Title: P1252428421RHvEB
1Daniel Altman Brandon Brown Jeremy Cardinal Matthew Crosby Brian Godinez
Tazeen Jamal Nicholas Koontz Rajiv Kumar Lauren Ladd Justin Lightburn
Peter Miller Brett Pieper Anthony Rowe Samuel Steury Brett Yockey
2We are pleased to announce that the following
applicants have been matched to our program
Name   Medical School
 Altman,  Daniel   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Brown,  Brandon   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Burns,  Lauren   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Cardinal,  Jeremy   Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine
 Crosby,  Matthew   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Godinez,  Brian   Creighton University School of Medicine
 Jamal,  Tazeen   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Koontz,  Nicholas   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Kumar,  Rajiv   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Lightburn,  Justin   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Miller,  Peter   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Pieper,  Brett   Indiana University School of Medicine
 Rowe,  Anthony   Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine
 Steury,  Samuel   University of Oklahoma College of Medicine at Oklahoma City
 Yockey,  Brett   University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign