Title: Feeling sick, feeling sad, feeling BLUE
1I Am A Psychology Student Now What? Find the
answers online
College, What Does It All Mean? What do I do
after college? The Career Center has the
answers. Call 542-3375 www.uga.edu/career Want
information on a job and its Salary, look it up
at www.ajb.org How do I get involved at UGA? Find
your favorite activities in the student
activities directory or take your leadership
abilities to the next level with SGA and the
Student Leadership Center www.uga.edu/sga www.uga
Feeling sick, feeling sad, feeling BLUE? We have
all kinds of answers for you! Did you know the
University Health Center offers counseling and
psychological services and has a health
promotions department? If you have questions call
542-8690 or go online at www.uhs.uga.edu Question
s about mental health? These websites have the
answers! www.mentalhealth.com www.imgw.com/helix_s
plash Get on target with the Learning
Disabilities Center 542-8719 www.coe.uga.edu/ldcen
What You Didnt Know About the Psychology
Website... -- You can view a comprehensive list
of Psychology courses --You can look at course
descriptions and requirements --View contact
information for your professors --Find 4800s
online How do I get active in psychology? Take a
look at Psi Chi, the Psychology Club, and Psych
Net www.psichi.org http//teach.psy.uga.edu/scrips
t/psychclub/default.asp http//teach.psy.uga.edu/s
cripts/psychnet/default.asp What is going on in
the Psychological World? --Find out at
Grad School Looming In Your Future?
Dont panic! Check out schools online
Look at some of Georgias top medical schools
--Medical College of GA www.mcg.edu --Mercer
University www2.mercer.edu/defalult.htm
--Emory University www.emory.edu
Find out what the GRE and MCAT are all
about www.gre.org www.aamc.org/students/mcat/start
.htm Practice for the GRE and
MCAT www.kaplan.com
Have A Website You Just Cant Live Without? Make
A Suggestion!!!