollinate to produce an F2 generation.
  • When Mendel allowed the F1 plants to
    self-fertilize, the F2 generation included both
    purple-flowered and white-flowered plants.
  • The white trait, absent in the F1, reappeared in
    the F2.
  • Based on a large sample size, Mendel recorded
    705 purple-flowered F2 plants and 224
    white-flowered F2 plants from the original cross
    (a ratio of three purple to one white flowering
    plant in the F2 offspring).

Mendels Conclusions
  • Mendel reasoned that the heritable factor for
    white flowers was present in the F1 plants, but
    it did not affect flower color.
  • Purple flower is a dominant trait and white
    flower is a recessive trait.
  • Mendels quantitative analysis of F2 plants
    revealed the two fundamental principles of
  • law of segregation
  • law of independent assortment.

Law of Segregation
  • Four related ideas
  • 1. Different factors or alternative versions of
    genes (alleles) account for variations in
    inherited characters.
  • Different alleles vary somewhat in the sequence
    of nucleotides at the specific locus (location)
    on paired chromosomes.
  • The purple-flower allele and white-flower
    allele are two DNA variations at the
    flower-color locus.

  • 2. For each character, an organism inherits
    twoalleles, one on each homologous chromosome
    from each parent.
  • Each diploid organism has a pair of homologous
    chromosomes and therefore two copies of each
  • A diploid organism inherits one set of
    chromosomes from each parent.
  • These homologous loci may be identical, as in the
    true-breeding plants of the P generation.
  • Alternatively, the two alleles may differ
  • In the flower-color example, the F1 plants
    inherited a purple-flower allele from one parent
    and a white-flower allele from the other.

  • 3. If two alleles differ, then one, the
    dominant allele, is fully expressed in the the
    organisms appearance.
  • The other, the recessive allele, has no
    noticeable effect on the organisms appearance.
  • Mendels F1 plants had purple flowers because the
    purple-flower allele is dominant and the
    white-flower allele is recessive.

  • 4. The two alleles for each character segregate
    (separate) during gamete production when the
    homologous chromosomes are separated and
    distributed to different gametes in meiosis.
  • If an organism has identical alleles for a
    particular character, then that allele exists as
    a single copy in all gametes.
  • If different alleles are present, then 50 of the
    gametes will receive one allele and 50 will
    receive the other.
  • The separation of alleles into separate gametes
    is summarized as Mendels law of segregation.

Law of Segregation - Summary
  • Each individual has alleles for each trait
  • The alleles segregate (separate) during the
    formation of gametes
  • Each gamete contains only one allele from each
    pair of alleles
  • Fertilization gives each new individual two
    alleles for each trait

Homologous Chromosomes
Inheritance of a Single Trait
  • Phenotype physical appearance of the individual
    with regard to a trait
  • Genotype alleles responsible for a given trait
  • Two alleles for a trait
  • A capital letter symbolizes a dominant allele (W)
  • A lower-case letter symbolizes a recessive allele
  • Dominant refers to the allele that will mask the
  • of the alternate (recessive) allele

Example Widows Peak
Single Trait Gamete Formation
  • During meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate
    so there is only 1 member of each pair in a
  • There is one allele for each trait, such as
    hairline, in each gamete
  • Example if one parents genotype is Ww, then
    some gametes from this individual will contain a
    W and others a w

One-Trait Cross
  • A homozygous man with a widows peak X a woman
    with a straight hairline

Punnett Square
  • Two individuals who are both Ww

One-Trait Crosses and Probability
  • The chance of 2 or more independent events
    occurring together is the product of their chance
    of occurring separately
  • In the cross Ww X Ww, what is the chance of
    obtaining either a W or a w from a parent?
  • Chance of W ½ and the chance of w ½
  • Therefore the probability of having these
    genotypes is as follows
  • Chance of WW ½ X ½ ¼
  • Chance of Ww ½ X ½ ¼
  • Chance of wW ½ X ½ ¼
  • Chance of ww ½ X ½ ¼

One-Trait Test Cross
  • Breeders of plants and animals may do a test
    cross to determine the likely genotype of an
    individual with the dominant phenotype
  • Cross with a recessive individual - the recessive
    has a known genotype (ww)
  • If there are any offspring produced with the
    recessive phenotype, then the dominant parent
    must be heterozygous

(No Transcript)
Inheritance of Two Traits
  • The Law of Independent Assortment
  • Each pair of factors assorts independently
    (without regard to how the others separate)
  • All possible combinations of factors can occur in
    the gametes

