Title: CBER Research Collaborative
1CBER Research Collaborative
K-12 Evidence-Based Literary Practices
Intersection of Research Practice
Michael Coyne Michael Faggella-Luby Department
of Educational Psychology
2CBER Goals
- Research
- Conduct school-based research on developing and
evaluating evidence based practices in literacy,
behavior supports, and assessment - Translating Research to Practice
- Support schools, districts, and states in
adopting, implementing, and sustaining evidence
based practices
3CT Reading Summit
4CT Reading Summit
5CT Reading Summit
6CT Reading Summit
- The Reading Achievement Gap in CT
- A variety of indicators show
- Consistently flat reading achievement over the
past 10 years - Persistently large achievement gaps among
7CBER Literacy
Tier 3 Specialized, Individualized Intervention
for Students at High Risk
Tier 2 Supplemental Instruction for Students at
Some Risk
Tier 1 Comprehensive Coordinated Reading
Instruction for All Students
80 of Students
8CBER Literacy
- Intersection of Research Practice
- Questions that have theoretical/conceptual
importance as well as practical real-world
relevance - Critical Questions in an RTI model
- What students should receive additional support?
- What should this support look like?
9Which students should receive additional support?
10CBER Literacy
- Which students?
- Use data to make the best, most trustworthy
decisions about which students need additional
support. - Whats new or different about this?
11Which Students?
- Screen students on measures that predict success
in general classroom instruction - Questions/Challenges
- How do we know our measures are predictive?
- Predictive of what?
- Sensitivity/Specificity
- Sensitivity False negatives (Missing kids who
are at risk) - Specificity False positives (Identifying kids
who arent at risk) - What if our screening measures arent predictive?
12Which Students?
Project IVIIntensifying Vocabulary Intervention
for Kindergarten Students at Risk of Learning
Disabilities (2006-2010)
Language Vocabulary DevelopmentSpecial
Education ResearchGoal 2 DevelopmentPI
Michael Coyne
Research Purpose Intensify vocabulary
instruction/ intervention to optimize its
effectiveness with kindergarten students most at
risk of learning disabilities.
13Which Students?
Project ERIEarly Reading Intervention
Early Intervention for Young Children with
Disabilities Goal 3 EfficacyCo-PIs Deborah
Simmons Michael Coyne
- Research Purpose
- Test the efficacy of ERI as an intervention
reading program with kindergarten students at
risk for reading difficulties - Intensify ERI for students who are least
responsive to the intervention
14Which Students?
Project IVI
- In our previous vocabulary research with
kindergarten students, weve found consistent
evidence that overall vocabulary knowledge was
highly predictive of response to classroom
vocabulary instruction.
15Which Students?
16Which Students?
Project ERI
- We have evidence that our screening measures
(i.e., PA/AU) were relatively effective in
identifying kindergarten students at risk for
reading difficulties and who need intervention - However, we found that our screening measures did
not reliably predict which at-risk students would
respond to the ERI intervention - But, we did find that students scores on the
first ERI unit test did predict end-of-year
17Which Students?
- Use assessment data to select students to
receive additional support - Questions/Challenges
- What criteria do we use?
- Benchmark goals (e.g., everyone below this score)
- National/Local norms (e.g., everyone below this
percentile) - Capacity (e.g., we have resources for this many
18Which Students?
- What criteria do we use?
- Benchmark goals
- 25 of 60 first graders who scored below the
DIBLES benchmark - National/Local norms
- 20 of 60 first graders who scored below the 25
on national norms. - 15 of 60 first graders who scored below the 25
on local norms - Capacity
- We have the resources to run 4 groups of 5
students (8 from Class A, 5 from Class B, 4 from
Class C, and 3 from Class D) - We have the resources to run 1 group of 5 from
each class
19Which Students?
Should additional intervention be our first
20Which Students?
Project IVI
- We are planning to screen all students with the
PPVT - We will identify the median score across all the
classroom we are working with - We will provide additional Tier 2 vocabulary
intervention to all students that score below the
median score
21Which Students?
Project ERI
- We will screen all students on measures that we
know from research are predictive of future
reading difficulties (i.e., PA/AU) - We will provide ERI to all students the fall
below the 30 on national norms - We will examine scores from first ERI unit test
as well as DIBELS progress monitoring measures - Students scoring below one set of cut-scores
will receive Tier 3 support - Students scoring above one set of cut-scores will
move out of Tier 2
22Which Students?
