Title: P1252428253RAgsK
1Clinical Cardiovascular Anatomy
Physiology Concepts, Definitions, Principles
Slides developed in collaboration with Dr. John
Green, 2003.
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5The Normal Heart - Coronary Artery Anatomy
Left Main CA
Layers of the Arterial Wall
Right CA
Marginal Branch
Left Anterior Descending CA
6The Heart as a Pump Reference Berne and Levy,
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13Cardiac Muscle Differences
- Fibers organized into functional syncytium
- branching, interconnected fibers
- ends separated by intercalated disks fused to
adjoining fibers by tight junctions low
resistance - all-or-none law applies to entire myocardium
- Cannot be tetanized
- due to phase 2 (plateau) of action potential
14Left Ventricular Volumes - Definitions
End Diastolic Volume (EDV)
Volume at the end of diastole (end of
ventricular filling) End Systolic Volume
(ESV) Volume at the end of systole (end of
ventricular contraction) Stroke Volume (SV)
EDV - ESV Ejection Fraction (EF) SV EDV
Ejection Fraction is the best indicator of heart
performance and disease prognosis
Left ventricular norm 62
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- Cardiac Output (Q) HR X SV
- Cardiac Index Q / body surface area
- Preload diastolic filling volume of the left
ventricle (EDV reflects
stretch of the cardiac muscle cells) - Afterload resistance to ventricular emptying
during systole (the amount of pressure the left
ventricle must generate to squeeze blood into
the aorta - Frank Starling Law of the Heart - the heart
will contract with greater force when preload
(EDV) is increased - Myocardial Contractility - the squeezing
contractile force that the heart can develop at
a given preload - regulated by
- sympathetic nerve activity (most influential)
- catecholamines (epinephrine norepinephrine)
- amount of contractile mass
- drugs
18Starlings Law of the Heart and Contractility
? contractility
SV left ventricular performance
normal contractility
? contractility (heart failure)
preload (venous return)
19Using Ventricular Pressure Curves as Indices of
Contractility Cardiac Function
dP/dt change in pressure per unit of time
Normal Heart Failure
Note elevation in end diastolic pressure
- - a change in developed tension at a given
resting fiber length OR an increase in Vmax - increase max dP/dt from LV pressure curve
- Positive and negative inotropic effects
- Ejection fraction (EF SV/EDV) used in clinical
practice - increase contractility assumed with increase EF
- ? with Ca, NE, digitalis, exercise? with Ko,
21Influences on Myocardial Contractility
? Contractility related to beta-sympathetic
adrenergic nerves catecholamines
epinephrine norepinephrine drugs
digitalis sympathomimetics ?
Contractility related to loss of contractile
mass - myocardial Infarction myocardial muscle
disease - cardiomyopathy drugs anesthetics,
- Arteriovenous Oxygen Difference (AVO2D) the
difference in oxygen content between arterial
and venous blood - measured in ml - ml O2 / 100 ml blood
- Oxygen Consumption (VO2) - the rate at which
oxygen can be used in energy production and
metabolism - absolute measures L / min , ml / min
- relative measures ml / kg body wt. / min
- Fick equation VO2 Q X AVO2D
- Maximum Oxygen Consumption (VO2max) maximum rate
at which a person can take in and utilize oxygen
to create usable energy - defined as plateau of consumption rate increase
- often estimated with VO2peak
- Myocardial Oxygen Consumption VO2 of the heart
muscle (myocardium) - "estimated" by RPP HR X SBP
- Functional Aerobic Impairment
mild 27 - 40 moderate 41 -
54 marked 55 - 68 severe gt 69
predicted VO2max - attained VO2max
predicted VO2max
- Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) pressure measured
in brachial artery during systole (ventricular
emptying and ventricular contraction period) - Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) pressure measured
in brachial artery during diastole (ventricular
filling and ventricular relaxation) - Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) "average" pressure
