Title: Division of Integrative Organismal Biology
1Division of Integrative Organismal Biology
William E. Winner, Ph.D. wwinner_at_nsf.gov National
Science Foundation 2004
2NSF Priorities and Objectives
- Focus on Linking Research and Education
- Broaden Participation
3Important Ideas
- Participation
- Review Proposals
- Research Support
- Supplemental Awards
- Collaborative Awards
- Support for Developing Curricula
- Support for Instrumentation
- Single Investigator Awards
4Goals of the Visit
- General Goals
- Introduce Myself
- Provide a Point of Contact
- Begin a Dialogue
- Provide Background Information
- NSF Structure
- Submission and Review Process
- Funding Opportunities
- Answer Questions
5National Science Foundation Structure
6National Science Foundation
Director Deputy Director
National Science Board
Inspector General
Staff Offices
Computer, Information Science Engineering
Mathematical Physical Sciences
Biological Sciences
Social, Behavioral Economic Sciences
Budget, Finance Award Management
Information Resource Management
Education Human Resources
7Proposal Submission And Review
8Fastlane Information Update
Now paperless!
Supplementary requests, and most other requests,
now done through Fastlane
- Primary source of information about pending
proposals through Proposals, Awards Status
9Merit Review Criteria
- What is the intellectual merit of the
- proposed activity?
- What are the broader impacts of the
- proposed activity?
10What Makes a Proposal Competitive?
- Likely high impact
- New and original ideas
- Succinct, focused project plan
- Knowledge of subject area or published work
- Experience in essential methodology
- Clarity concerning future direction
- Sound scientific rationale
- Realistic amount of work
- Sufficient detail
- Critical approach
11Dos and Donts
Talk to your Program Officer Less verbiage, more
readability Anticipate objections or
criticisms Justify your budget Do not be
greedy Follow the rules Give yourself plenty of
time Study reviews carefully
12Proposal Review Criterion Intellectual Merit
Potential to advancing knowledge Understanding
within and across fields Qualifications of
investigators Creativity and originality Conceptua
lization and organization Access to resources
13NSF Merit Review Criteria
- Criteria include
- What is the intellectual merit and quality of the
proposed activity? - What are the broader impacts of the proposed
14What are the Broader Impacts?
- Potential Considerations NSB
- Advance discovery and understanding, promoting
teaching, training and learning - Broaden the participation of underrepresented
groups (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability,
geographic, etc.)? -
- Enhance the infrastructure for research and
education, eg. facilities, instrumentation,
networks and partnerships - Broad distribution of results to enhance
scientific and technological understanding -
- Benefits of the activity to society
15Addressing Broader Impacts
- A proposal need not address all the issues on
the - NSBs list of potential considerations
- Level of efforts to satisfy the broader impacts
- criterion will depend on the nature of the
project - All good proposals have broader impacts beyond
PIs - research community, whether the PI knows, or
not -
- Think seriously about broader impacts of a
project, - maximize the potential impact, incorporating
- appropriate activities in the project plan
- Be committed to the broader impact goals
16Ad hoc/ Mail Review or Panel Service
- Gives you insight into the review process
- Allows you to see fundable research proposals
- Great service to the community
17Funding Opportunities Core Programs
18Directorate for Computer and Information Science
and Engineering (CISE)
Computing and Communication Foundations
(CCF) Computer and Network Systems
(CNS) Information and Intelligent Systems
(IIS) Shared Cyberinfrastructure (SCI)
19Directorate for Mathematical Physical Sciences
Astronomical Sciences Chemistry Materials
Research Mathematical Sciences Physics
20(No Transcript)
21Core Program Areas in IOB
- Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology
- Animal Behavior
- Integrative Animal Biology
- Integrative Plant Biology
- Developmental Mechanisms
- Neurosciences
22Core Program Areas in DEB
- Systematic Biology
- Population Biology
- Biodiversity Surveys an Inventories
- Ecology
- Ecosystem Studies
- Long-Term Research in Env. Biology
- Long-Term Ecological Research
23Core Program Areas in MCB
- Biomolecular Structure and
- Function
- Biomolecular Systems
- Cellular Systems
- Genes and Genomic Systems
24Award Supplement Opportunities
- Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- Research Opportunity Awards (ROA)
- Research Assistantships for Minority High School
Students (RAMHSS) - International Research and Education Supplements
- Facilitation Award for Scientists and Engineers
with Disabilities
25Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Attract and retain students in mathematics,
science, and engineering
Incorporate active research experience
