Title: SKS Swaminarayan Shikshapatri Slok 13
1SKS Swaminarayan Shikshapatri Slok 13
2(No Transcript)
3Sloka 13
One shall never commit homicide, even in order to
acquire women, wealth or political power and
sovereignty. (13)
4(No Transcript)
5- This Slok tells us not to kill any human beings.
- He tells us of the major causes of homicide, and
says never to commit homicide for these reasons. - Women
- Wealth
- Political power sovereignty.
6- Shatanand explains that this body is sacred.
- Maharaj is continuing to emphasise that hinsa
(violence/killing) is the most serious paap that
one can do. - In slok 11 we were instructed to not kill insects
and small creatures, slok 12 is larger animals
such as fish goats etc and now slok 13 tells us
not to kill Humans. - The theme that mahraj is expressing is
Hindus/satsangis should aspire to Ahimsa ie non
7 8Podho Podho Sahajanand Swami Re Akhiyaama
Nindara Bharani Re... Podho Haare Tame Maathethi
Paag Utaaro Re Pachhi Banaatni Topi Dharo Re...
Podho Haare Tame Jarkasi Jaamo Utaaro Pachhi
Shaal Dhushaala Odho Re... Podho Haare Tame Kedno
Patko Chhodo Re Pachhi Heer Keri Dhoti Dhaaro
Re... Podho Haare-Podhya Premanand-Na Swami Re
Sakhi Joi Joi Aanand Paami Re Podho Podho
Sahajanand Swami Akhiyaama Nindara Bharani Re