Title: A Natural Experiment: The Failure of Ginko Financial
1A Natural Experiment The Failure of Ginko
2A Little Bit About Second Life Money
- The official currency of Second Life is the
Linden dollar, L - Residents can exchange real currency for L
through the LindeX Dollar Exchange, from other
third party websites, or ATM machines location in
world - Currently 1USD 266 L (or thereabouts)
3- Earning L in SL
- Those who signed up with the Premium Account
(involves a monthly fee) are given a small weekly
stipend of L - Selling goods and services in-world (such as
virtual property, scripts that animate avatars,
entertainment venues, advertising space, and
participation in in-world surveys).
4SL Banking Pre-August 2007
- Over 150 banks existed in SL
- Businesses in SL do not face entry barriers
Those that thrived succeeded through positive
reputation. - Most of these banks acted as exchanges and
would accept real dollars (or other currencies)
in return for Linden dollars. - Fly-by-night wildcat banks were not uncommon.
5Ginko Financial
- Founded in December 2004.
Accepted deposits (paying annual interest up to
44 percent), and (apparently) invested the
proceeds in both SL and real world assets.
Failed in mid-August 2007, taking 750,000 (US)
with it.
6What Went Wrong?
- Bank run precipitated by Linden Lab ban on
in-world gambling.
Ginko in the end was insolvent because (a) The
whole enterprise was a scam. (b) Asset base was
tied to in-world gambling businesses. (c)
Asset base was tied to Brazilian telecom
investments that went bad.
7Linden Lab Responds
- As of January 22, 2008, it will be prohibited
to offer interest or any direct return on an
investment (whether in L or other currency) from
any object, such as an ATM, located in Second
Life, without proof of an applicable government
registration statement or financial institution
8SL Banking After 1/22/08
- None of these banks accept deposits due to LL
banking policy - Currently, most of the larger, more experienced
SL bankers appear to be temporarily inactive - Many of the CEOs are in contact with each other,
attempting to reevaluate and improve business