Strategic Teaching of At-Risk Students Improving
Reading Comprehension Through Story Structure
Pedagogy (2007-2008)
- Comparison of three Tier 2 Reading Interventions
- Embedded Story Structure (ESS) Routine
- Reading Teacher Instruction
- Sustained Silent Reading
- 128 5th and 6th graders
- 30 min of instruction
- 3 days per week in
- Groups of 7-8
- Measures Cloze, Gates-MacGinitie, Strategy-Use
23Which Students?
Strategic Teaching of At-Risk Students
- What measures do we have?
- Third Fourth grade RW assessments on 5th 6th
graders - Pools Basic(32)/Below basic (54) 5th
Basic(26)/Below Basic(56) 6th - What are the benchmarks and goals based on unit
scores? What else do we know about these
students? - Who might benefit and why?
- Who is at-risk and how many are there?
24Which Students?
Striving Readers Xtreme Reading
- 2 year study of a course in reading strategies
- 17 high schools
- 100-120 students reading 2-4 years below grade
level - Measures GRADE Gates MacGinitie
- 12-15 students per class, 60 min/day, one
semester - Springfield, MA
- Xtreme (12)
- Read 180
- Control
25Which Students?
Striving Readers Xtreme Reading
- Measures
- Aimsweb Fluency, Cloze (MAZE)
- Measurement Questions
- Aimsweb only norms through 8th Grade
- Choosing benchmarks
- 50 of 8th for 9th 10th
- 75 of 8th for 11th 12th
26Which Students?
- What is the profile of the literacy performance
of students in your school? - Word analysis skills
- Fluency
- Comprehension
- (Progress monitoring throughout year)
27Descriptive Study Measures.
Assessment Area Measure Alphabetics Woodcock
Language Proficiency Battery- R
Decoding WLPB-Revised Word Attack Word
identification WLPB-Revised Word
Identification Fluency Pace/Rate Test of
Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE) Phonetic
Decoding Efficiency (TOWRE) Accuracy Gray
Oral Reading Test-4 (GORT-4)
Vocabulary Expressive Peabody Picture
Vocabulary Test III Reading WLPB-R Reading
Vocabulary subtest Comprehension Reading
Comprehension WLPB-R Passage Comprehension
subtest Listening Comprehension Gray Oral
Reading Tests-4 (GORT-4) WLPB-R Listening
comprehension subtest
The Learner Motivation The Motivation for
Reading Questionnaire (MQR) Hope The Hope
Scale for Motivation Achievement Kansas
State Assessment (KSA)-Reading Subtest
28Reading Component Profile
? Proficient
115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70
Mean Standard Scores
Rate-Accuracy-SWE-PDE PPVT-WLPB Rd-Vocab-List
Comp Pass Comp-Rdg Comp Scores from the WLPB-R,
GORT, TOWRE, PPVT, Sub tests
Statistically Different
29 Who is at-risk?
- Students who are successful during their 9th
grade year are 3.5 times more likely to graduate - One F decreases likelihood of graduating from 83
to 60 - 2 Fs decreases likelihood to 44
- 3 Fs decreases likelihood to 31
30Key Questions
- How do you identify, administer, and interpret
assessments? - How are placement decisions made? Instruction
planned? Who is involved in the process? - What is the role of assessment at the building
level? Is there an assessment team? - What is the profile of an at-risk student in your
context? - How are you assessing your capacity?
- Time, people (areas of expertise), classroom
space, attitude, student placements
31What should this intervention support look like?
32Intervention Support
- Tier 2 Reading Supports
- A continuum of programmatic, grouping, and
scheduling options are available to at-risk
students and coordinated at a school-wide level - Alterable Components
- Content (e.g., comprehension, fluency, phonics,
etc.) - Materials (e.g., intervention component of core
program, stand alone intervention program, school
designed strategies) - Intensity (e.g., specificity, fidelity, quality
of delivery) - Interventionist (e.g., classroom teacher,
paraprofessional, specialist, volunteer,
principal, etc.) - Size (e.g., one-on-one, group of 4, group of 8)
- Grouping (e.g., within class, across class,
across grades) - Duration (e.g., minutes per day, days per week,
total weeks) - Other (e.g., place, time of day, ?)
33Intervention Support
- What should intervention look like?
- Make intervention decisions based on empirical
evidence and coherent theory - What are the active ingredients of effective
interventions? - Make intervention decisions based on a schools
capacity to provide support - How can we best leverage our personnel,
expertise, materials, and schedule most
effectively and efficiently?
