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2Day 1 The Performing Athlete
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
3Day 1 The Performing Athlete
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
4Day 1 The Performing Athlete
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
5Day 1 The Performing Athlete
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
6Securing the Sporting Spectacle
Dr. Gary Armstrong is a Reader in the School of
Sport and Education, Brunel University. He has
researched and published extensively in the
Sociology of Sport. His interests focus upon
class, control, technology and social exclusion
Day 1 The Performing Athlete
Prof. Richard Giulianotti is Professor of
Sociology at Durham University. His research
interests are globalization, crime and deviance,
popular culture, qualitative research methods and
social theory. He has published several books on
various aspects of sport, particularly its
international dimensions.
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
Dr Jon Coaffee is a Senior Lecturer in Spatial
Planning in the School of Environment and
Development at the University of Manchester. He
has been researching the impact of urban
terrorism since the mid 1990s and is currently
leading a project on resilient design in
crowded places.
Ying Yu is a PhD student in Politics in the
School of Government and International Affairs at
Durham University. Her research focuses on
Contentious activities of different social
groups in Beijing and Wuhan, China and the
Party-state responses.
Dr Pete Fussey is a Senior Lecturer in
Criminology at the University of East London. Dr
Fussey has been heavily involved in developing
and delivering Englands first MSc in Terrorism
Studies. In doing so, he lectures on a range of
criminological themes, including criminological
theory, transnational organised crime and
psychological criminology.
Dr Cerwyn Moore is a Lecturer in the Department
of Political Science and International Studies at
the University of Birmingham. He has published
widely on political violence. His work focuses
upon terror attacks on crowded soft targets such
as transport networks and public places.
Chief Superintendent Nick Bracken is the
Divisional Commander of the London Borough of
Newham, Metropolitan Police.
7Practical Biomechanics with Elite Athletes
Day 1 The Performing Athlete
Dr Valery Kleshnev is the National Biomechanics
Lead at the English Institute of Sport based at
Bisham Abbey. Dr Kleshnev will present on the use
of mechanical modelling in rowing.
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
- British Olympic Association-sponsored Keynote
- Where from here? Reflections on Beijing
- Symposia
- Supramaximal Exercise
- The Role of Implicit Cognitions in Sport
- Biomechanics of Performance
- Securing the Sporting Spectacle
- Practical Biomechanics
David Coleman is a PhD student at Brunel
University, and is a biomechanist for the
English Institute of Sport. David will be present
on which variables best predict 100-m
performances of elite-trained sprinters.
Angela Hibbs is a Performance Analyst
(Biomechanics) for the North East region of the
English Institute of Sport. Angela will present
on the use of biomechanical variables to help
identifying optimal stroke rate for maximising
swim performance and the use of surface EMG as a
method of collecting data on elite swimmers and
its implications for training.
Oliver Logan is a Biomechanics Intern in the West
Midlands based at Lilleshall National Sports
Centre providing support to a range of sports,
including Table Tennis and Archery. Oliver will
present on the biomechanics of elite archery.
8Day 2 Health and Physical Activity
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
9Day 2 Health and Physical Activity
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
10Day 2 Health and Physical Activity
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
11Day 2 Health and Physical Activity
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
12Day 2 Health and Physical Activity
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
- Keynote
- Physical Activity and Health
- Symposia
- Lifestyle vs. Chronic Disease
- Exercise and Chronic Heart Failure
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- FES Rowing
13Day 3 Youth and the Legacy of The Games
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
14Day 3 Youth and the Legacy of The Games
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
15Day 3 Youth and the Legacy of The Games
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
16The UK Coaching Framework
Dr. Patrick Duffy will present on the launch of
the UK Coaching Framework a 3-7-11 year action
plan for the development of the UK Coaching
System as a world leader by 2016. Dr Duffy is the
Chief Executive of sports coach UK, a charity
that has been charged with the responsibility of
leading the development of the UK Coaching
system. Sports coach UK works closely with UK
Sport, Sports Councils and Governing Bodies in
the context of the UK Coaching Framework.
Day 3 Youth and the Legacy of The Games
Prior to his appointment to sports coach UK in
September 2005, Patrick was the Director of the
National Coaching and Training Centre (NCTC),
based at the University of Limerick from 1994. He
is currently Chairman of the European Coaching
Council (a sub-committee of the European Network
of Sport Science, Education and Employment) and
Vice-President for Europe of the International
Council for Coach Education. He has recently
chaired the Coaching Strand of the AEHESIS
project and the Review group on the European
Framework for Coaching Qualifications.
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
Debbie Lye will present on her role as the head
of Worldwide Impact at UK Sport. Established by
Royal Charter in 1996, UK Sport works in
partnership with the home country sports councils
and other agencies to lead sport in the UK to
world-class success. The Worldwide Impact
programme aims are to bring best practice in
other sporting nations to the UK and to provide
clear strategic support to enable sports to bid
for and stage major events in the UK.
Prior to her appointment to UK Sport Debbie was
the Head of School and Community Sport and the
Deputy Head of the Sports Division at the DCMS
where she worked on the Governments Plan for
Sport. Debbie is also Director of the UK Sports
International Inspiration programme and the UK
representative on the UN Development Programme
International Working Group on Sport for
Development and Peace.
17Is Corporate Responsibility Part of the Problem
or Part of the Solution?
Around 25 of men and women in England are obese
and it is estimated that 1 in 3 adults will be
obese by 2010. Obesity is a major risk factor for
heart disease and diabetes, which cause around
300,000 deaths per year in the UK and claim
around 30 billion per year in healthcare and
lost productivity. Obesity is a lifestyle
disease caused by excess energy intake relative
to energy expended in physical activity. Thus,
the hypothesis that poor nutrition has
contributed to the obesity epidemic is
reasonable. In part this has been attributed to
the convenience lifestyle many of us, especially
young people, now lead. The food and drinks
industry has come under fire for both the
nutritional content of their products and for the
way they market their products to consumers. In
recent years large companies have invested
heavily in the community to encourage a healthier
lifestyle, have sponsored many worldwide
sporting events and have also helped set up
initiatives to encourage young people to make
wiser food choices and lead more active
lifestyles. The government too is urging more
companies in the industry to take on a higher
degree of social responsibility, but does this
investment make a difference to the health of our
nation and should companies be doing more as we
look towards 2012? The BASES 2008 debate, run
in the style of Question Time, will provide an
opportunity for corporate entities, to have their
say about their role in society and what they are
doing to combat obesity and promote healthy
living. Leading academics in the field of sport
and exercise sciences will also be present on the
panel to provide a scientific view on the health
of the next generation and make predictions about
what our nation will look like in 2012 and
beyond. The presenters will include Dr Helen
Munday (Director of Food Safety and Science Food
and Drink Federation), Prof. Tim Lang (Prof. of
Food Policy, City University London), Dr Andy
Ramwell (Director of Manchester Institute of
Sport and Physical Activity), Dr John Brewer
(Director of Communications and Professional
Relations, GSK Nutritionals) and Prof Craig Sharp
(Brunel Emeritus Professor).
Day 3 Youth and the Legacy of The Games
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation
- Keynote
- Biopsychosocial Support Systems
- Symposia
- Metabolic and Vascular Aspects of Health in Young
People - Using Biomechanics to Unravel the Mystery of
Motor Development - The UK Coaching Framework
- Health of the Nation