CH 5 The Primary Level of Protein Structure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CH 5 The Primary Level of Protein Structure


An important goal of molecular medicine is the identification of proteins who ... which is the sequence of amino acids, provides both a molecular finger print ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CH 5 The Primary Level of Protein Structure

CH 5 The Primary Level of Protein Structure
  • HW 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

Amino Acids and Peptides
  • Bioimportance
  • Monomer units for proteins
  • Participate in cellular functions as nerve
  • Biosynthesis of porphyrins, purines, pyrimidines,
    and urea

  • While human proteins only contain L-amino acids,
    other organisms contain both D and L
  • 10 of the 20 amino acids commonly used are
    essential nutrients, which mean they must be in
    our diet, we can not synthesize them
  • There are over 300 naturally occurring amino
    acids, but only 20 are used to make proteins.

  • These 20 are listed in table 5.3 page 129,
    according to side chain properties
  • Thursday, we will have a quiz on the names, 1
    letter abbreviation, and 3 letter abbreviation
  • Next Tuesday, we will have a quiz on the name,
    structure, and pKas
  • While we only use 20, some of these can be
    altered in a peptide by adding or removing a
    functional group to increase diversity.

  • All amino acids, except Gycine, have an alpha
    carbon that is chiral.
  • This is the source of all chirality in organisms
  • The absolute configuration of all the alpha
    carbons are L

Amino Acids properties
  • Amino Acids may have a positive, negative or zero
    net charge.
  • Most amino acids are in the zwitterionic state at
    physiologic pH
  • An amino acid can not exist as COOH/NH2 because
    any pH low enough to protonate the COO- group
    would as protonate the NH2

  • Some amino acids, histidine and arginine, are
    resonance hybrids, but they still only have a 1
  • By altering the net charge via pH, we can create
    separation processes for amino acids, peptides,
    and proteins
  • The isoelectric species is the form of a molecule
    that has an equal number of positive and negative
    charges, thus it is neutral.

  • The isoelectric pH, also called pI, is the pH
    midway between the pKa values on either side of
    the isoelectric species
  • Examples

  • This pI guides selection of separation conditions
  • The pKa of side chains varies slightly
  • Nonpolar effects-
  • Thus the pKa in peptides and proteins will depend
    on unique local environments
  • These changes in charge affect physical
    properties of amino acids, peptides, and
  • Functional groups of the side chains typically
    determine chemical properties

  • When amino acids are in a protein or peptide
    chain, they are called residues
  • Peptides are usually written with the free alpha
    amino group to the left and the free alpha
    carboxyl group to the right
  • The backbone will start with N, then the alpha
    carbon, then the carbonyl carbon, then repeat.
  • The side chains are bonded to the alpha carbon
  • Lines are used with 3-letter abbreviations,
    omitted with 1-letter abbreviations

(No Transcript)
  • For some peptides, non-common amino acids may be
    used or non-peptide bonds my be used
  • The peptide bond is not charged, however you
    still have a at the N-terminal, - at the
    C-terminal, and any charges on side chains
  • Peptides are therefore classified as

Structure Feature of Peptide Bond
  • See figure 5.12 page 138
  • The peptide bond has some double bond character
    and does not have rotation about the C-N peptide
  • The carbonyl O and C, the N,and the H on the N,
    all lie in the same plane.
  • Rotation only occurs between the alpha carbon and
    N, and alpha carbon and COO-

Determination of Primary Structure
  • We know proteins are very important
  • An important goal of molecular medicine is the
    identification of proteins who presence, absence,
    or deficiency is associated with specific
    physiologic states or disease
  • The primary structure of proteins, which is the
    sequence of amino acids, provides both a
    molecular finger print for its identification and
    information that can be used to identify and
    clone the gene or genes that encode it.

