Title: Nuclear Burning
1(No Transcript)
2Why Does the Sun Shine?
- Sun Ball of H gas compressed by gravity ? HEAT
(not enough) - HEAT ? Nuclear fusion
- p p ? d e n energy
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5Solar Properties
L 3.8 x 1026 W 2.4 x 1039 MeV/s M 2 x 1030
kg 1057 Mp
Solar Fusion Cycle 2e- 4p ? 4He 2n 26.7
MeV (thermal) Rn Neutrino rate 2 L/26.7MeV
1.8x1038 n/sec Flux at earth Rn/(4pR2)
6flux vs radius
7Super Kamiokande Experiment
8Neutrinos Point Back to the Sun!
9The Story of Cosmic Rays
R. A. Millikan - 1925
Victor Hess 1911 (Nobel prize 1936)
10The Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum
12GZK Cutoff
- p g p p0 (Interaction with CMB)
- Eth 1020 eV
- lint 20 Mpc
mp (MN mp/2) 2 Eg
13Shower Detection
14HiRes AGASA Comparison
15Pierre Auger Observatory(Malargue, Argentina)
16New Result from Auger (2007)
From A. Olinto
17AUGER sees correlations with nearby Active
Galactic Nuclei
Egt 6x1019eV
"Correlation of the Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays
with Nearby Extragalactic Objects, The Pierre
Auger Collaboration (9 November 2007) Science 318
(5852), 938.