Title: Third Party Collection Program Initiatives:
1- Third Party Collection Program Initiatives
- Leveraging Technology and Best Business Practices
- Tripler Army Medical Center
- Madigan Army Medical Center
2 Agenda
- Purpose
- Tripler Army Medical Center
- Madigan Army Medical Center
- Overview
- Initiatives (3)
- Questions
- This information brief is designed to share Third
Party Collection Program (TPCP) initiatives with
the field from the perspective of two Army
medical centers - Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC), Honolulu, HI
- Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC), Ft. Lewis, WA
4Tripler Army Medical CenterHonolulu, HI
5Revenue Cycle Management
What does it mean to you?
Claims/Denials Management
Insurance Verification
Contract Management
Utilization Management
6Revenue Cycle Management
Different things to different people...
a mindset to improve health processes affecting
the bottom line
7What to Do about the Trends?
Third Party Collection Trends
Interdependent Revenue Initiatives
- TPC is lt20 of Tripler Reimbursements
8Initiatives Improve Processes
FY06 initiatives
Established a contract for remote discovery of
insurance on on all APV, inpatient Surgery and
high cost procedures Obtain insurance handbooks
for all local insurance carriers
Hire GS Nurse CHCS Adhoc Reports-ER patient list,
Surgical/Ambulatory Procedure Visits UM
Nurse/Clinical Team to document medical necessity
Established a contract for denial management
software Consultant added to evaluate 5 years
worth of claims Posted denials in TPOCs for last
six years Trained GS staff to manage claims since
Unique approach
9Initiatives Return on Investment
10Third Party Collection Program
Moving in the Right Direction?
11Madigan Army Medical CenterFt. Lewis, WA
12Madigan Army Medical Center TPC Overview
- MAMC is located in Tacoma, WA
- gt1 million outpatient encounters per year
- 12,000 dispositions per year
- 100,000 beneficiaries
- 14 TPC Staff Members
- Collection
- Average 5.2 million
- FY07 6.3
13MAMC OHI Discovery
- 2569 Program is Unproductive
- Competing interests
- Least paid/least trained personnel
- Barriers to success
- Data quality
- eOHI Discovery
- Outsourced to Signature Performance
- Remove patient and clerk from process
- Followed by phone verification
TPC Myths
it will raise my insurance
clerk training
cant be bothered
bad policy data
14MAMC OHI Discovery - Results
- Initiated 1 Sep 07
- Pre-Contract (4 mos)
- 150 New OHI
- Post-Contract (4 mos)
- 2142 positive hits
- 50 per day
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Cost 10,710 or 5 per hit
- Benefits
- Billed 100,074
- Collected 25,979
- Plus future encounters!
15MAMC OHI Discovery- Implementation
- Issues
- Slow at first
- Duplicates
- Minimal time left on policy
- Victim of your own success
- Keys to implementation
- Identify your top payors
- Establish business rules and expectations up
front - Phone verification
- Communicate with your contractor
16MAMC Lab/Rad Procedure Tools
- Problem Long-standing issue of inability for
lab and Rad systems to link their procedures with
the primary care visit required for billing. - Often long gaps between initial visit and follow
on labs and rads - Multiple systems
- Solution
- Old Biller files through multiple medical
records systems (paper and electronic) for 30
minutes per claim - New Leverage Technology 2 tools
- TPB1 Ad Hoc
- Lab/Rad Matching Process
17MAMC TPB1 Ad Hoc for Lab/Rad
- Takes TPOCS raw data and using the IEN, locates
the initial encounter Dx codes - Key to use is AHLTA order entry (IEN)
- Reduces process from 30 minutes to 3 seconds
- Steps
- Locate the IEN number in TPOCS
- Enter IEN in CHCS TPB1 Ad Hoc
- Enter diagnosis codes
18MAMC Lab/Rad Matching Process
- Matching process for Labs/Rads for
- Encounters in TPOCS without IENs
- Labs/Rads that do not make it to TPOCS
- Complex series of data pulls, queries and
filtering, results in clean data to be billed - Initial run identified 143,000 in billables
Matching Process
Billable Spreadsheet
Insurance data
SQL Dbase environment
SIT OHI Filter
raw data