REU supplements to PIs with existing awards
Solicitation NSF 04-584 Deadline Contact
your Program Officer for details
26Research Opportunity Award
Supplementary funding for NSF research grants
Target faculty members at predominantly
undergraduate institutions or secondary
schools Allow participation in research
activities with NSF-supported investigators
- See RUI program announcement
Deadlines January 10th and July 10th,
annually Program Announcement NSF 00-144
- 1-year supplement to current NSF Awards
- Build long term collaborative relationships
between K-12 teachers of science and mathematics
and the NSF research community - Encourage researchers to form partnerships with
teachers at inner city schools and less well-
endowed school districts
Consult with the Program Director of your
particular NSF award. Program Announcement NSF
28Other Funding Opportunities
Small Grants for Exploratory Research
(SGER) Conferences Workshops Symposia
29Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants
- Division of Environmental Biology and the
Division of Integrative Organismal Biology - Must pass candidacy by the deadline
- Funds research-related costs only
- Recent changes
- - increased upper limit to 12, 000
- - allows travel to meetings
Deadline 3rd Friday in November Announcement
NSF 02-173
30Core Program Areas in DBI
- Instrumentation-Related Activities
- Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories
- Instrument Development for Biological Research
- Multi-User Equipment and Instrumentation
Resources - for Biological Sciences
- Research Resources
- Biological Databases and Informatics
- Biological Research Collections
- Training
- Collaborative Research at Undergraduate
Institutions (C-RUI) - Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology
31Division of Biological Infrastructure
Examples of Research Areas Supported
- Postdoctoral Fellowships Program
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites
- Undergraduate Mentorship in Environmental Biology
- Collaborative Research at Undergraduate
Institutions - Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories
- Instrument Development for Biological Research
- Multi-user Biological Equipment and
Instrumentation - Biological Databases and Informatics
- Living Stock Collections
- Biological Research Collections
32Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs
- Awards for research and training
- Applicants choose sponsoring scientist and
provide research/training plan - Two year awards
- Minority Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in
Interdisciplinary Informatics - Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Microbial
33Multi-User Biological Equipment and
Instrumentation Resources (MBE)
- Provides support for the purchase of major items
- Requests can be from 40,000 to 400,000
- Single items of biological equipment or several
pieces of equipment with a related purpose - Must be shared by 3 to 7 investigators with
actively-funded NSF research projects
Deadline 1st Monday in October,
annually Program Announcement NSF 98-137
34Major Research Instrumentation Program
- Improve scientific and engineering equipment and
facilities for research and research training - Awards for instrumentation will range from
100,000 to 2 million - Cost sharing is no longer applicable
Deadline 3rd Thursday in January,
annually Program Announcement NSF-04-511
35Field Stations and Marine Labs
- Successful projects have
- Demonstrated infrastructure need
- High potential biological impact
- Broad user base
- Educational outreach
Read the Program Announcement for more
information. Program Announcement NSF 04-543
36Biological Databases and Informatics
- Support for new approaches for managing
biological knowledge - Collection, maintenance, dissemination and query
of the data and information -
- Facilitate utility to the scientific community
Read the Program Announcement for more
information. Program Announcement NSF 02-058
37Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology
- Institutional awards for student research
experience in environmental biology - Emphasize factors that enable underrepresented
groups to enter and remain in environmental
biology - Emphasize direct student participation in
research with students remaining in program for gt
1 year
Deadline October 31st, annually Program
Announcement NSF 03-585
38C-RUI Cross-disciplinary Research at
Undergraduate Institutions
- Supports research efforts involving faculty from
different fields - Target cross-disciplinary research from more than
one academic area - Focus on undergraduate students from
predominantly undergraduate institutions - Anticipated funding for program - 2 million up
to 8 awards
Deadline June 15th, annually Program
Announcement NSF 04-536
39Research Assistantships for Minority High School
Students (RAMHSS)
- Involve high school minority students in research
- Provides funding supplements to those supported
by NSF - Occurs throughout the academic year and summer
Contact the Program Officer in the appropriate
program for details.