The Inheritance of Two Traits
Two-Trait Crosses (Dihybrid Cross)
Two-Trait Crosses (Dihybrid Cross)
  • WwSs (X) WwSs
  • Phenotypic Ratio
  • 9 widows peak, short fingers
  • 3 widows peak, long fingers
  • 3 straight hairline, short fingers
  • 1 straight hairline, long fingers

Two-Trait Crosses and Probability
  • Probability Laws
  • Probability of widows peak ¾
  • Probability of short fingers ¾
  • Probability of straight hairline ¼
  • Probability of long fingers ¼
  • Using the Product Rule
  • Probability of widows peak and short fingers
  • ¾ X ¾ 9/16
  • Probability of widows peak and long fingers
  • ¾ X ¼ 3/16
  • Probability of straight hairline and short
  • ¼ X ¾ 3/16
  • Probability of straight hairline and long fingers
  • ¼ X ¼ 1/16

Pedigree Analysis
  • Information about the presence or absence of a
    particular phenotypic trait is collected from as
    many individuals in a family as possible and
    across as many generations as possible.
  • The distribution of these characters is then
    mapped on the family tree.

  • Example If an individual in the third generation
    lacks a widows peak, but both her parents have
    widows peaks, then her parents must be
    heterozygous for that gene.
  • If some siblings in the second generation lack a
    widow peak and one of the grandparents (first
    generation) also lacks one, then the other
    grandparent must be heterozygous and we can
    determine the genotype of almost all other

Beyond Simple Inheritance Patterns
  • Incomplete Dominance
  • Occurs when the heterozygote shows a distinct
    intermediate phenotype not seen in the two
  • Offspring of a cross between heterozygotes will
    show three phenotypes each parent and the
  • The phenotypic and genotypic ratios are
    identical, 121.

  • A clear example of incomplete dominance is seen
    in flower color of snapdragons.
  • A cross between a white-flowered plant and a
    red-flowered plant will produce all pink F1
  • Self-pollination of the F1 offspring produces
    25 white, 25 red, and 50 pink offspring.

Incomplete Dominance
  • Occurs when alleles are equally expressed in a
  • Example the M, N, and MN blood groups of humans
    are due to the presence of two specific molecules
    on the surface of red blood cells.
  • People of group M (genotype MM) have one type of
    molecule on their red blood cells, people of
    group N (genotype NN) have the other type, and
    people of group MN (genotype MN) have both
    molecules present.

Multiple Allele Inheritance
  • A trait is controlled by multiple alleles, the
    gene exists in several allelic forms.
  • Each person has only two of the possible alleles.
  • ABO Blood Types
  • IA A antigens on red blood cells
  • IB B antigens on red blood cells
  • i has neither A nor B antigens on red blood
  • Both IA and IB are dominant over i, IA and IB are

ABO Blood Types
  • Phenotype Genotype
  • A IAIA or IAi
  • B IBIB or IBi
  • O ii

Both IA and IB are dominant over i, IA and IB are
codominant The Rh factor is inherited separately
from ABO blood types.
Inheritance of Blood Types
Sex-Linked Inheritance in Humans
  • 22 pairs of autosomes, 1 pair of sex chromosomes
  • X and Y
  • In females, the sex chromosomes are XX
  • In males, the sex chromosomes are XY
  • Note that in males the sex chromosomes are not
  • Traits controlled by genes in the sex chromosomes
    are called sex-linked traits
  • X chromosome has many genes, the Y chromosome
    does not

Sex-Linked Alleles
  • Red-green colorblindness is X-linked
  • The X chromosome has genes for normal color
  • XB normal vision
  • Xb colorblindness
  • Genotypes Phenotypes
  • XBXB female with normal color vision
  • XBXb carrier female with normal color vision
  • XbXb colorblind female
  • XBY male with normal color vision
  • XbY colorblind male

Cross involving an X-linked Allele
Polygenic Inheritance
  • Occurs when a trait is governed by two or more
    sets of alleles.
  • Each dominant allele codes for a product
  • The effects of the dominant alleles are additive.
  • The result is continuous variation.
  • Examples of traits include size or height, shape,
    weight, and skin color.

Polygenic Inheritance Skin Color
Environmental Influences
  • Environmental factors can influence the
    expression of genetic traits.

Example Siamese cats and Himalayan rabbits
are darker in color where body heat is lost to
the environment.
Inheritance of Linked Genes
  • All the alleles on one chromosome form a linkage
  • Recall that during meiosis crossing over
    sometimes occurs
  • If crossing over occurs between two alleles of
    interest, then four types of gametes are formed
    instead of two

Linkage Groups
  • The occurrence of crossing-over can help
    determine the sequence of genes on a chromosome
  • Crossing-over occurs more often between distant
    genes than genes that are close together
  • In the example below, it is expected that
    recombinant gametes would include G and z more
    often than R and s.
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