Title: The Way Forward
1The Way Forward
- The future use of Learning Technologies
- in the University of Brighton
- Dr R Stanier
2The past the present
- The past
- Bill Atkinson - a man with a vision
- The present
- A variety of sophisticated
- technologies that allow the creation
- of a rich learning teaching
- environment
3Mind Reading...
Please mentally select a card and concentrate on
it. I will perform this feat via mind control...
4Mind Reading...
And now, whisper the name of your card out
loud.Please don't skip this part, it is very
5Mind Reading...
I have selected your card and have removed it
from the pile.
6The Human Factor
- Its the Human input that counts
- Learning technologies are simply a set of tools
for humans to create with - Bill Atkinson saw the potential for ordinary
people to drive the technology
7So why bother?
- Student expectations
- Marketing
- Keeping up with other institutions
- Not forgetting learning teaching the student
8What have we got already?
- Student Intranet - cheap cheerful
- Minimal Realisable Expectation
- Standard Technologies
- Lots of enthusiasm
- But we need more...
9Consider this...
Online calendars Discussion groups Structured
content assessment Revision systems Email
News communities Student tracking Information
Access Information Management
- All information accessible on off campus
- A simple mechanism for creating online courses,
content assessment - Discussion groups for student/tutor
student/student communication - A student centred environment to aid information
10Information Management
- Learning is now about information management as
much as it is about subject matter - Average 52,000 hits for parasitology
- Huge variety of different information sources
11Whats needed...
- We need to increase staff IT Skills
- We need to be able to make appropriate choices
about the technology - To respond to student expectations adapt to
changes in learning cultures - All this needs appropriate support...
12Learning Technologies Group
- Providing Learning Technology services
- Academic Liaison
- Training
- Design
- Help define standards
- Facilitating the process
- Local knowledge
- Enthusiasm
14Learning Technologies Network
- Drawn from all subject areas
- Early adopters
- Subject-specific knowledge
- Enthusiasm
15Site Information Services Support
- Computer Officers Course Resource Officers
- Site-based service
- Support academic use of technologies in the
learning teaching process
16What's available outside the University
- JISC - Joint Information Systems Council
- LTSN - Learning Teaching Support Network
- E-University
17The importance of JISC as a driving force in UKHE
- Advice
- Support?
- MANs
- Innovation
- International Relations
18How do we go forward?
- Big Bang?
- or
- Planned Cultural Evolution
19The Big Bang Theory - Coventry
- 1m over 3 years
- Driven by directorate
- 30 strong task force
- All modules listed
20The Big Bang Theory - Coventry
I cried when they made me use WebCT
- Resistance from staff
- Take up greatest where high level of technical
support - QAA average 20.1
21University of Brighton
- We have 60,000 over 2 years
- Task force of 11 (LTSOs steering group)
- Policy of facilitation rather than dictation
- QAA average 21.6
22The way forward
- Capitalise on what were good at - Teaching
- Planned Cultural Evolution
- Make best use of the support available -LTSOs
LTG - Being able to make appropriate choices
- Using content NOT developing it
23The future
- Richer and more interactive content learning
support - Easier content production access
- Mobile Communications - the prefered method of
communication - Digital TV - ubiquitous technology
24Your students need you!