Title: Dengue Fever is Dangerous
1Dengue Fever is Dangerous
- Mosquitoes are more than Pests
2Why is the Threat of Dengue Important to the BVI?
- Dengue is important to us because it is a serious
illness it is on the increase in the Caribbean
and in this territory. For the first time the
most deadly form of dengue fever, Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever has been found to be in the
territory. - Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever can cause DEATH.
3Dangerous Dengue is on the Increase
- Dengue is a dangerous illness, it can cause much
suffering, and in some cases death. Over the past
decade the Caribbean region has been experiencing
increased cases of dengue. - In 1980 the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
reported 20 cases (people) with dengue fever. - By 1990 this had increased to 616 by 1995
increased to 5,087,and in 1998 to 5,794. - To date more than 15,000 cases had been reported
in the Caribbean.
4What is Dengue Fever ?
- Dengue Fever is an illness that results from
contracting the dengue virus from the bite of an
infected Aedes aegypti mosquito that is carrying
the virus. - There are four types of dengue viruses. When a
person has had one type of dengue virus infection
once in his/her life, and later gets infected
with another type of dengue virus, that person is
in danger of getting Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.
This fever can kill.
5Signs and Symptoms of Dengue Fever
- Abrupt onset of high fever
- Severe frontal headache
- Pain behind the eyes which worsens with eye
movement - Muscle and joint pains
- Loss of sense of taste and appetite
- Measles-like rash over chest and upper limbs
- Nausea and vomiting
6Signs and Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
- Symptoms similar to dengue fever plus
- Frequent vomiting with or without blood
- Internal bleeding which can lead to shock
- Difficulty in breathing.
- This fever can be difficult to treat, and in
some cases even with the best medical care people
die. Do not wait, see a doctor immediately. It is
crucial to quickly treat anyone with these
7How is Dengue Spread ?
- Dengue is spread when the female Aedes aegypti
mosquito bites an infected person, it sucks up
the blood with the virus and passes this virus
onto the next person she bites for more blood. In
this way the mosquito becomes a carrier of the
dengue virus. We call these carriers of disease
and illness vectors
8How can we prevent Dengue from spreading?
- There is no vaccine to protect us from Dengue.
- We must, therefore, protect ourselves by
avoiding the infection. The only way of becoming
infected is through the bite of the mosquito that
is carrying the virus.
9We avoid dengue, when we can avoid mosquito bites
- The Aedes aegypti mosquito that carries the
dengue virus, likes to lay her eggs in water near
or in our homes. She enjoys living near to
humans, her convenient blood supply. - Anything that holds water can be a
mosquito-breeding site. Therefore, the best way
of protecting your family and community from
dengue fever is to destroy all the places in
which the mosquito can lay eggs, breed more young
mosquitoes, increase their number, and so spread
dengue to more persons when they bite them for
their blood. Here are some actions you can take
to rid your home and community of mosquito
breeding sites.
10Mosquito proof your Cistern
- Screen Outlets (use 18 screening/mesh wire)
- Screen Down spouts from the roof
- Seal points of entry of pipe into cistern
- Place small fish in your cisterns for these eat
the mosquito larvae (wrigglers)
11Mosquito Proof Ground Level Water Tanks
- Ensure the cover fits tightly this prevents
adult mosquitoes from entering and laying eggs. - Repair broken manhole covers.
- Plug overflow holes located under the cover of
Black Rotoplastic tanks.
12Prevent Mosquito Breeding in Flower and Plant Pots
- Change the water-pots holding your plants or cut
flowers at least once a week. - Drain flower pots flowerpots should have holes
for drainage - Plants should ideally be grown in a mixture of
sand and water or... - Use damp soil instead of water for growing
plants. - Keep the saucers of flower pots dry
13Prevent Mosquito Breeding inside your House and
- Throw out the water in your draining pan under
your refrigerator at least once per week - Clean and scrub your dish drainers at least once
per week - Toilet flush tanks should be inspected and
cleaned at least once per week and always kept
tightly covered - Keep surroundings clean and get rid of containers
which may hold even the tiniest amount of water
e.g. tins, old tires, old pans, bottles, etc.
14Actions to take
- Punch holes in tins before disposal
- Get rid of derelict vehicles
- Ornamental pools and fountains should be
regularly drained and scrubbed, chlorinated,
and/or stocked with guppies (fish). - Swimming pools should be kept clean, filtered,
and in good condition.
15Community Actions
- Community members can work together to
- Keep the environment clean e.g. de-bush empty
lots - Keep gullies/ghuts and drains clean
- Monitor and destroy any other mosquito breeding
16Personal Protection
- People can further protect themselves from
mosquito bites by using - Mosquito coils
- electric vapor mats
- Mosquito repellent sprayed on skin
- Screen windows and doors
- sleep under mosquito proof bed nets
- Close windows late evenings and early mornings
- Wear protective clothing, such as long sleeve
shirts, long pants, and thick (bobby) socks
during day time. It is also advisable to avoid
wearing dark colours.
17Community Government -Partners in Dengue
- Every government takes the responsibility for
keeping public places free of garbage and junk
that can become mosquito-breeding places. Your
Government provides us with information on how we
can act to protect yourself, and assist us as
much as possible. - But, no Department of Health, no government, can
come into our homes and workplaces and stop
mosquitoes from biting us. Only we can do this.
The government cannot stop the mosquito from
breeding in our flowerpots or debris left strewn
in our yards. Only we can do this. - If we are serious and determined, we can ensure
that mosquitoes have no place to breed more
mosquitoes to bite us and give us dengue fever. - So Search and Destroy mosquito breeding places at
home and work