Title: The National Framework Agreement for Telecare
1- The National Framework Agreement for Telecare
- Presentation by
- Paddy Howlin
- Category Manager - Mobility and Telecare
- Presentation to Welsh Learning and Improvement
Network - Monday 30 October 2006 - Cardiff
2The Analogy
3The Analogy
- Background and origins of the national framework
agreement - Scope of the telecare national framework
agreement and the participating suppliers - How the NFA operates and how to access
- Benefits and savings opportunities
- Where are we now?
- Future developments
5Overview of NHS PASA
- The NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (NHS PASA)
- formerly NHS Supplies
- formed on 1 April 2000
- an executive agency of the Department of Health
- policy lead on procurement
- Offices in Chester, Reading, Normanton and
Sheffield - The Agencys Aim
- Modernise and improve the performance of the NHS
purchasing and supply system to - become the centre of expertise, knowledge and
excellence on matters of purchasing and - supply for the NHS for the benefit of patients
and the public -
6Telecare Procurement landscape November 2005
- Prior to NHS PASA developing the Telecare NFA
Part A the procurement landscape - was as follows
- No national procurement or sourcing solution in
place for equipment and services leading to
concern on how organisations would make best and
efficient use of PTG funding (English equivalent
to the Telecare Capital Grant) - No public sector wide market management
- Little or no management information available on
spend or volumes of purchasing across the public
sector - No understanding on the true value of the market
in England (Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) - No understanding on the purchasing patterns of
the public sector - No national pricing structure across the country
leading to inconsistency and difficulty in
recognising competitive pricing and measuring
best value - No co-ordination of the public sector market to
allow the development of new and innovative
products/services or entrants into the market
7Background and origins of the Telecare NFA
- The NHS PASA Telecare National Framework
Agreement (NFA) was established - to
- Support the issue of the 80m Preventative
Technology (PT) Grant announced in July 2004 - Support DH vision for the development of Telecare
services Building Telecare in England July
2005 - Delivery of policy through procurement
- Our health, our care, our say- White Paper
- Contribute to wider health, housing and social
care agenda i.e. National Service Frameworks, NHS
System reform, new vision for adult social care - Gershon Efficiency Programme
- Mechanism to procure telecare effectively and
efficiently during and post PT Grant - Develop a single public sector market place for
industry -
8Organisations who can access Telecare NFA Part A
- The following organisations can access the NFA
Part A
9Scope of Products on NFA Part A
- The following 11 product modalities form the
basis of the equipment element - of the NFA Part A
based on Appraisal of the scope of Assistive
Technologies - November 2005
10Scope of Services
- The following service elements are included
within the scope of NFA - Part A
- Installation Services - installation of
equipment, training, battery replacement and
de-installation - Maintenance Services including standard repair,
preventative and planned maintenance - Response Services including control
centre/monitoring and response services
11NFA Suppliers and range of services
12Equipment Modalities
13Geographical Coverage
14Sub-contracting and strategic alliances via NFA
15How the framework operates
- Users of the NFA can select any of the suppliers
that will help deliver local strategies/plans - Call off orders and service level arrangements
are agreed against the NFA between users and
suppliers - Users of the NFA will still be required to
undertake duty of care/risk assessments on
equipment and services procured from the NFA to
ensure their suitability and efficacy - Further leverage and savings opportunities can be
achieved by developing collaborative/joined up
procurement between organisations via discounts
provided by suppliers - List of telecare products, equipment and services
is available to users of the NFA via the NHS
E-Catalogue (NHS-E-cat)
16Benefits to the users of the NFA (1)
- Transparency consistent pricing, with a
national pricing structure established -
- Efficiency (1) NFA established so Local
Authorities, Health, Housing etc do not need to
undertake their own EU procurement/sourcing
activity - Efficiency (2) - Supports the once only
principal and ensure that suppliers within the
market do not need to increase product prices to
cover future overhead costs for responding to
local tenders
17The tempting thing to do.
- Benchmark against the NFA terms and attempt to
get even greater - Prices and/or discounts
- Q What happens if we attempt to get improved
terms from NFA suppliers? - A If you renegotiate the NFA terms, you are not
bound by the terms or - OJEU process you are negotiating a
separate deal. - Q We can undertake our own tendering process?
- A Yes you can, however you need to assess if the
aggregated spend during the life- - time of the contract is in excess of EU
public procurement regulations. You may be - legally required to undertake a full OJEU
tender. - Q If we can make a saving compared to the PASA
agreement, we can justify the - time and resource required?
