Title: Options for the Future of Payment by
1Options for the Future of Payment by Results
(PbR) Consultation exercise Sebastian Habibi
May 2007
2What is Payment by Results?
- PbR is about linking funding to patient care
- What is being provided? (i.e. currency/product
definition) - What information do providers need to collect and
transmit in order to claim payment? - What other information is needed to monitor
quality/outcome? - What is the price?
- Whats the relationship between price and volume?
Currency and Price
Patient Care
Information Flows
3Ch. 1 Setting the scene
- Consultation document 16 March
- 14 week consultation, deadline for responses 22
June - 3-year development cycle 2008/09 to 2010/11
- PbR is increasing transparency in the dialogues
between commissioners and providers, managers and
clinicians - PbR built with tools that were available at the
time - Now that people are using PbR, its strengths, but
also its weaknesses are becoming clear
4Ch. 2 - Clinical financial data are fundamental
building blocks of PbR
Grouped data
Patient-level data
5Ch.2 - Strengthening the building blocks of PbR
- Classification system for diagnoses and
procedures - Existing system not sustainable for the long-term
- Interim solution - annual updates (2008/09
2009/10) - DH and CfH are evaluating systems being used in
Australia and elsewhere as potential replacements
(report in July 07) - Potential replacement in 2010/11
- Currencies (i.e. patient groupings)
- Currencies for 2008/09 tariff will continue as
now (HRG3.5) - Improved currencies (HRG4) introduced as basis of
tariff from 2009/10 - Ongoing refinement informed by international
experience of Diagnoses Related Groups (DRGs) - Costing
- Patient-level costing introduced from April 2007
- Will inform tariff calculation from 20010/11
6Ch. 3 - Developing the National Tariff (1)
- Calculating the tariff from a sample of providers
- Accredited patient-level costing sites
- Potential to set prices based on costs of most
efficient providers - Normative pricing to reflect best practice
- Best practice models deliver high-quality and
cost effectiveness - Targeted approach focussed on high-volume HRGs
- Currently considering 6 treatments based on
evidence from Institutes initial studies - Quality premia - but paid at contract level ?
7PbR should support commissioning based on
8Getting the right tariff structure is a balance
of bundling unbundling
- Bundling components of care together can help
reduce variation in cost and outcome for similar
groups of patients - But, can also reduce flexibility to tailor
services around patients needs and individual
choices.. - Unbundling the tariff
- HRG4 introduces more granularity in tariff
structure - Principle is that unbundling should take place
where - Service items are commissioned direct from
primary care or, - High-cost, low volume items are unevenly
distributed - Q. Are there examples of where the tariff acts as
a barrier to commissioning care pathways and, if
so, what changes to the tariff structure would
help overcome these problems (i.e. bundling or
9Ch. 3 - Developing the National Tariff (2)
- Specialised services
- Better differentiation under HRG4
- International evidence indicates a continuing
role for top-ups, exclusions and support for
single-specialty Trusts - Applying the tariff to the same service provided
in different settings - Potential to group activity delivered in OP and
community settings from 2008/09, but requires
coding as per admitted patient care - Consultation data analysis to inform decision
on combined vs separate tariffs - How tariff supports plurality of providers fair
playing field?
10Ch.4 Future of Tariff-Setting
- Priority is to improve transparency and
competency in underpinning process - Costing
- Sampling techniques
- Stakeholder involvement
- Establishment of Clinical Advisory Panel to
ensure appropriate clinical involvement in
decision-making - Chaired by Dr Ian Rutter (GP and clinical advisor
to DH on health reform) - No current proposals to devolve responsibility
for tariff-setting to an independent body
11Ch. 5 Extending the scope of PbR to other services
- 3 generic models
- Local currency, local price
- National currency, local price
- National currency, national price
- Potential to progress through models where
appropriate and subject to data on activity and
cost. No assumption of national tariff for
12Is a national currency appropriate for a
particular service?
- Is it necessary?
- Would a national currency support commissioning
objectives (e.g. patient choice shifting care
national benchmarking)? - Does it make sense?
- Are services sufficiently standardised across
different local areas? - Are conditions right?
- Are data collection systems and information flows
sufficiently standardised? - If not, are the costs of introducing standardised
data collections and information flows outweighed
by the benefits?
13Where are we going?
- New national currencies (HRG4) developed
- Critical Care
- Radiology
- Chemotherapy
- Radiotherapy
- Renal Dialysis
- Specialist Palliative Care
- Ongoing national projects
- Pathology
- Rehabilitation
- Mental Health
- Meanwhile, people are getting on and
commissioning services using local currencies, we
are keen to support the development of good
practice as national exemplar
Potential for use as currencies for national
tariff in 2009/10 (decision in summer 2008)
Potential to introduce national currencies and
indicative tariffs by 2010/11
14Piloting new ideas PbR Development Sites
- Evolutionary approach to developing PbR must
encourage innovation at local level - We will work with SHAs/FTN to establish a limited
number of PbR Development Sites for piloting - Local currencies for services outside the scope
of the national tariff - Alternative currencies or funding models for
services already covered by tariff (n.b. projects
would not involve changes to price alone).