throughout the cardiac cycle against the walls
of the proximal systemic arteries (aorta) - estimated as .33(SBP - DBP) DBP
- Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR) - the sum of
all forces that oppose blood flow - length of vasculature (L)
- blood viscosity (V)
- hydrostatic pressure (P)
- vessel radius (r)
TPR ( 8 ) ( V ) ( L ) (?) ( r 4 )
24Cardiovascular Hemodynamic Basics
Pressure (MAP) P aorta P
vena cava Resistance (TPR)
(8) (V) (L)
(?) (r 4)
Flow (Q)
Flow (Q)
(?) (Pa Pv) (r 4) (8) (V) (L)
Normally Resting Q is about 5 - 6 liters / minute
V viscosity of fluid (blood) flowing through
the pipe L length of pipe (blood vessel) r
radius of the pipe (blood vessel) Pa aortic
pressure Pv venous pressure
The Systemic Circulation
Arteries (Stiff Inflexible Pipes)
Veins (Flexible Compliant Pipes)
Precapillary Sphincters
26Microcirculatory Anatomy
Smooth Muscle
Precapillary Sphincter
Anastomosis (Shunt)
True Capillary With Single Layer of Endothelium
27Effects of an Increase in Preload on Left
Ventricular Pressure Volume Loop
? Ejection Pressure
Left Ventricular Pressure (mmHg)
? SV
Volume (ml)
28Effects of an Increase in Afterload on Left
Ventricular Pressure Volume Loop
Left Ventricular Pressure (mmHg)
? SV
Volume (ml)
29Mechanism of Control of Cardiovascular and
Respiratory Systems
30Sites of Cardiorespiratory Control
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33Cardiorespiratory Control
- Stroke Volume regulated by Frank Starling
mechanism - ? venous return ? ? EDV ? ? stroke volume
- Cardiac Output (Q) main determinant body O2
needs -
- Autoregulated by intrinsic changes in preload,
SV - ? afterload ? initial ? in Q ? ? EDV ? ? SV back
to normal - ? venous return ? ? preload ? ? SV
- Autoregulated by extrinsic hormonal influences
- Norepinephrine release ? ? HR and SV
34Cardiorespiratory Control
- Exercise Systemic Blood Flow Autonomic
influences - Sympathetic outflow circulating catecholamines
- a activation ? vasoconstriction in non -
exercising tissue - Approximate redistribution of blood flow during
maximal exercise - NC in brain blood flow 500 ml/min ? to heart
- 11,300 ml/min ? to muscle 400 ml/min ? to skin
- 500 ml/min ? to kidneys 800 ml/min ? to viscera
- 200 ml/min ? to various other parts of the body
Max Exercise
35Acute Cardiorespiratory Responses to Endurance
36Acute Responses to Aerobic Exercise
- Heart Rate
- ? up to 3 times resting value at peak exercise
(? time spent in diastole) -
- Oxygen Consumption (VO2)
- Expressed in both relative and absolute terms
- Relative ml O2/kg/min Absolute ml/min or
L/min - average VO2max for 40 year old male 37 ml/kg/min
- Resting metabolic equivalent 1 MET 3.5
ml/kg/min - Oxygen consumption linked to caloric
expenditure (1 liter of O2 consumed 5 kcal) -
180 160 140 100
Heart Rate
HR VO2 relationship is linear until about 90
1.0 2.0 3.0
Oxygen Uptake (L / min)
50 150 250
Workloads (Watts)
37- Cardiac Output (Q)
- ? up to 4 times resting value at peak exercise
(? is rapid at onset, then levels off) - ? Q ? ? venous return
- Venous return mediated by and related to
- sympathetic venoconstriction
- muscle pump
- ? inspiration ? ? thoracic pressure
- blood flows to an area of reduced pressure
- ? inspiration ? ? abdominal pressure
- contraction of abdominal muscles
- squeezing of abdominal veins
- Stroke Volume
- ? up to 1.5 resting value at peak exercise
- increase levels off at 40 - 50 VO2 max
- ? in venous return ? ? EDV (Starling mechanism)
- ? ESV eluding to an ? in myocardial
contractility - ? ejection fraction rest 58 max
exercise 83
Acute Responses to Aerobic Exercise
120 110 70
Stroke Volume (ml/beat
25 50 75
Percentage of VO2 max
38- Arteriovenous oxygen difference
- Difference in O2 between arterial and mixed
venous blood - Illustrated by the oxyhemoglobin desaturation
curve - ? approximately 3 fold from rest to max exercise
- at rest, about 25 of arterial O2 is extracted
- at peak exercise 85 of arterial O2 is
extracted - Blood Pressures and Resistance to Flow
- SBP ? - failure to ? signifies heart failure
- DBP slight ? or slight ? or NC
- MAP slight ?