- A It may be possible to secure a saving on
products and services, however compare - the saving made compared with the cost of
undertaking this work? Are savings - really being generated and are projects
being effectively delivered?
18Benefits to the users of the NFA (1)
- Transparency consistent pricing, with a
national pricing structure established -
- Efficiency (1) NFA established so Local
Authorities, Health, Housing etc do not need to
undertake their own EU procurement/sourcing
activity - Efficiency (2) - Supports the once only
principal and ensure that suppliers within the
market do not need to increase product prices to
cover future overhead costs for responding to
local tenders
19Key steps and costs involved in the tendering
Tendering Process
Develop Business Case
Notify short-listed suppliers
Supplier presentations
Staff time 162.5 man days
Establish project team
Final scoring
Resource/staff costs
Develop Specification
Estimated cost 50,000
Research market and pricing comparison
Develop pricing documentation
Recommendation Report
Costs not considered
Commence tendering process (OJEU ad)
Pre-tender meeting
Project Sign off
Finalise agreements
Respond to queries
Manage EOI returns
Opportunity Costs?
Implementation meetings with successful bidders
Agree evaluation criteria
Pre qualification questionnaires
Consultancy/external resources?
Issue Tenders
Pre qualification evaluation
Monitoring Compliance?
De-brief unsuccessful bidders
Evaluate Bids
De-brief suppliers
Post offer clarification
Costs to industry?
20Cost of tendering/processes within the public
- Numbers of local organisations that could tender
for telecare equipment and/or relating service (_at_
50,000 per tender) - - 150 Social Services Authorities 7.5m
- - 150 Primary Care Trusts 7.5m
- - 238 District councils within counties
11.9m - Cost 26.9m before any equipment or services
are bought! - Figures do not include
- - 270 Telecare/community alarm services
- - 138 Community equipment services
- - Housing associations, independent and
voluntary organisations - Figures could be far higher but these costs
are negated by using the NFA -
21Local tendering savings opportunities in
relation to TCG
- Based on average TCG allocation of 405,454.54
(8.9m/22 LAs) 100 Equipment
22Benefits to the users of the NFA (1)
- Transparency consistent pricing, with a
national pricing structure established -
- Efficiency (1) NFA established so Local
Authorities, Health, Housing etc do not need to
undertake their own EU procurement/sourcing
activity - Efficiency (2) - Supports the once only
principal and ensure that suppliers within the
market do not need to increase product prices to
cover future overhead costs for responding to
local tenders
23Costs to industry in responding to local tenders
Tendering Process
Develop Business Case
Notify short-listed suppliers
Supplier presentations
Staff resources
Establish project team
Final scoring
Develop Specification
Research market and pricing comparison
Additional marketing
Develop pricing documentation
Recommendation Report
Opportunity Costs
Commence tendering process (OJEU ad)
Pre-tender meeting
Project Sign off
Costs are eventually reclaimed in the cost of
Finalise agreements
Respond to queries
Manage EOI returns
Implementation meetings with successful bidders
Agree evaluation criteria
Pre qualification questionnaires
Issue Tenders
Pre qualification evaluation
De-brief unsuccessful bidders
Evaluate Bids
NFA will negate this
De-brief suppliers
Post offer clarification
24Benefits to the users of the NFA (2)
- Savings by collating public sector buying
power, improved terms and pricing has been
achieved (bottom line average savings of 13.9) - Further savings opportunities are available via
commitment discounts and price breaks negotiated
via the NFA (1,600 product lines) - Product and service a comprehensive range of
products and services available via the NFA - Supporting existing systems and innovative
solutions - No charges there are no user costs applicable
for using the NFA - Avoid delays - in implementing the Telecare
Capital Grant, ensuring users and those in need
of telecare/telehealth benefit quickly
25Benefits Tracking/Sales Data
- A significant benefit of the development of the
NFA, is that it requires all participating
suppliers to provide monthly sales information to
NHS PASA - Information provided by suppliers is fed in to
the NHS PASA Benefits Tracking Tool (BTT) and
will help the Agency measure the impact and
benefits of the NFA - Sales data will benefit the Welsh Assembly,
suppliers and users of the NFA by -
- Monitoring use of TCG funding assess who is
utilising the TCG - Assess the impact of TCG funding understand the
level/type of equipment being invested in - Assess funding outside of TCG on developing
Telecare -
- Help influence and guide future Welsh Assembly
spending/investment in this market -
- Understand market demand help inform and
develop market capacity and capability - Develop future procurement/sourcing strategy
- Inform future policy direction
26How will the NFA make a difference?
