Title: MHV rule, (Super)Symmetries and
QCD and High Energy InteractionsLa Thuile
(Italy) , March 8-15 2008
MHV rule, (Super)Symmetries and Diffractive
V.A. Khoze (IPPP, Durham PNPI)
Main aims MHV rules and SUSY at the service
of diffractive Higgs
major QCD backgrounds to H?bb production at the
LHC in the forward proton mode (based on works
with M.G. Ryskin, A.D. Martin and W.J. Stirling)
Higgs sector study- one of the central targets
of FP420 physics menu
(X. Rouby)
2The LHC is a discovery machine !
- CMS ATLAS were designed and optimised to look
beyond the SM - ? High -pt signatures in the central region
- But
- Main physics goes Forward
- Difficult background conditions, pattern
recognition, Pile Up... - The precision measurements are limited by
systematics - (luminosity goal of dL 5 , machine 10)
- Lack of
The LHC is a very challenging machine!
The LHC is not a precision machine (yet) !
ILC/CLIC chartered territory
Is there a way out?
YES ? Forward Proton Tagging Rapidity
Gaps ? Hadron Free Zones matching ? Mx dM
(Missing Mass)
(X. Rouby)
3For theoretical audience
For experimental audience
MHV rules, Super (symmetry) and Diffractive
Higgs at the LHC
Irreducible Physics Backgrounds to Diffractive
Higgs Production at the LHC
Forward Proton Mode- Main Advantages for Higgs
studies Measurement of the Higgs
mass via the missing mass technique
(irrespectively of the decay
channel) Direct H ?bb mode opens up (Hbb
Yukawa coupling) unique signature for the
MSSM Higgs sector. Quantum number/CP
filter/analyzer Cleanness of the events in the
central detectors.
4(Khoze-Martin-Ryskin 1997-2008)
?(CDPE) 10 ? (incl)
New CDF Excl. dijet results A killing blow to
the wide range of theoretical models.
not so long ago between Scylla and
Charibdis orders of magnitude differences in the
theoretical predictions are now a history
5Studying the MSSM Higgs Sector
without clever hardware for H(SM)?bb at
60fb-1 only a handful of events due to severe
exp. cuts and low efficiencies, though S/B1 .
But H-gtWW mode at Mgt135 GeV. (ADR,B.Cox et
al-06) ? enhanced trigger strategy improved
timing detectors (FP420, TDR)
situation in the MSSM is very different from
the SM
Conventionally due to overwhelming QCD
backgrounds, the direct measurement of Hbb is
The backgrounds to the diffractive H bb mode
are manageable!
6 some regions of the MSSM parameter
space are especially proton tagging friendly
(at large tan ? and M , S/B
HKRSTW, 0.7083052hep-ph
B. Cox, F.Loebinger, A.Pilkington-07
For the channel bgds are well known and
incorporated in the MCs Exclusive LO -
production (mass-suppressed) gg misident soft
hard PP collisions.
The background calculations are still not
fully complete (uncomfortably unusually
large high-order QCD and b-quark mass effects).
About a dozen various sources (studied by Durham
group) ? admixture of Jz2 production.
? NLO radiative contributions (hard blob
and screened gluons) ? NNLO one-loop box
diagram (mass- unsuppressed, cut-non-reconstructib
le) ? Central inelastic backgrounds (soft
and hard Pomerons) ? b-quark mass effects in
dijet events still in progress
potentially, the largest source of theoretical
coming soon
7 for Higgs searches in the forward proton
mode QCD backgrounds are suppressed by
Jz0 selection rule and by colour, spin and
mass resolution (?M/M) factors.
There must be a god
Do not need many events to establish cleanly
that the Higgs is a scalar and to measure
the mass
8(D. Kosower)
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11Works is progress W.J. Stirling et al, A.
Shuvaev et al Preliminary results of
calculations with the SL accuracy- very
promising a factor of 8 lower than the Born
expectation (A. Shuvaev et al )
12( n soft gluons)
13(angular brackets)
14?kills soft gluon log
?no collinear logs
Conventional MC algorithms cannot be used
15LO irreducible
SM (120 GeV) Higgs
hard P
X 1/8
soft P
ds/dyy0 units 10-3 fb kTlt5 GeV DMdijet/Mbb20 D
- Strongly suppressed and controllable QCD
backgrounds in the forward proton - mode provide a potential for direct
determination of the Hbb Yukawa coupling, - for probing Higgs CP properties and
for measuring its mass and width. - In some BSM scenarios pp ?p (H?bb)
p may become a Higgs - discovery channel at the LHC.
- Further bgd reduction may be
achieved by experimental improvements, better
- accounting for the kinematical
constraints, correlations.. -
- The complete background calculation
is still in progress - (unusually uncomfortably large
high-order QCD effects, Pile-Up at high lumi). - A clear downward tendency.
Such opportunities come rarely lets not
waste this one!
FP420, It is now or never
18 11. Thou shalt not delay, the LHC start-up is
20Visualization of QCD Sudakov formfactor
A killing blow to the wide range of theoretical
21(No Transcript)
22? beam direction case
if a gluon jet is to go unobserved outside the
CD or FD ( )
- violation of the equality
(limited by the ) - contribution is smaller than the admixture
of Jz2. KRS-06
b-direction case (HCA)
0.2 ?( ?R/0.5)²
(?R separation cone size)
Note ? soft radiation factorizes ? strongly
suppressed ?is not a problem, ? NLLO
bgd ? numerically small
? radiation from the screening gluon with ptQt
HC (Jz2) LO ampt.
?numerically very small ? hard radiation -
power suppressed
MHV results for gg(Jz0)?ggg(g) amplitudes
(dijet calibration, b-mistag)
23Approximate formula for the background
main uncertn. at low masses
?M- mass window over which we collect the
signal ? b-jet angular cut (
) ? both S and B should be multiplied by the
overall efficiency factor ? (combined
effects of triggers, acceptances, exp. cuts,
tagging efficienc., .), ? 4.2 (120 GeV) ?
g/b- misident. prob. P(g/b)1.3 (ATLAS)
Four major bgd sources (1/4 1/4 (1.3)²/4
1/2 ) at M120 GeV, ?M 4GeV
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