Title: PCI Device Configuration File Format
1PCI Device Configuration File Format
Allows to initialize a PCI device. File parsing
methods CCrateexecConfigFile(const char
fileName) VxWorks pciAccessexecConfigFile(file
Name) Python Client module Format This is
a comment define VAR value variable
definition w mbSlotNo devAlias offset data
memType bar single write dest mbSlotNo
devAlias memType bar multiple write offset1
data1 offset2 data2 end
2PCI Device Configuration File Format
load fileName parsers another
Configuration file load_C fileName parsers a
C-style header file load_IHex fileName
parsers an Intel Hex file adp2ihex.py allows
to convert a text file with offset/data pairs to
the corresponding Intel Hex file. Example of a
Configuration file load /home/user/another_confi
g_file.dat define SLOT 21 w SLOT mip1 0x38
0x1c1 dest SLOT log3 mem bar1 0 0x12345678 4
0xabcdef load_IHex /home/user/stc_lookup_table.he
x end