- Allows projects to focus on delivery one key
part of the process has been delivered can now
focus on the wide range of other challenges - Understanding of market and supplier capability
- Mechanism to introduce new products/solutions to
market effective market management, understand
trends and potential new solutions - Monthly BTT/Sales Data returns will provide key
information on how and what the public sector is
procuring within Telecare assist in
understanding and developing the market - BTT information will be a key measurement to see
how TCG is being spent - The NFA can be used to support and benefit other
Telecare projects not just those funded by TCG
27Telecare Procurement landscape 1 year on
- NFA Part A and the sourcing strategy adopted over
the past 12 months has contributed to - The development of a procurement solution in
place for equipment and services (contributing
to the effective use of the TCG) - The introduction of public sector wide market
management and development - Receiving key management information and data
which will access the spend and volumes of
purchasing across the public sector (and monitor
the use of the TCG) - Gaining a more accurate understanding of the true
value of the market in Wales - Gaining a more accurate understanding of the
purchasing patterns of the public sector - The introduction of a national pricing structure
across the country leading to greater
consistency, recognising competitive pricing and
ensuring best value - The development of a single public sector market
providing a mechanism for the development of
new and innovative products/services and entrants
into the market
28How can my organisation benefit from the NFA?
- Public sector organisations should have
automatically been transferred over to NHS PASA
NFA terms by the participating NFA suppliers
from 30 June 2006 - Need to ensure that you are receiving the correct
terms from your suppliers - Register on the NHS E-Catalogue (NHS E-Cat)
- Ensure all telecare purchase orders include the
PASA reference number - Download the NHS PASA Telecare Information Pack
to understand the full range of suppliers,
products and service solutions available from the
NFA - Work collaboratively between organisations/geograp
hically to secure greater discounts based on
collating regional/cross sector buying power and
leverage - if an existing deal that has been through the
relevant procurement processes (i.e OJEU,
competitive tender/constable process) - and provides improved pricing to the PASA NFA,
then this will remain unaltered until the end of
this agreement
29Key Steps to take after today
- Register on NHS E-cat - understand range of
products, services, prices and discount available
- Download the NFA Information Pack this will
provide you with a detailed overview of the NFA,
how it operates, what it includes and
details/profiles of all 15 suppliers - Ensure you are receiving all of the benefits and
pricing -
- Bookmark www.pasa.nhs.uk/eat/telecare.stm
- Regularly view the PASA Telecare website this
is updated weekly and will provide up to date
information on the development of the NFA over
the coming weeks and months - Contact PASA if you have any questions or
queries/feedback on the effectiveness of the
agreement let us know of good news stories as
well as any problems
30and that Analogy?
- Weve travelled a long way, very quickly
- The NFA is a significant platform, contributing
to the vision of the Welsh Assembly and delivery
of telecare in Wales - It is key that both users and suppliers channel
telecare procurement through the NFA to maintain
the momentum and sustainable development of
telecare, during and post TCG - There is still further to travel before we get to
the end of the journey
31Future Developments
- To maintain the momentum, the following projects
are ongoing or being - developed in 2007
- Ongoing discussions and work with telecare groups
and consortia to get maximum benefit from the NFA
- Working with the participating NFA suppliers to
introduce new products, services and strategic
partners to the agreement - Developing compliance, awareness and uptake of
the NFA with potential users - Engagement with key telecare decision makers at a
regional level via the development of a Strategic
Telecare Consultation Group -
- - develop and evolve the sourcing strategy
- - develop compliance and support for the NFA
- - develop telecare procurement jointly
with Social Care, Health and Housing
32- By Procuring telecare effectively, the people who
need the equipment and services will benefit
quickly and effectively making best use of the
resource and funding being provided by the Welsh
Assembly - We cannot lose this focus!
33Further Information
- Contact
- Paddy Howlin Category Manager
- Tel 01244 586 816
- E Mail paddy.howlin_at_pasa.nhs.uk
- Andy Gudgeon Category Specialist
- Tel 07775 777 943
- E Mail andy.gudgeon_at_pasa.nhs.uk
- Or via the NHS PASA Website www.pasa.nhs.uk/teleca
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