Brain Imaging of Drug Effects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Brain Imaging of Drug Effects


Electrodes are placed in specific regions of the scalp. ... for laboratory animals help in pre-clinical assessment of newly-developed drug treatments. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Brain Imaging of Drug Effects

Brain Imaging of Drug Effects
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

How is it useful in psychopharmacology?
Examples of the technique at work
How does it work?
Downfalls of the technique
Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Electro relating to electricity.
  • Encephalo relating to the brain.
  • Graphy writing or representation produced in a
    specified manner.
  • Therefore, EEG produces a graphed representation
    of the electrical activity occurring in a
    persons brain.

How does it work?
Electrodes are placed in specific regions of the
scalp. These electrodes measure the electrical
current occurring in varying regions of the brain
and transmit this information to a computer.
Classifying EEG brain waves
  • Frequency the number of oscillations/waves per
    second, measured in Hertz (Hz)
  • reflects the firing rate of neurons
  • alpha, beta, theta, delta
  • Amplitude the magnitude of brain waves, measured
    in millivolts (mV), gives an indication of the
    waves power.
  • The number of neurons firing in synchrony the
    distance between the neurons and the recording

Different brain wave types can co-occur in
different regions of the brain.
Delta Waves
  • Slowest frequency waves 1 3 Hz
  • Subjective feeling states
  • deep, dreamless sleep, non-REM sleep, unconscious
  • Associated tasks behaviors
  • not moving, not attentive, sleeping

Theta Waves
  • Slow wave frequency 4 8 Hz
  • Subjective feeling states
  • Dreamlike, drowsy, distracted, unfocused
  • Associated tasks behaviors
  • State between wakefulness and sleep during
    sleep, meditation, internal focus, and prayer

Alpha Waves
  • Mid wave frequency 8 - 13 Hz
  • Subjective feeling states
  • Awake but not actively processing information
    relaxed not agitated not drowsy tranquil
  • Associated tasks behaviors
  • Relaxing, watching television, light reading
    (e.g., novel), eyes closed.

Beta Waves
  • High wave frequency 12 - 35 Hz
  • The normal dominant rhythm
  • Subjective feeling states
  • Alert, concentrating, attentive, focused, anxious
  • Associated tasks behaviors
  • listening and thinking during analytical problem
    solving, judgment, decision making, processing
    information, REM sleep!

Using EEG in Psychopharmacology
  • Correlate EEG activity with subjective state
  • What waveform corresponds to particular
    drug-induced moods?
  • Compare brain activity during drug-free baseline
    to that of drug-influenced activity
  • Appearance of different drug-induced waveform
  • Spikes in waveform amplitude (seizure activity)
  • Stabilization of normal waveform fluctuations
  • Classification of newly-developed drugs
  • Similarities in frequency and amplitude to known

Using EEG in Psychopharmacology
  • Assessing drug tolerance, cross-tolerance, and
    dependence across sessions
  • Decreases in amplitude or frequency of waveforms
    suggest drug tolerance
  • Cross-tolerance may occur following
    administration of different drugs of the same
  • Drug dependence can be quantified by correlating
    EEG recordings with withdrawal symptoms

Correlating EEG activity with cocaine-induced
Lukas (1991)
Marijuana dependence and brain activity during
Eyes closed
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Cognitive deficits

Herning, Better, Tate, Cadet (2003)
Problems with EEG
  • EEG is sensitive to time of day, season of the
    year, age of the participant, and recency of food
  • Limited diagnostic ability changes in brain wave
    activity could be due to things other than drug
    effects such as anxiety, fatigue, prayer, mood,
    or even a psychiatric disorder such as dementia,
    schizophrenia, depression, or borderline
    personality disorder.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • Positron the antiparticle (opposite
    corresponding particle) of an electron.
  • Emission release or discharge of a substance
    into an environment.
  • Tomography a series of detailed pictures of
    areas inside the body.

Therefore, PET scanning produces a detailed look
at the inside of the brain through the emission
of a positron.
How does it work?
  • PET scanning involves using isotopes, mainly of
    carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine.
  • These isotopes are radioactive, they are unstable
    and undergo rapid decay.
  • During radioactive decay of an unstable atom, a
    proton is converted into a neutron, and a
    positron is emitted from the atoms nucleus.

  • Radioactive isotopes can be combined with a
    metabolically-active agent such as glucose,
    water, or a drug of abuse.
  • If a stable carbon atom of a cocaine molecule is
    replaced with an unstable, radioactive carbon
    isotope, the resulting radiotracer decays by
    emitting a positron that can be detected in the
    brain by a PET scanner.

Positron-electron annihilation gamma rays
Gamma rays are emitted from the brain at 180
Gamma rays hit scintillator crystals which light
up. This info is transmitted to a computer and
the origin of positron emission can be plotted
Using PET in Psychopharmacology
  • Directly measure brain distribution and activity
    of a wide variety of drug classes (e.g.,
    stimulants, opioids, hallucinogens, and others).
  • Where do these drugs go in the brain and how do
    they act once theyre there?
  • Determine drug receptor densities in various
    brain regions and keep track of changes that
    occur with various degrees of drug use
  • How extensive are receptors for various drugs and
    how quickly to these receptors change with drug

Using PET in Psychopharmacology
  • Assess competition between radiotracers and
    neurotransmitters or drugs of abuse that occupy
    the same receptor sites.
  • What percentage of receptor sites need to be
    occupied to produce subjective feelings of
    drug-induced euphoria?
  • Isolate areas of the brain that are active during
    mental activities such as craving
  • Measure metabolic activity using radioactive
    glucose and radioactive water

Using PET in Psychopharmacology
  • PET scanners for laboratory animals help in
    pre-clinical assessment of newly-developed drug
  • New drugs can be made radioactive and monitored
    for drug absorption, distribution, and excretion.
  • This reduces need for multiple animals used to
    examine brain tissue at various time points of
    drug action.

