Title: Update on the eHealth Programme
1Update on the eHealth Programme
- Paul Rhodes
- eHealth Programme Director
- Policy and Investment
- Partnership and Governance
- Progress and Continuity
- Performance and Value
3eHealth is about enabling better care through the
use of information
NHS Scotland should be known for continuous
improvement and its relentless pursuit of
quality..In our discussions we need to look
at..developing a new strategy for eHealth by
Spring 2008, exploiting new technologies to
everyones benefit. Nicola Sturgeon (Sept 07)
- Better health better care takes us forward from
Delivering for Health - eHealth is a recognised enabler for both
- eHealth helps deliver key areas of the BHBC
4Planned Policy Activity to Spring 2008
- Discussions with Boards, Clinical Leads etc about
the future direction of eHealth. - Development of eHealth Financial Strategy
- December Strategy Board
- Further Stakeholder discussion
- Launch of new Strategy
5The updated eHealth strategy will provide a clear
direction for all eHealth initiatives
- Aiming for a practical, deliverable strategy
building on existing work - Currently engaging with stakeholders to ensure
strategy delivers for Boards - Some early consensus but different groups have
different priorities - Lots of calls on funding
- Updated strategy in Spring 2008
6Investment What was the spend in 2006-07?
- Revenue
- Nat 50.166m
- Local 81.689m
- Total 131.855m
- Capital
- Nat 29.573m
- Local 34.819m
- Total 64.932m
7Investment and the Spending Review
8Partnership and Governance
- More open dialogue
- Wider engagement in development
- More involvement from Boards in direction setting
and management of national initiatives
9The eHealth governance structure will support NHS
Scotland to deliver
Chief Executives Group
SGHD Departmental Board
- Improved governance
- Clinical leadership
- Local/ national balance
NHS Board
eHealth Strategy Board
National eHealth Programme Board
eHealth Leads (NHS Boards)
Clinical Change Leadership Group
Local eHealth Implementation Board
National Clinical Reference Group
National Project Board
National programme board
Local Project Board
National Project Board
Local Project Board
Local Project Board
National Project Board
National Project Board
National project board
National Project Team
National Project Team
National Project Team
National Project Team
10This overall structure will be supported by the
eHealth Directorate
- Strategy
- Architecture and design
- Change, benefits and communications
- Programmes
Paul Rhodes
Change, benefits comms
Architecture and design
Alan Hyslop
Jonathan Meddes
Elaine Heslop
Angela Mitchell
11Providing a clear way of integrating clinical,
business and technical decisions will reduce risk
- Information governance
- Architecture
- Design authority
- Standards and specialist working groups
12Progress and continuity
Early implementation
In use
Improve patient experience
SCI Gateway
Sexual health
SCI Store
Secure best value
Single sign-on
GCS applications
13Primary Care national projects
- Emergency Care Summary
- over 5.1 million records,
- 1015 patient opt outs (representing 0.02)
- total number of access since launch 338,752
- consideration of including child protection
alerts - Business Case being developed for extending
content and access (including patients)
14Primary Care national projects
- Telecommunications
- all practices now migrated to new minimum
standard 512 kbit/s (apart from 22 remote sites
with ADSL issues) - c. 4M p.a. spent on GP telecomms
- SCI Gateway
- c. 60K referrals transmitted per month
- but only 1500 discharges Department of Work
Pensions claims now live
15Primary Care national projects
- NHSmail
- target of use of NHSmail encrypted for all
clinical email - currently 60 practice staff registered with
NHSmail - Service migrating to new platform when in place
then 9 month target to move over all GPs and
other NHS clinical staff
16Primary Care national projects
- Lab test results reporting (electronic into GP
patient record) - a key target for practices and SGHD
- recovery plan nearing completion
- new GPASS software in testing
- commercial systems .
- needs NHS Board SCI Stores at latest version
- big push anticipated over 2008
- ( Link between Cervical Cancer Screening and GP
systems development complete, in testing)
17Primary Care national projects
- Docman
- 345 practices live
- NSS PSD projecting 567 live by December
- and complete roll out by March/April 2008
- Electronic transfer of GP clinical data from any
to any GP system - Vision/EMIS currently working in England
- Business Case for Scotlands options, completion
end December/Early January (NSS PSD)
18Integrated Primary and Community Care (IPACC)
- Consultation on the idea findings show
- concerns around access control
- not 1 priority for all NHS Boards
- Community Nursing Review may suggest different
models for best IT approach - Outline Business Case completed
- Pre-procurement requirements definition and other
preparatory work underway, with extensive
involvement of all stakeholders
19Performance and Value
- Project Delivery
- Benefits Delivery
- Delivery of Value
20Focusing on people and processes will maximise
the chance of benefits being realised
- Identifying the opportunities for improved care
using existing systems - Developing and rolling out a benefits management
approach to all eHealth projects - Recognising the people aspect of the change,
initially focusing on establishing two-way
21We are taking a structured approach to
identifying opportunities from existing systems
Take a specific pathway on one Board and identify
Identify specific opportunities from existing key
Map generic pathways to applications and targets/
22Programme Management for improved delivery
- Governance and skills key to improving outcomes
- Supporting new projects through lifecycle
- Providing a delivery blueprint
- Accountability
- Professionalising IT
- Focus on outcomes and benefits
- Not just about new systems
- Focus on improved performance
- Focus on getting relationships right and broader
24(No Transcript)
25Integrated Primary and Community Care (IPACC)
Current numbers of practices per system Ascribe
11 EMIS 57 Gpass 744 INPS (Vision) 190
iSoft 16