Title: GEON%20LiDAR%20Workflow%20for%20B4%20Data%20Access
1GEON LiDAR Workflow for B4 Data Access
J Ramón Arrowsmith, Christopher J. Crosby,
Jeffrey Conner, Gilead Wurman Efrat
Jaeger-Frank, Vishu Nandigam, Ashraf Memon,
Chaitan Baru Han S. Kim
Southern San Andreas Fault Evaluation (SoSAFE)
Project Workshop 8 January 2007
- Community-oriented approach to access and
processing of B4 data using cyberinfrastructure
tools - Open-source and low(er) budget off the shelf
software (esp. ArcGIS) - We want to continue to develop this - IT research
and more GeoEarthscope data delivery - Contact us (Ramon and Chris) with comments and
questions - http//lidar.asu.edu/
3The Vision
Conceptual GEON LiDAR Workflow
- Utilize the cyberinfrastructure developed by GEON
to offer online data distribution, DEM
generation, and analysis of large LiDAR datasets. - Completely internet-based workflow
- Point cloud to visualization
- Utilize modular web services to complete a
variety of processing and analysis tasks. - Offer users control of interpolation and analysis
4- Current GLW features for B4
- - Interactive polygon data selection via WMS map
- - Rapid estimate of points within selection area
- - Point cloud download
- - DEM generation via two pathways
- local binning algorithm (DEM res. gt0.5m)
- Spline interpolation algorithm (GRASS GIS web
service DEM res. lt0.5m) - - User defined grid resolution and processing
- parameters
- - Products produced in multiple user-defined file
format - - User provided job title and description
- - Dynamically generated and customized metadata
file - - Email notification
Download points
DEM generation by local binning
DEM generation by spline interpolation
Job description
5DEM generation by local binning algorithm
(implemented by Han Kim, UCSD)
Possible DEM products max, min, mean, IDW
points per search area at user defined resolution
search radius
6Implementation Overview
The GLW utilizes advanced spatial databases (IBM
DB2), GRASS Open Source GIS, custom DEM
generation code, Kepler Workflow manager and web
service technology to distribute, interpolate,
and analyze LiDAR data.
GRASS GIS Custom binning algorithm
71 m resolution inverse distance weighted (IDW)
locally binned DEM 1.67M points over 450,000 m2
3.4 shots/m2
Browse image of result
Download gridded products (DEMs)
Download metadata and point cloud
8GEON points2grid utility lightweight local
binning free for your Windows desktop
Look for it at http//lidar.asu.edu/
http//lidar.asu.edu/KnowledgeBase/WCptcount/ --
explores optimal search radius
9LViz - LiDAR / ALSM 3D Visualization tool Free
Windows application developed by Jeffrey Conner
in the Active Tectonics Group at ASU with GEON
support. http//lidar.asu.edu/LViz.html
Point cloud
Wallace Creek area Shot densities lt 13 m-2.
Single swath 3 m-2 and double swath 6 m-2
10ArcGIS-based rendering
Bidart site
Hwy 166
Hwy 58
Wallace Creek
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12Assessment of offset at Bidart channel near T2
(Sieh 33) using 25 cm spline-derived DEM from
GLW processing of B4 data. Matlab tools for
offset assessment available on request.
13T2 channel (Sieh 33) looking NW over 25 cm
spline-derived DEM
with 10 cm resolution balloon photograph draped
(done in ArcScene) Imagery aids interpretive
power, but requires more effort.
14GEON LiDAR Workflow Access Instructions http//w
More information on the GLW Jaeger-Frank, E.,
Crosby, C. J., Memon, A., Nandigam, V.,
Arrowsmith, J R., Conner, J., Altintas, I., Baru,
C. A Three Tier Architecture for LiDAR
Interpolation and Analysis, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 3993, Apr 2006, Pages
920-927, DOI 10.1007/11758532_123. Crosby, C.J.
et al., A geoinformatics-based approach to LiDAR
data distribution and processing in
preparation. Abstracts, posters
presentations http//lidar.asu.edu/
15Wrightwood, California
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