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The HistoricalCritical Method


'The historical-critical method is the indispensable method for ... Critical Method ... The Historical-Critical Method: Text criticism. This is a page from the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The HistoricalCritical Method

The Historical-Critical Method
  • A Friendly Guide

The Historical-Critical Method
  • The historical-critical method is the
    indispensable method for the scientific study of
    the meaning of ancient texts. Holy Scripture
    inasmuch as it is the Word of God in human
    language, has been composed by human authors in
    all its various parts and in all the sources that
    lie behind them. Because of this, its proper
    understanding not only admits the use of this
    method but actually requires it.
  • The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church

The Historical-Critical Method
  • What is the historical-critical method?
  • It attempts to reconstruct the texts
  • origin
  • historical context
  • its original meaning, i.e., what it meant to its
    original ancient author(s) and first readers.

The Historical-Critical Method
  • In other words, this approach understands that
    the Bible developed within a knowable historical
    environment which contributed directly to the
    expression of its content.

The Historical-Critical Method
  • This method is characterized by the use of one or
    more of the following critical approaches.
  • Text criticism
  • Source criticism
  • Form criticism
  • Redaction criticism.

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
  • Text criticism seeks to retrieve and establish as
    much of the original text as is possible.

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
  • This approach understands that the text may have
    scribal errors in
  • spelling
  • misreadings of difficult words and passages
  • expansions of sentences
  • inaccurate corrections.

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
Scribal Mistakes
  • Haplography
  • A error in copying involving a loss of text when
    two identical or similar letters or groups of
    letters occur in sequence and are copied only
  • nmynb wba alw
  • nmynb ynb wba alw
  • And the sons of Benjamin were not willing

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
Scribal Mistakes
  • Parablepsis
  • The oversight or faulty reading which
    occurred when a scribe overlooked part of his
  • wqzyw yrcm bqy ab rvak
  • hwhy la kytwba
  • wqzyw yrcmh nyw hmyrcm bqy ab rvak
  • hwhy la kytwba
  • When Joseph went o Egypt, the Egyptians
    oppressed them, and your fathers cried out to

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
Scribal Mistakes
  • Qualification of Generalizations
  • Scribes believed that some general statements
    were open to misunderstanding and qualified them
    with glosses.
  • wdbl hwhyl ytlb rxy yhlal xbz
  • rxy yrxa yhlal xbz
  • He who sacrifices to other gods will be placed
    under the ban except to Yahweh alone

The Historical-Critical MethodText Criticism
  • If a text can be full of scribal errors, how do
    we find out about them in order to identify them?
  • We look at other manuscript traditions.
  • That is, we look at other versions of the same
    text but from other periods.
  • The earliest manuscripts are the best.

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
  • This is a page from the Masoretic Text.
  • Its symbol is M.
  • At the bottom is the apparatus indicated by the
  • On the side is the qere-kethib indicated by the

The Historical-Critical MethodText Criticism
  • The Hebrew for "what is written", kethib refers
    to the consonants found in the Hebrew text and
    preserved by scribal tradition.
  • In the margin they wrote the consonants of
    suggested corrections (the qere, "what is to be
    read"), putting the vowels of the correction
    around these consonants in the text indicating
    the need for correction.

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
  • This is an enlargement of the apparatus.
  • It contains all the variant readings of the
    biblical verses on the main page.
  • These variant readings come from other OT
    manuscript traditions. It is in these other
    texts that we can find the corrections to scribal

The Historical-Critical MethodText criticism
Famous Catholic Scholars
  • Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini
  • New Testament Text Critic scholar.
  • He headed the Scripture Department at the
    Biblicum where he also was appointed Rector of
    the Institute in 1969.
  • He left that office in1978.

The Historical-Critical MethodText Criticism
Discussion on Text Criticism
The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
  • Source criticism seeks to discover the literary
    sources of a document. Thus, it is basically
    interested in the written materials upon which a
    text may be based.

