Title: Canadian Public Health Association
1Canadian PublicHealth Association
- Ron de Burger
- Chair Elect
- Board of Directors
2What is CPHA?
- National voluntary organization
- Incorporated in 1912
- Not-for-profit
- Membership-based
3CPHA Mission Statement
- CPHA is a national, independent, not-for-profit,
voluntary association representing Public Health
in Canada, with links to the international
community. CPHAs members believe in universal
and equitable access to the basic conditions
which are necessary to achieve health for all
- CPHAS mission is to constitute a special
national resource in Canada that advocates for
the improvement and maintenance of personal and
community health according to the public health
principles of disease prevention, health
promotion and protection and healthy public
5Canadian Public HealthAssociation 1909-1912
- In 1910 a conference was called attended by
federal and provincial health officers - Resolutions
- Membership and Association open to all
- Journal of the Public Health Association of
Canada official organ of the CPHA - Association would be a voluntary association
- In 1911, Committees and Sections were
established - Committee on Tuberculosis
- Section on Medical Inspection of Schools
- Section of Food Inspection
- Section on Military Hygiene
- Later years, Section of Social Hygiene, Mental
Hygiene and Child Hygiene
6CPHA Incorporation - 1912
- In 1912, a resolution was passed that active
membership in CPHA be accorded to all members of
the medical profession, veterinary medicine,
engineering and architecture professions, and
public health officials engaged or interested in
public health.
7CPHA believes in.
- universal and equitable access tothe basic
conditions.necessary to achieve health for all
8How does CPHA operate?
9Definition of Public Health
- Public Health has been described as the science
and art of promoting health, preventing disease,
prolonging life and improving quality of life
through the organized efforts of society.
Dr. John Last Dictionary of Epidemiology
10Five Core Functions of Public Health In Canada
- Population health assessment
- Health surveillance
- Health protection
- Health Promotion
- Disease and injury prevention
- (Emergency preparedness)
Advisory Committee on Population Health (ACPH),
11Issues Based Plan
- Determine a Pan-Canadian Public Health Agenda
- Public Health Human Resources
- Increase Core Capacity
- Develop a Proactive, Innovative and Sensitive
Organizational Culture - Revitalize and Enhance Membership
Health Canada / Public Health Agency
Small Funding Relationship Major Policy
Major Funding Relationship Limited Policy
- Core Business
- Policy Development
- Advocacy
- Knowledge development and transfer
- Membership Services
- Business Activities
- Conference Department
- Plain Language Service
- Health Resource Centre
- National Programs Projects
- HIV/AIDS and Hep C Information Centres
- Can. Coalition for Immunization Awareness and
Promotion - VOICE
- International Programs Projects
- Africa
- Latin America and Caribbean
- Asia and Pacific
- Middle East and Northern Africa
- Central and Eastern Europe
13National Program Activities
- Canada Health Day
- Canadian Journal of Public Health
- Health Resources Centre
- Membership
- Conferences and Workshops
- Plain Language Service
14National Programs - 2
- National Literacy and Health Program
- Best Practices and Evaluation Tools for
Anti-Bullying Program - Canadian Literacy and Health Blue Ribbon Panel
- Second Canadian Conference on Literacy and Health
15National Programs - 3
- Canadian Coalition for Influenza Immunization
(CCIAP) - Canadian HIV/AIDS Information Centre
- Canadian Health Network - HIV/AIDS Affiliate
- Canadian Hepatitis C Information Centre
- Canadian Immunization Awareness Program
16Regions of Activity
- Africa
- Latin America and Caribbean
- Asia and Pacific
- Middle East and Northern Africa
- Central and Eastern Europe
17Current International Programs
- Strengthening of Public Health Associations
Program (SOPHA) - Canadian International Immunization Initiative
(CIII) - Caribbean HIV/AIDS Project (CAREC)
- Health Promotion in Action (Brazil)
18International Programs - 2
- Healthier Futures Improving the Health of
Aboriginal and Rural Women and Children in
Formosa (Argentina) - HIV/AIDS and Young People in South Eastern Europe
(Balkans) and HIV/AIDS and Young People and
Strengthening Child Rights (Romania, Bulgaria and
19International Programs - 3
- Malawi Family Reproductive Health Project (Phase
II) - Southern African AIDS Training (SAT) Programme,
Phase III - Strengthening of Essential Public Health
Functions (Balkans)
20International Programs - 4
- Tobacco and Youth (Russia)
- Reproductive Health HIV/AIDS (World Bank
Institute) - Zambia Family and Reproductive Health Project
(Phase II)
21CPHA Issues Based Plan
- Determine a Pan Canadian Public Health Agenda
- PHAC partnership
- CPHA key messages
- CCPH21
- National Report Card
- Tracking System for Expenditures
22CPHA Issues Based Plan - 2
- Public Health Human Resources
- Plan for involvement in public health human
resources - CPHA role in education/certification
- CPHA role in accreditation
23CPHA Issues Based Plan - 3
- Increase Core Capacity
- Financial plan for sustainability
- Investigate core funding
- Human Resources Strategy
- Communication Strategy
- Canadian Journal of Public Health Review
24CPHA Issues Based Plan - 4
- Proactive, Innovative and Sensitive
- Organizational Culture
- Public Health Disciplines Group
- Governance Review
25Canadian PublicHealth Association