Title: Post-operative Delirium
1Post-operative Delirium
- Kyle C. Moylan, MD
- Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
- University of Missouri - Columbia
- Delirium is common
- Delirium is often unrecognized
- Delirium is life-threatening
- Delirium is potentially predictable and
- Increased morbidity
- Increased mortality
- Increased costs
- Often a trigger of a downward spiral resulting
in loss of independence, disability, and
4Delirium is Common
- Complicates the course of 20 of the 12.5 million
patients over age 65 hospitalized every year - Prevalence at admission 14-24
- Incidence during hospitalization 6-56
- Post-operative incidence 15-53
- ICU incidence - 70-87
- Incidence in post-acute care - 60
5Delirium is Costly
- Adds 2500 to hospitalization per patient
- Accounts for 6.9 billion of Medicare hospital
expenditures - Increases cost for institutionalization,
rehabilitation, home health services, and
informal caregiving
6Delirium is Underdiagnosed
- Diagnosis is clinical
- Requires careful bedside evaluation and cognitive
assessment - Fluctuating nature
- Confused with dementia
- Significance underappreciated
- Diagnosis is not considered or sought
7Delirium Diagnostic Criteria
- Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
- Requires -
- Acute Onset and Fluctuating Course
- Inattention
- AND Either
- Disorganized thinking OR
- Altered Level of Consciousness
- Sensitivity 94-100
- Specificity 90-95
- Used as gold standard in almost every study
- Only or so does not distinguish levels of
severity - CAM-ICU has also been developed
Inouye SK. Ann Intern Med 1990
8Confusion Assessment Method
- CAM positive IF 1 and 2, plus 3a or 3b
- 1. Acute Onset and Fluctuating Course
- Is there evidence of an acute change in mental
status from the patients baseline? - Did the (abnormal) behavior fluctuate during the
day (tend to come and go, or increase and
decrease in severity)? - 2. Inattention
- Did the patient have difficulty focusing
attention (e.g. being easily distractible) or
have difficulty keeping track of what was being
said? - 3a. Disorganized Thinking
- Was the patients thinking disorganized or
incoherent such as rambling or irrelevant
conversation, unclear or illogical flow of ideas,
or unpredictable switching from subject to
subject? - 3b. Altered Level of Consciousness
- Overall, how would you rate this patients level
of consciousness? (alert normal, vigilant
hyper-alert, lethargic drowsy, easily
aroused, stupor difficult to arouse, or coma
un-arousable). Positive for any answer other
than alert.
9Delirium subtypes
- Hyperactive
- More easily recognized
- Tends to be more severe and associated with worse
outcomes - Hypoactive
- Less recognized but more common
- up to 70 of cases in post-hip fracture repair
- Can coexist in a single patient over time
- Complex interaction of the patient, predisposing
and precipitating factors - More susceptible patients may require minimal
insult - Less susceptible patients will require more
substantial insults - Often multifactorial
- Pathophysiology poorly understood
11Risk Factors for Post-Op Delirium
- Older age
- Cognitive impairment
- Functional impairment
- Decreased post-op hemoglobin
- Markedly abnormal Na, K, glucose
- BUN/Cr gt18
- Alcohol abuse
- Noncardiac thoracic surgery
- Aortic aneurysm surgery
- History of delirium
- Preoperative use of narcotics
- Low postoperative oxygen saturation
- History of cerebrovascular disease
- Untreated pain
Marcantonio JAMA 1994 Kalisvaart J Am Geriatr
Soc 2006
12Drugs Implicated in Post-Op Delirium
- Anticholinergic medications
- Diphenhydramine, antispasmodics, TCAs,
antiemetics - Opiates
- Meperidine
- Benzodiazepines
- Antiparkinsonian drugs
- Physical Exam
- Blood sugar, pulse oximetry
- Targeted evaluation for underlying causes
- Exclude focal neurologic process
- Electrolytes, CBC, LFTs, urinalysis, ECG, PCXR,
ABG - Non-constrast head CT in select patients
- Patients with trauma, anticoagulants, metastatic
disease, focal neuro findings or unable to
complete adequate neuro exam - EEG rarely helpful
14Quick Mental Status Screen
15Six Item Screener
- Questions
- What year is this?
- What month is this?
- What day of the week is this?
- Three item recall (1 minute)
- Apple
- Table
- Penny
- Total possible
- Point Value
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 6
16Delirium Management
- Treat underlying causes
- Dont stop looking after finding one potential
cause - Supportive Care and Environment
- Targeted symptom-based treatment
- First have to make the diagnosis
17Supportive Measures
- Remove unnecessary intrusions
- Indwelling urinary catheters, telemetry, IVs
- Avoid interrupting sleep
- Are the 3am vitals really needed for this
patient? - Sensory Aids (hearing aids, glasses)
- Family support
- Early mobilization, avoid restraints
- Provide reorientation (view of clock, calendars,
familiar objects) - Adequate lighting and temperature
- Include Fall Prevention protocols
- Numerous studies showing successful
multifactorial interventions to prevent and
reduce the severity of delirium (Inouye et al.