34Intervention Support
- What should intervention look like?
- Researchers need to design intervention studies
that manipulate instructional components that are
relevant, meaningful, and feasible - Who cares? So what?
- Schools need to design intervention support that
takes into account the best available research. - Whats the best choice of many options for our
35Intervention Support
- What should intervention look like?
- Interventions need to target the needs of the
students by supporting selection and organization
of critical content, accessibility of texts, and
development of independent student learning. - What are you teaching?
- How is the text a barrier to learning?
- What are the learning strategies needed by your
students? - Schools consider capacity and population when
deciding about offering standard treatment vs. a
more problem solving approach - What are the needs of the students?
- What is the capacity of the school?
36Intervention Support
Project ERI
- Kindergarten students received 1 of 3
interventions that varied in duration
specificity - 30 minutes of ERI
- 15 minutes of ERI
- 30 minutes of basal program
- Results
- 30 ERI gt 15 ERI (duration)
- 30 ERI gt 30 Basal (specificity)
- 15 ERI 30 Basal
37Intervention Support
Project ERI
- Year 3 Study
- How do we intensify ERI to better support
students who do not respond to standard
implementation? - What should Tier 3 look like?
- Instructional Contrast
- Supplement 30 Standard ERI 15 review
- Replace 30 Individualized ERI
38Intervention Support
Project IVI
- Year 2 Study
- Students will receive 1 of 2 versions of Tier 2
vocabulary intervention - What should Tier 2 vocabulary intervention look
like? - What is a meaningful contrast?
- Instructional Contrast
- ?
39Intervention Support
Strategic Teaching of At-Risk Students
- Duration
- Is two-three days of instruction for 30 minutes
enough to significantly impact student reading
comprehension? - Intensity
- How much professional development and support is
necessary for first year teachers to have high
levels of fidelity? Manage behavior? - Interventionist
- How do we improve communication between classroom
teaches and support educators?
40Intervention Support
Striving Readers Xtreme Reading
- Learning Strategy Research
- 30 years of research on Strategic Instruction
Model - Validated for 11-5 student teacher ratios
- Employs 8 stage instructional sequence
- Pretest, Describe, Model, Verbal Practice
- Controlled Practice, Advanced Practice, Posttest,
Generalization - How do we maintain integrity of strategy
instruction in larger groups?
41Intervention Support
Striving Readers Xtreme Reading
42Intervention Support
Striving Readers Xtreme Reading
43School Wide Intervention Support
- What happens for those students who are reading
below the 4th grade level? - 2. Whats in place in core classes to ensure
that students will get the critical content in
spite - of their literacy skills?
- What happens for students who know how to decode
but cant comprehend well? - Are procedures for teaching powerful learning
strategies embedded in courses across the
curriculum? - What happens for students who have language
44Content Literacy
is the door to content acquisition higher order
45Building Blocks for Content Literacy
46 A Continuum of Literacy Instruction
(Content Literacy Continuum -- CLC)
Level 1 Enhance content instruction (mastery of
critical content for all regardless of literacy
levels) Level 2 Embedded strategy instruction
(routinely weave strategies within and across
classes using large group instructional
methods) Level 3 Intensive strategy instruction
(mastery of specific strategies using
intensive-explicit instructional sequences) Level
4 Intensive basic skill instruction (mastery of
entry level literacy skills at the 4th grade
level) Level 5 Therapeutic intervention (mastery
of language underpinnings of curriculum content
and learning strategies)
47Build Ownership Capacity
- Literacy Leadership Teams
- Driver of literacy work in school
- Distributed leadership
- Work on Leadership Practice
- Organize/supervise work around key instructional
activities - Observe, describe, analyze instructional practice
- Create internal accountability mechanisms
- Build common language and expectations
48Build Ownership Capacity
- Work on instructional practice
- Observe models of practice
- Develop protocols for observing practice
- Rotation of observations in teams
- Focus on observing, describing, analyzing
instructional practice - Build common language and expectations
49Key Questions for intervention support?
- How are current assessments tied to intervention
selection? - Who makes decisions about intervention selection?
How is this tied to PD? - How do you currently measure fidelity of
implementation? How are findings used with
teachers? - What decisions do you make based on continuous
data collection? - How do you respond when kids are not meeting
expected levels of progress?
50Questions, Comments, Observations?
- Thank you
- mike.coyne_at_uconn.edu
- mike.fl_at_uconn.edu
- Building the Plane While Flying
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vt39EAeE8ehc