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
the founder
  • In the Old Testament Julius Wellhausen is
    considered the father of Source Criticism.
  • He proposed that the Pentateuch was composed from
    four main sources.
  • J Yahwist
  • E Elohist
  • D Deuteronomist
  • P Priestly writer

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
  • Wellhausen also established the criteria for the
    classical theory of Source Criticism in the OT.
  • He used five literary identifiers to distinguish
    the sources.

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
  • Duplication and repetition of material
  • variation in the ways of referring to God
  • contrasting author perspectives
  • variation in vocabulary and literary style
  • evidence of editorial activity.

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
based on referring to God
  • Yahwist
  • Called J because Yahweh is spelled with J in
  • This source uses the divine name Yahweh
  • Believed to date to the end of Davids reign or
    to the period of Solomon.

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
based on author perspective
  • Yahwist
  • It reflects Southern traditions.
  • Thus, it emphasizes Judah. That is
  • Judah as the son of Jacob or
  • Judah as the area that the tribe of Judah

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
based on vocabulary and style
  • Yahwist Style
  • Prefers the narrative style and stories
  • Frequently uses puns
  • Uses the term Sinai for Gods mountain
  • Calls indigenous people Canaanites
  • God is anthropromorphic.

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
  • Source Criticism also acknowledges that texts
    could be shaped according to other literary types
    from the ANE such as
  • Treaties
  • Genealogies
  • King lists
  • Boundary lists
  • Inheritance texts.

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
New Testament
  • Source Criticism for the Synoptic Gospels
  • The identification of the sources that were
    brought together in order to create them. These
  • Materials from Mark
  • Materials unique to Matthew
  • Materials unique to Luke
  • The Q source.

The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
Famous Catholic Scholars
  • Raymond E. Brown, SS.
  • Auburn Distinguished Professor Emeritus of
    Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary,
    New York.
  • He was twice appointed a member of the Pontifical
    Biblical Commission, by Pope Paul VI in 1972 and
    by Pope John Paul II in 1996.
  • Best known for The Birth of the Messiah, 1993.

Raymond E Brown August 8, 1998
The Historical-Critical MethodSource Criticism
Discussion on Source Criticism
The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
  • Form Criticism is a method of literary analysis
    that seeks to go behind the written documents.
  • This is done in order to determine the underlying
    oral traditions.

Sofer writing the Torah
Shouting Man by DaVinci
The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
The founder
  • Herman Gunkel (1852-1932) first introduced and
    developed form criticism.
  • He shifted attention away from analyses of entire
    texts (Source Criticism) to smaller units of
    text, also known as pericopies.

The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
  • Gunkel showed how these units grew out of
    particular customs associated with events.
  • This means that each unit has a characteristic
    pattern connected with the event.

Coronation of Charlemagne
The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
  • These events are not single one-time only events.
  • Rather these are acts/words that are repeated in
    the same way every time a type of event occurs.

The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
  • Form criticism may also be described as the
    analysis of literary units to discover the
    typical formal structures and patterns behind the
    present text.
  • In this it attempts to recover the original
    sociological setting or "setting in life" (German
    Sitz im Leben) of that form of literature.

The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
  • Thus, Gunkel introduced the idea that the Book of
    Psalms was the product of Jerusalem temple cult.
  • The Psalms were not private, prayerful,
    meditative reflections of individuals but

The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
  • the Psalms were the prayers of the community,
    which were developed and used within a liturgical
  • Liturgy is the Psalms original "setting in life"

The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
  • Gunkel then distinguished several different types
    of Psalms based on the tenor of their mood and
  • Hymns of Praise
  • Community Laments
  • Thanksgiving Psalms
  • Entrance liturgies
  • Royal Psalms.

The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
New Testament
  • Form Criticism for the Synoptic Gospels involves
  • The classification of small units of text in
    order to better understand the different uses of
    these forms among the authors. Some of these
    forms are
  • Parables
  • Miracle stories
  • Pronouncement stories
  • Legendary materials.