- TPR ? - mainly due to vasodilation in
exercising muscle - Coronary (Myocardial) Blood Flow
- 4.5 of Q goes to myocardium at rest and at peak
exercise - this increase is due to ? MAP and CA
vasodilation - Blood Flow to the Skin
- ? as exercise duration ? to allow for heat
Acute Responses to Aerobic Exercise
39Acute Responses to Aerobic Exercise
- Minute Ventilation
- resting average 6 Liters/min
- peak exercise average 175 Liters/min
- respiratory rate resting 12-18 peak
exercise 45-60 - tidal volume resting .5 liters peak
exercise 2.25 Liters - Plasma Volume
- blood plasma ? in the interstitum of exercising
muscle - fluid shift results in a 5 ? in the
hemoconcentration - blood viscosity increases
40Oxygen Debt and Deficit
Oxygen DEBT Oxygen DEFICIT
Oxygen Deficit
Oxygen Debt (EPEOC)
Steady State VO2
Untrained or people with
certain cardiorespiratory
diseases will have larger
- Oxygen Deficit due to
- delay in time for aerobic ATP production to
supply energy - Oxygen Debt due to
- resynthesis of high energy phosphates (CP, ATP)
- replace oxygen stores
- lactate conversion to glucose (gluconeogenesis)
- ? HR, respiration, catecholamines, body
Respiratory Compensation (hyperventilation)
No Change in VE VCO2
Ventilatory and Metabolic Changes During Exercise
Increasing workload
42Training Adaptations to Chronic Endurance Exercise
43Resting NC ? NC
VO2 HR x SV x
AVO2diff due to due to
? time in diastole
? preload ? afterload ? ventricle
size ? blood volume Submax Workload
(measured at same pre-training workload) NC
NC VO2 HR x SV x
AVO2diff note a ? in afterload (mentioned
above) accompanied by a ? in HR
response translates into a ? myocardial VO2 at
rest or at any workload Max Workload (measured
at peak exercise) NC VO2 HR
x SV x AVO2diff some studies
show a slight
Effects of Exercise Training on the Components of
the Fick Relationship
44- Mean Arterial Pressure
- NC at rest or during exercise
- Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
- usually NC at rest or during exercise
- possible ? at submaximal workload
- may ? at rest in borderline hypertensives
- some studies report a mean ? of about 9 mmHg
- Total Peripheral Resistance and Afterload
- ? capillarization (more parallel circuits) ? ?
TPR - ? TPR ? ? Afterload (slight not of major
significance) - Respiratory Variables
- Respiratory Rate
- Rest NC
- Submax exercise d
- Max exercise slight ?
- Tidal Volume
- Rest NC
- Submax exercise NC or slight ?
- Max exercise slight ?
Training Adaptations
45- Mitochondria
- ? number, size and membrane surface area
- Aerobic Enzymes in Exercising Muscle
- ? Krebs cycle enzymes (succinate dehydrogenase)
- ? b oxidation enzymes (carnitine
acyltransferase) - ? electron transport enzymes (cytochrome
oxidase) - Fatty Acid Glycogen Utilization
- ? utilization of b oxidative pathways to produce
ATP - Called the glycogen sparring effect
- ? RER for any given submaximal workload
- ? muscle glycogen stores (with high carbohydrate
diet) - ? Platelet Aggregation
- ? Fibrinolytic Activity
- ? Circulating Catecholamines
- ? vagal tone ? ? risk of arrhythmia
- No Appreciable Change in Resting Metabolic Rate
- Exception training induced ? in lean muscle
mass - Resistance to Pathological Events
- smaller infarct size and quicker recovery
Training Adaptations
46"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Heart Rate ( beats / minute )
47"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Stroke Volume ( ml / beat )
48"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Cardiac Output ( liters / minute)
49"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
A-V O2 Difference ( ml)
50"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Oxygen Consumption ( liters / minute)
51"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Oxygen Consumption ( ml / kg / minute)
52"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Systolic Blood Pressure ( mm Hg)
53"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Diastolic Blood Pressure ( mm Hg)
54"Average" Values for Sedentary and Trained
Minute Ventilation ( liters / minute)
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