NEJM 1999) - Generally address non-pharmacologic factors
- Sensory enhancement, hydration, mobilization,
improved sleep, avoiding problem medications - Difficult for a single person to implement
- Often led by teams of geriatricians, nurse
partners, others - May be part of an ACE unit
19Pharmacologic Management
- Usually NOT indicated
- Reserve for patients whose symptoms threaten
their own safety or that of others - May be a substitute for physical restraints
- Oral therapy is preferred when possible
- Stopping medications may be more effective
- Outcomes of intervention studies are disappointing
20DR. NO Approach
- D Describe the behavior, Document
- R Reason for the behavior
- N Non-pharmacologic management
- O Order medications last
- Assess the effect
- NOT first line therapy
- May paradoxically worsen delirium
- Implicated as etiology of delirium in many
patients - Benzo use predicts development of delirium in
post-op and ICU patients - Can cause oversedation or respiratory depression
- Lorazepam 0.5-1.0mg orally, repeated every 4H
as needed
- No controlled studies
- Preferred by some experts
- May cause oversedation
- 25-50mg orally at bedtime, plus every 4-6H as
23Typical Antipsychotics
- Haloperidol is the drug of choice
- Effective in RCTs
- 0.5-1.0mg oral BID or at bedtime
- Repeat Q4H PRN
- Peak effect 4-6H
- Same dose can be given IM with peak effect in
20-40 minutes - IV not FDA approved and should be avoided
- EPS, prolonged QT. Contraindicated in PD pts
24Haloperidol Prophylaxis for Elderly Hip-Surgery
Patients at Risk for Delirium A Randomized
Placebo-Controlled Study (Kalisvaart KJ et al.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005531658-1666)
- Patients - 430 pts. in the Netherlands
- Aged 70 and older at risk for delirium
- Mostly elective hip replacements (75)
- Intervention Haloperidol 1.5mg/daily or
placebo. - Started on admit and continued to POD 3.
- All patients with geriatrics consult.
- Results No difference in rate of delirium
(15.1vs. 16.5) - Decreased severity and duration (5.4 vs 11.8
days) - Decreased LOS (17.1 vs 22.6 days)
- No adverse effects of haloperidol were noted
- Limitations
- Lower than expected incidence of delirium
(underpowered) - Cognitively intact elective surgery patients
- Geriatrics consultation may have benefited both
groups - LOS longer than most US hospitals for this surgery
25Atypical Antipsychotics
- Little data available but frequently used
- No evidence of superiority to haloperidol
- Concerns about increased risk of death in studies
of dementia related behavioral problems
(Schneider et al, JAMA 2005) - Typical doses
- Risperidone 0.5 mg BID
- Olanzapine 2.5-5.0 mg daily
- Quetiapine 25 mg twice daily
26Post-Discharge Care
- Delirium may persists for weeks or even months
- Should have regular follow-up of mental status
until back to baseline - Diagnosis and current mental status needs to be
communicated to post-acute physician (and
nursing) - Poorer rehab outcomes
- 30 Rehospitalized from post-acute facilities
(Marcantonio JAGS 2005) - Risk of new diagnosis of dementia increased at
least threefold - 18 at one year (vs 5) (Rockwood Age Ageing
1999) - 69 at five years (vs 20) (Lundstrom JAGS 2003)
- Likely to have substantial long term needs
- Only 1/3 will still live independently at 2 years
(McCusker CMAJ 2001)
27Prevention Elective Surgery
- Add to pre-op evaluation for elderly pts
- Baseline MMSE
- Get family and caregivers involved
- Bring glasses, hearing aids to hospital
- Medication review
- Discuss with anesthesia
- If you arent making the diagnosis frequently,
look harder - Try using a simple screen for cognitive
impairment for the next month - Set an example for learners by evaluating for
delirium and cognitive impairment - Include delirium in the perioperative management
of your patients - Document and communicate the problem with other
- Inouye SK. Current Concepts Delirium in Older
Persons. N Engl J Med. 20063541157-1165a. - Amador LF, Goodwin JS. Postoperative Delirium in
the Older Patient. J Am Coll Surg.
2004200767-773. - Inouye SK, et al. Clarifying confusion The
Confusion Assessment Method. A new method for
detection of delirium. Ann Intern Med. 1990113
941-948. - Callahan CM, Unverzagt FW, Hui SL, Perkins AJ,
Hendrie HC. Six-item screener to identify
cognitive impairment among potential subjects for
clinical research. Med Care. 200240 771-781. - Marcantonio ER, Goldman L, Mangione C, et al. A
Clinical Prediction Rule for Delirium After
Elective Noncardiac Surgery. JAMA.
1994271134-139. - Kalisvaart KJ, Vreeswijk R, deJonghe JF et al.
Risk Factors and Prediction of Postoperative
Delirium in Elderly Hip-Surgery Patients
Implementation and Validation of a Medical Risk
Factor Model. J Am Geriatr Soc. 200654817-822. - Marcantonio ER, Juarez G, Goldman L, et al. The
Relationship of Postoperative Delirium with
Psychoactive Medications. JAMA.
19942721518-1522. - Inouye SK, Bogardus ST, Charpentier PA, et al. A
Multicomponent Intervention to Prevent Delirium
in Hospitalized Older Patients. N Engl J Med.
1999340669-676. - Kalisvaart KJ et al. Haloperidol Prophylaxis for
Elderly Hip-Surgery Patients at Risk for
Delirium A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005531658-1666. - Rockwood K, Cosway S, Carver D, et al. The Risk
of Dementia and Death after Delirium. Age
Ageing. 199928551-556. - Lundstrom M, Edlund A, Bucht G, et al. Dementia
after Delirium in Patients with Femoral Neck
Fractures. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003511002-1006. - McCusker J, Cole M, Dendukuri N, et al. Delirium
in Older Medical Inpatients and Subsequent
Cognitive and Functional Status a Prospective
Study. CMAJ 2001165575-593. - Marcantonio ER, Kiely DK, Simon SE, et al.
Outcomes of Older People Admitted to Postacute
Facilities with Delirium. J Am Geriatr Soc.