  • In order to determine the amino acid sequence, a
    protein or peptide must be highly purified
  • Because of the 1000s of different proteins in
    each cell, this is very difficult to do.
  • It usually requires many successive purification

  • The classic approach exploits differences in
  • Relative solubility of proteins as a function of
  • Polarity
  • Salt concentration
  • Chromatographic separtions

Chromatographic Separations
  • Mobile phase vs stationary phase
  • Paper chromatography
  • TLC
  • Column
  • Types of stationary phase
  • Size exclusion
  • Absorption
  • Ion exchange

Other types of Chromatography
  • pH based chromatography
  • Hydrophobic Interaction chromatography

Affinity Chromatography
  • Exploits high selectivity of binding proteins
  • This is what we did in lab
  • All the chromatography mentioned so far, is
    typically done slowly with low pressure
  • The stationary phases involved are somewhat
    spongy and their compressibility limit flow

  • High Pressure Liquid Chromatography uses
    incompressible silica or alumina as stationary
    phase which allows much higher flow rates and
  • This also helps limit diffusion thus enhances the
  • This method is very effective on complex mixtures
    of lipids or peptides with very similar properties

  • The stationary phase is typically hydrophobic and
    water miscible organic solvents such as
    acetonitrile or methanol are used as mobile

  • SDS- sodium dodecyl sulfate (anion detergent)
  • PAGE- poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis
  • Electrophoresis separates biomolecules based on
    their ability to move through a gel matrix due to
    an applied electric field
  • SDS denatures and binds to proteins at a known
    ratio of 1 SDS for every 2 peptide bonds

  • 2-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol is used to
    break disulfide linkages
  • The charge on SDS,-1, overcomes and negates
    charges on side chains
  • This leads to a constant charge to mass ratio
    which means the peptides are separated purely by
    the resistance the matrix provides
  • Larger peptides have more resistance, therefore
    move slower
  • The gel is then stained, usually with Coomassie
    Blue, to visualize the movement

  • IEF- Isoelectric Focusing
  • Ionic buffers called ampholytes and applied
    electric field are used to generate a pH gradient
    with in a matrix
  • The peptide/protein then migrate through the
    matrix to an area where the pHpI, so there is no
    net charge on the peptide
  • IEF can be used in conjunction with SDS-PAGE to
    perform a 2-D analysis, separating peptides first
    by pI, then by size

Sequencing Peptides
  • Sanger was the first to determine the sequence of
    a polypeptide
  • Mature insulin consist of 2 chains, the A chain
    has 21 residues, the B chain has 30 residues
  • The chains are held together by disulfide
  • Sanger first broke the linkages to separate the

  • He then broke the chains into smaller pieces
    using trypsin, chymotrypsin, and pepsin
  • These reagents cleave peptide bonds at know
  • These smaller fragments where the separated and
    hydrolyzed to form even smaller peptide chains
  • Each was reacted with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene,
    called Sangers reagent, which derivatizes the
    exposed alpha amino group

  • The amino acid content of the peptide was then
  • Working backwards, he was able to determine the
    complete sequence of insulin and win the Nobel
    Prize in 1958

Peptide Cleaving Agents
  • Reagent Bond Cleaved
  • CNBr Met-X
  • Trypsin Lys-X and Arg-X
  • Chymotrypsin Hydrophobic AA-X
  • Endoproteinase Lys-C Lys-X
  • Endoproteinase Arg-C Arg-X
  • Endoproteinase Asp-N X-Asp

  • Reagent Bond Cleaved
  • V8 protease Glu-X particularly where
  • X is hydrophobic
  • Hydroxylamine Asn-Gly
  • o-Iodosobenzene Trp-X
  • Mild Acid Asp-Pro

Edmans Reagent
  • Pehr Edman introduced phenylisothiocyanate,
    called Edmans reagent, to selectivity label the
    amino-terminal residue of a peptide
  • Unlike Sangers, Edmans derivative can be
    removed under mild conditions with out disrupting
    the rest of the peptide
  • After removal, a new amino terminal is produced
    and the process is repeated
  • This allows for the direct sequencing of a peptide

  • However, due to the efficiency of the reaction,
    this process is limited to peptides no larger
    than 20-30 residues
  • Process

  • Because of the limitations to Edmans process and
    since most polypeptides contain several hundred
    residues, most polypeptides must be broken into
    smaller chains which are then identified.
  • Sample problem on hand out.
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