40New in FY2005
41 - A continent-wide research tool
- Networked regional observatories
- Research to obtain a predictive understanding of
the environment -
- A network of environmental research facilities
and instruments
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
42Plant Genome Research Program
- Overall Program Research Goals
- Further understand the structure, organization
and function of plant genomes - Discover fundamental biological processes
- Accelerate the acquisition and utilization of new
knowledge and innovative technologies - Focus is on plants of economic importance and
plant processes of potential economic value. - FY04-05 Program (NSF 04-510)
- Virtual Center Awards in Plant Genome Research
- Individual and Small Group Awards in Plant Genome
43Emerging Frontiers Virtual Division
- An incubator for 21st century biology
- Multidisciplinary research and networking
activities - Synergy between disciplines
- New initiatives for later integration into core
programs - Currently includes
- All NSF-wide Priority Areas
- Frontiers in Integrative Biological Research
- Tree of Life
- Microbial Genome Sequencing Project
- Ecology of Infectious Diseases
- Research Collaboration Networks
44Useful URLs - Bookmark!!
NSF Home Page http//www.nsf.gov Search NSF
Awards http//www.nsf.gov/home/grants/grants_awa
rds.htm Search NSF Documents On-Line http//www.
nsf.gov/pubsys/ods/index.html FastLane Home
Page https//www.fastlane.nsf.gov/fastlane.jsp N
SF Custom News Service http//www.nsf.gov/home/c
ns/ Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) http//www.nsf.go
v/pubs/gpg/nsf04_23/start.htm Guide to
Programs http//www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/publicat/
45Funding Opportunities Programs in the
Directorate of Education and Human Resources
46 Directorate for Education and Human Resources
Math and Science Partnership (MSP)
Division of Human Resource Development (HRD)
Division of Elementary, Secondary and
Informal Education (ESIE)
Division of Research, Evaluation
and Communication (REC)
Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE)
Experimental Program to Stimulate
Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
Division of Graduate Education (DGE)
47Graduate Research Fellowships
- Awarded for graduate study leading to
research-based masters or doctoral degrees - In the fields of science, mathematics, and
engineering - Intended for students at or near the beginning of
their graduate study - Handled through the Division of Graduate Education
Deadline November 4, 2003 Program Announcement
NSF 030-050
48IGERT Integrative Graduate Education and
Research Traineeship Program
- Innovative research based graduate education
- Organized around an interdisciplinary research
theme - Integrate research and education, promote
collaborations across departments and
institutions - Involve a diverse group of faculty members
- Students gain skills and understanding to work in
interdisciplinary environments while being
grounded with knowledge of disciplinary field
ProgramAnnouncement NSF 04-550 Preproposal
April 2004 Proposal Oct. 2004
49Division of UndergraduateEducation (DUE)
- Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
- Computer Science, Engineering Mathematics
Scholarships (CSEMS) - Federal Cyber Service Scholarship for Service
(SFS) - Robert Noyce Scholarship Program
- STEM Talent Expansion Program (STEP)
- Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC)
- Course, Curriculum Lab. Improvement (CCLI)
50Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal
Education (ESIE)
- Centers for Learning and Teaching (CLT)
- Informal Science Education (ISE)
- Information Technology Experiences for Students
and Teachers (ITEST) - Instructional Materials Development (IMD)
- Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education
(NSEE) - Presidential Awards
- Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC)
- Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
51 Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
- Promotes improvement in undergraduate
technological education (joint program with
ESIE DUE) - Curriculum development
- Preparation of college faculty and secondary
school teachers - Professional development for faculty and teachers
- Research relating to technician education
- Emphasis on two-year colleges
- Education of technicians for high-technology
fields - Promotes articulation between two-year and
four-year institutions
52Important Ideas
- Participation
- Review Proposals
- Research Support
- Supplemental Awards
- Collaborative Awards
- Support for Developing Curricula
- Support for Instrumentation
- Single Investigator Awards
53How to Contact Me?