The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
Famous Catholic Scholars
  • Carmelite Fr. Roland E. Murphy, co-editor of the
    Jerome Biblical Commentary.
  • Taught at The Catholic University of America in
    Washington, 1948-70.
  • He was George Washington Ivey professor of
    biblical studies at Duke University Divinity
    School in Durham, N.C., from 1971 until his
    retirement in 1986 at the age of 70.

Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm. August 2, 2002
The Historical-Critical MethodForm Criticism
Discussion on Form Criticism
The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction
Criticism definition
  • Redaction criticism seeks to show how authors
    and/or editors have chosen, shaped and framed
    sources in the composition of the Bible.
  • It tries to describe the intention and viewpoints
    of books.

The Historical-Critical Method Redaction
  • Redaction criticism deals with larger units of
  • It seeks to find themes or values that unite and,
    therefore, influenced the present arrangement of
    texts or materials.
  • An example of Redaction Criticism is the
    identification of the Deuteronomistic History
    based on the placement of the Book of Deuteronomy
    in the Hebrew Bible.

The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction Criticism
  • Redaction Criticism notes that Deuteronomy is the
    last book of five.
  • In this position it ends the Pentateuch.

The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction Criticism
  • Gerhard von Rad noticed another possible
    arrangement based on Redaction Criticism.
  • He proposed the existence of a Hexateuch, the
    first six books of the Bible.
  • Why?
  • It contains the occupation of the land.
  • Thus, Deuteronomy would not be in a very
    important position here.

The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction Criticism
  • Another way this could be approached would be to
    remove Deuteronomy from the Pentateuch.
  • This creates the Tetrateuch, the first four books
    of the Bible.
  • Thus, the story ends with the book of Numbers.
  • This roughly corresponds to the Priestly Work
    which ends with the Story Baalam.

The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction Criticism
  • With the creation of the Tetrateuch, the Book of
    Deuteronomy is detached from the previous books.
  • In this position Deuteronomy can be seen as the
    beginning of something and not the end.

The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction Criticism
  • This arrangement allows us to identify the
    Deuteronomistic History.
  • Thus, the Book of Deuteronomy becomes the first
    book in Israels historical account and is seen
    as the source of the value system upon which all
    subsequent history is judged.

The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction
Criticism New Testament
  • Redaction Criticism in the Synoptic Gospels
  • evaluate how Luke used Marks Gospel
  • and based on that usage determine how his
    theological intentions may have differed from
  • Did he emphasize Jesus as a teacher rather than a
    miracle worker?
  • What were the features of Jesus teachings that
    he chose to emphasize and why?

The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction
Criticism Famous Catholic Scholars
  • Roland de Vaux
  • He joined the Dominican Order in 1929.
  • He was assigned to the Ecole Biblique in E.
    Jerusalem and eventually became its head.
  • He helped discover and collect the Dead Sea
  • He led the initial excavations at Qumran.

Roland de Vaux 1903-1971
The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction
Criticism Famous Catholic Scholars
  • I try always to be aware that I am teaching or
    dialoguing as a member of the Society of Jesus.
    As such, I am a representative of the Catholic
    Church and seek to carry on the traditions of my
    forebears and colleagues. God has given me the
    ability to engage in such intellectual
    apostolates, in which His written Word is so
    intimately involved. If such an apostolate has
    had some success, it comes from the graced life
    that I, as Jesuit, have been able to live in
    imitation of greater Jesuit interpreters of
    Scripture such as Salmerón, Bobadilla, and Laínez
    among the First Jesuits.

Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J Professor Emeritus and
Professorial Lecturer of Biblical Studies at
Catholic University
The Historical-Critical MethodRedaction
Discussion on Redaction Criticism
The Historical-Critical Method
  • The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church
  • The historical-critical method has made it
    possible to understand far more accurately the
    intention of the authors and editors of the
    Bible, as well as the message which they
    addressed to their first readers. The
    achievement of these results has lent the
    historical-critical method an importance of the
    highest order.

The Historical-Critical Method
The End
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