PET imaging of DA transporter densities in the
striatum of baboons
Total dose over 8 hrs 2, 4, and 8 mg/kg Closely
approximates human binge episode
High DAT density
Low DAT density
Villemagne, Yuan, Wong, Dannals, Hatzidimitriou,
Mathews, Ravert, Musachio, McCann, Ricaurte The
Journal of Neuroscience (1998)
Opiate craving in abstinent subjects
  • Mean duration of abstinence 8 months
  • Two 2-min scripts, one of an event involving
    strong craving for opiates, the other neutral.
  • Injected 15OH2O (provides a measure
  • of regional cerebral blood flow and metabolic
  • Increase in rCBF in an area overlying the left
    medial prefrontal region and adjacent left
    anterior cingulate cortex during playback of
    craving script.
  • directing attention
  • decision making
  • judgment
  • suppression of prepotent responses
  • conditioned drug seeking
  • craving

Daglish et al. (2001)
Problems with PET
  • Compared to newer technologies, PET offers a low
    degree of spatial resolution.
  • Difficult to distinguish between two structures
    side by side
  • Radioactive agents are administered into
    patients body
  • One PET scan 70 chest x-rays.
  • Expense because radiotracers decay so quickly,
    they must be made on-site in a cyclotron (cost of
    which is about 5 million)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Magnetic having the properties of a magnet the
    ability to draw or pull.
  • Resonance vibrations caused by the transfer of
  • Imaging any method used to produce a picture of
    internal body structures .
  • Therefore, MRI uses magnets to cause
    positively-charge hydrogen molecules in the body
    to resonate to produce an image of the brain.

How does it work?
  • Hydrogen atoms are in constant motion, each
    spinning on its axis.
  • This spinning produces the
  • magnetic property of hydrogen.
  • Hydrogen atoms have a large magnetic moment.
  • Line up when placed in a magnetic field

The magnetic of MRI
Superconducting magnet 40,000 times more
powerful than the earths pull.
Hydrogen atoms line up with the z-axis
While they are aligned, hydrogen atoms also
rotate or precess around the axis of the
externally-created magnetic field.
Hydrogen atoms precess at the same speed or
frequency but may be at any phase of their
precession at any given time.
The resonance of MRI
  • Resonance the transfer of energy, at a
    particular frequency, between two systems.

We can do the same thing with hydrogen atoms
  • In MRI, pulses of electromagnetic energy (called
    radiofrequency waves) are directed into the body
    at the exact frequency that causes hydrogen atoms
    to resonate.
  • As protons resonate, they acquire the same phase
    of precession around the axis of the external
    magnetic field.

  • As protons resonate, the energy they absorb
    causes their angle of alignment with the z-axis
    to increase to 90 or even 180 degrees.
  • When RF energy is turned off, the protons begin
    to go back to their 0 degree angle of alignment
    and begin dephasing, or rotating out of step.
  • They release the excess energy that was stored
    when they were resonating which creates a signal
    that is picked up by the MRI machine and
    converted into a very detailed image.

Using MRI in Psychopharmacology
  • MRI allows researchers to construct a very
    detailed 3-D picture of the brain
  • detect neuron loss and shrinkage of brain regions
  • fMRI (functional MRI) can detect brain
    activation by measuring magnetic deoxygenated
    hemoglobin which is reduced when oxygen-rich
    blood flow increases to brain regions during high
    activity levels and metabolism.

Nicotine abstinence and cognitive impairment -
1-back S 2-back N 3-back Y
Xu et al. (2005)
MDMA (ecstasy) and hippocampal memory
Frequency 2.15 days/mo. Length of use 31 months
Daumann et al. (2005)
Problems with MRI
  • Expensive to purchase and operate.
  • The bore of the scanner is small and can not
    accommodate very obese individuals.
  • Once inside the bore, participants often report
    discomfort and anxiety with 1 of individuals
    experiencing severe claustrophobic or panic
  • Patients must remain entirely motionless during
    the scan to prevent distorted/blurry images.
  • Especially difficult if they are feeling anxious
    or uncomfortable

Problems with MRI
  • Metal objects can become dangerous flying
    projectiles .
  • Aneurysm clips, some dental implants, heart
    pacemakers, fragments of metal in the eye, or
    newly-inserted staples can be sucked from the
    body or heated to scalding temperatures.
  • Oxygen tanks, IV poles, heart monitors and other
    life-saving and life-monitoring equipment cannot
    enter the MRI room.
  • Excludes patients on breathing machines, etc.
  • The MRI room must be specially built with a
    reinforced floor and a magnetic shield to block
    inference from other sources of radiofrequency
    (e.g., FM radio!) that can be picked up and
    transmitted by the MRI machine.

The future of neuroimaging looks bright
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