Title: Pure Science or Combined Science
1Pure Science or Combined Science
2 Science Subjects
- Subjects offered at Sec 3 Express
- Biology (with SPA)
- Chemistry (with SPA)
- Physics (with SPA)
- Science (Physics, Chemistry)
- Science (Chemistry, Biology)
- Subjects offered at Sec 3 Normal Academic
- Science (Physics, Chemistry)
- Science (Chemistry, Biology)
3Physics applies scientific methodologies to
understand the most fundamental principles of
nature matter and energy, and how they interact.
It is the scientific study of matter and energy
and how they interact with each other. This
energy can take the form of motion, light,
electricity, radiation, gravity.
- Are you interested in matter on scales ranging
from sub-atomic particles to stars and even
entire galaxies? - Or are you interested in the world around us, the
world inside us, and the world beyond us? - Physics most fundamental science and the basis
of many other sciences, including Chemistry.
5What Skills Do I Need to Study Physics?
- Critical Thinking skills (e.g. problem solving)
- planning investigations, observing,
measuring, analysing data, drawing conclusions,
developing and testing hypotheses. - Science Process Skills (observing, communicating,
classifying) - Scientific Reasoning Skills (desire to probe,
find information and seek explanation) - Mathematics comfortable with mathematics
concepts, since scientific laws are often
expressed as mathematical formulae - Technical Knowledge (learning how a machine
operates will help you in fields such as
Are you fascinated by chemical reactions? Do you
want to explore the world of atoms and
molecules? If so, then chemistry will really suit
- This is the study of interaction of energy and
matter in chemical systems, particularly in
reactions that involve electrons.
8- Critical Thinking skills (e.g. problem solving)
- planning investigations, observing,
measuring, analysing data, drawing conclusions,
developing and testing hypotheses. - Science Process Skills (observing, communicating,
classifying) - Scientific Reasoning Skills (desire to probe,
find information and seek explanation) - Mathematics comfortable with mathematics
What Skills Do I Need to Study Chemistry?
- This subject is vital if you want to pursue a
career in medicine, pharmacy or forensic science.
10 Biology
It is the Science of Life. Are you intrigued
with the incredible variety of organisms that
inhabit our planet and wondered about their
origin and how they have evolved? How does the
human brain function to articulate and
comprehend? Why do cells divide, and how do
tissues age? What are clones and transgenic
11 Biology
Biology is, at its heart, an application of
chemical properties in living things, which means
that it is also, ultimately, ruled by the
physical laws.
12- Critical Thinking skills (e.g. problem solving)
- planning investigations, observing,
measuring, analysing data, drawing conclusions,
developing and testing hypotheses. - Science Process Skills (observing having an eye
for details) - Scientific Reasoning Skills (desire to probe,
find information and seek explanation) - English Language a higher level of competency
What Skills Do I Need to Study Biology?
- Broad-based training in the key areas of Physics,
Chemistry and Biology - Approximately 60 of the Pure Physics, Pure
Chemistry and Pure Biology curriculum. - Syllabus of each component is less in terms of
depth and breadth.
- The demands of the questions in the exam are less
rigorous and students would be able to grasp
science content matter more easily. - Prepares students well for future courses that
require some exposure to the physical sciences
beyond the O-Level.
15Pure Sciences
Combined Sciences
- Science Practical Assessment (SPA)
- Students assessed on Practical skills throughout
Sec 3 and 4 - Mode of assessment for theory consist of multiple
choice questions, structured and free-response
- Practical Examination
- One off Practical exam at the end of Sec 4
- Mode of assessment for theory consist of multiple
choice questions, structured and free-response
16- Criteria for application
- Pure Sciences
- Triple science and double science classes are
- offered to pupils who thrive on a more science-
- oriented curriculum.
- Syllabus is designed to place less emphasis on
factual material but greater emphasis on the
understanding and application of scientific
concepts and principles. - At least a B3 for Sec 2 Express Science results
17Criteria for application
Science(Physics/Chemistry) or
(Chemistry/Biology) Good results for
respective component in Sec 2 Express/ Normal
Academic Science results
18 Factors to consider when choosing a science
- Your interest and competence (ability and
- skills) in the subject
- Your commitment to your studies and ability to
work independently - Your post-secondary education and career
- If you aspire to
- be a doctor, scientist and engineer or
- intend to pursue the more rigorous courses in
engineering or pure and applied sciences - you are advised to apply for the
- Pure Sciences course
20- If you are more inclined towards disciplines of
- Languages
- Humanities and
- Aesthetics
- but want a good foundation in Science
- you are advised to opt for the Combined
- Science course
21Post Secondary Science Education
- Junior Colleges/Millenia Institute
- Course Requirements for H1 Biology (for e.g.)
- Biology at O level, either as a single subject
or as part of a balanced science course. - Course Requirements for H2 Biology
- Biology at O level, preferably as a single
- Course Requirements for science related
- subjects
- Either Pure Sciences or Combined
- Science
- Pass in Science required for admission to many
Polytechnic courses
23 Polytechnics Courses
- Engineering
- Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Info-Communications, ICT
- Aerospace Electronics
- Nursing (NYP), Clean Energy (SP)
24University Science Courses
25(No Transcript)