- William E. Winner, Ph. D.
- Division of Integrative Organismal Biology
- wwinner_at_nsf.gov
- 703-292-8470
54NSF Needs You!
Program Directors
Division Directors
Ad hoc Reviewers
Advisory Panelists
55(No Transcript)
56NSF Crosscutting Activitieshttp//www.nsf.gov/hom
57The NSF Plant Genome Research Program
- Started in FY 1998
- Part of the National Plant Genome Initiative
(with USDA, DOE, NIH) - The goal is to understand the structure,
organization and function of plant genomes
important to agriculture, the environment, energy
and health
58The FY2005 Plant Genome Program Solicitation
- NSF 04-510
- http//www.nsf.gov/pubsys/ods/getpub.cfm?nsf04510
- Deadline is October 8, 2004
- Two program activities will be offered
59Virtual Center Awards in Plant Genome Research
- Up to 2 million/year for up to 5 years
- Major questions and large-scale resources
60Individual and Small Group Awards in Plant Genome
Research (ISGA-PGR)
- 300,000 500,000 per year for up to 5 years
- Projects can build on existing PGRP tools
61Plant Genome Educational Resources
- All NSF PGRP projects have training and outreach
components - Many other projects have developed educational
resources - A collection of these resources can be accessed
at the Plant Genome Research Outreach Portal
(PGROP) - http//www.plantgdb.org/pgrop/pgrop.php
62(No Transcript)
63PGROP Has Information About
- Projects
- Plants
- Training programs
- Teaching materials
- Classroom activities
- Educational software
- Ask Dr. Carolyn
64Biological Sciences Home Pagewww.nsf.gov/bio/
65Funding Opportunities for Plant Research
- Core programs in the BIO Directorate
- Cross-cutting programs
- The 2010 Project
- Assembling the Tree of Life (AToL)
- Research Coordination Networks (RCN)
- Frontiers in Integrative Biological Research
(FIBR) - Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP)
66What Is Unusual About PGRP Projects?
- Single investigator to multi-institution and
multi-investigator - Large budgets
- Genome-scale resource development
- Industrial participants
- International participants
- Training/IP/informatics
67Research Coordination Networks in Biological
- Foster communication and collaboration among
scientists with common interests -
- Create new networks of scientists across
geographic, disciplinary, and organizational
boundaries - Create new research directions
Deadline June 25, 2004 Program Announcement
68Plants Under Study
- Rice
- Soybean
- Sorghum
- Tobacco
- Tomato
- Wheat
- Medicago
- Oat
- Pepper
- Pine
- Poplar
- Potato
- Arabidopsis
- Barley
- Brassica
- Cotton
- Grape
- Lettuce
- Maize
69Funding Opportunities Programs in Division of
Biological Infrastructure
70Division of Undergraduate Education
Robert Noyce Scholarship Program Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent
Expansion Program Teacher Professional
Continuum Course, Curriculum, and laboratory
Improvement (CCLI)
71Division of UndergraduateEducation (DUE)
- Course, Curriculum Laboratory Improvement
(CCLI) - Adaptation and Implementation
- Assessment
- National STEM Education Digital Library (NSDL)
- NSF Director's Award for Distinguished Teaching
Scholars (DTS)