Title: A Software Layer for Disk Fault Injection
1A Software Layer for Disk Fault Injection
CS 736 Spring 2005 Instructor Remzi
- Introduction, Motivation, Challenges
- Related Work
- Implementation Details IDE Driver
- Fault Model
- Methods Evaluation
- Summary
3Overview - 1
- Software system for modeling IDE disk faults in
an x86/Linux-based computer - Modification to IDE driver for read/write event
4Overview - 2
- Disks faults described at a high level
- Faults passed to kernel-level module
- On read/write event
- IDE driver calls kernel module to perform request
modification - Before write event, module may modify data
to-be-written - After read event, module may modify data read
from disk
5Motivation Why purposely cause disk failures?
- Commodity HW (and SW!) fails, usually at
unexpected times - Causing failures at expected times can help
improve fault tolerance measures - Can be used to determine fault tolerance of
systems - Various flavors of RAID need fault injection
- Faults can happen at the worst time
- In the middle of a PowerPoint presentation
7(No Transcript)
- Drivers are typically written with reliability in
mind - May have error detection / correction measures
- Should these be removed? Fooled? Applauded?
- Low-level drivers critically affect performance
and stability of the system - Disk faults need not be stable, but shouldnt
have unusual side effects
- Failure models difficult to justify
- Disk manufacturers dont offer details on how/why
their disks fail - Failstop model is widely used models complete,
detected disk failure - Other models must be chosen generally to account
for many different disks, controllers, etc.
- Introduction, Motivation, Challenges
- Related Work
- Implementation Details IDE Driver
- Fault Model
- Methods Evaluation
- Summary
11Related Work
- Software fault injection
- Huang et. al. (and many others) use software
fault injection for modifying cached web pages
(ACM/ProcWWW) - Jarboui et. al. inject software faults into the
Linux kernel and observe system behavior - Nagaraja et. al. inject faults into cluster-based
12Related Work
- Disk Faults, Modeling, Detection
- Kaaniche et. al. inject disk faults to study RAID
behavior - Kari et. al. presents fault detection and
diagnosis techniques (separate studies) - Various other RAID and/or FS papers use some form
of fault injection to model failures
13Related Work
- Introduction, Motivation, Challenges
- Related Work
- Implementation Details IDE Driver
- Fault Model
- Methods Evaluation
- Summary
- Core components
- User-level parser
- In-kernel injection module
- In-driver upcalls
- System calls
- Added 20 lines to IDE driver code
- Kernel module is demand-loaded, 250 lines in
size - 2 System calls, inject_fault and getdrivesize,
120 lines
16Implementation User-level Console
- Used for fault definition
- Console interface for fault definition
- Processes batch files
- Checks faults for validity
- Sector ranges, probability, etc. (more later)
- Passes faults to kernel module
17Implementation IDE Driver Modification
- Added upcalls to injection module
- Pass I/O requests to module for modification
- Provide callback service on I/O completion
- Added special-purpose code for certain fault
models - Failstop model requires in-driver actions
18Implementation Kernel Module
- Receives fault lists from user-level console
- Called by IDE driver to perform insertion when
- LBA sector (SCSI-like) becomes known sector
may be modified - Write is initiated data to be written may be
modified - Read completes data may be modified before
returning control to I/O initiator
19Implementation System Calls
- Added two system calls
- inject_faults()
- Used to pass fault definitions to kernel module
from user space - getsectors()
- Used to determine raw sector ranges of IDE
devices by name (there are other ways to do this)
21IDE Driver (2.4.26 Linux Kernel)
- Important structures
- struct request
- Information about an IDE request
- Number of sectors
- Etc
- struct ide_drive_s (_t)
- Information about a drive
- Drive name (eg. hdc)
- Sizing/addressing information
- Etc
22IDE Driver (2.4.26 Linux Kernel)
- Functions
- ide_do_rw_disk (3 versions)
- Common choke-point for reads writes
- Many other similar functions, only this one in
use - Two versions, swapped by preprocessor directives
(one for DMA, one for PIO)
- Introduction, Motivation, Challenges
- Related Work
- Implementation Details
- Fault Model
- Methods Evaluation
- Summary
24Failure Model
- Models selected to represent generic IDE disk
- No modeling of specific failure (i.e. Western
Digitals classic servo malfunction) - Models based on ranges of affected logical
sectors (ala SCSI)
25Failure Model Fault Types
- sectorfail
- Models inability of a given sector (block) or
sector range to store data reliably - Excited on read of sector
- Data read is permuted in some way
- Randomized
- Set to specific value
- Added to offset
- Shifted by one or more bytes
26Failure Model Fault Types
- sectorro
- Writes to block have no effect on stored value
- Excited on writes to sector
- Write requests ignored
- sectorwrong
- Traffic to a given block is directed to a
different block - Excited on reads writes
- Address permuted, similarly to data
27Failure Model Fault Types
- transaddr
- Sector number wrong for first fault excitation,
but right for all others - Excited on reads writes
- Sector permuted as in sectorwrong
- transdata
- Data is wrong for first fault excitation
- Data permuted as in sectorfail
28Failure Model Fault Types
- failstop
- Drive is totally unresponsiveperforms no reads
or writes - Differs from traditional Failstop in that our
failstop is invisible - Drive does not report any errors, simply fails to
perform reads or writes to any sector
- Introduction, Motivation, Challenges
- Related Work
- Implementation Details
- Fault Model
- Methods Evaluation
- Summary
30Verification of Faults (?)
- Faults excited and observed by microbenchmarks
tailored to individual fault types - Techniques similar to latent fault detection
(Kari et. al., and other studies) - Verification of faults is fault-specific
31Verification - sectorfail
- Corrupts data when read from disk
- Write known data to disk - observe location using
printk statement - Inject sectorfail fault at location of file on
disk. - Unmount/remount FS (flush cache)
- Attempt to read faulty file (with cat)
32Verification - sectorro
- Ignores writes to a given location
- Write known data to disk
- Inject sectorro fault
- Flush file cache
- Write different data to same location
- Flush file cache
- Read data from (1) from disk
33Verification - sectorwrong
- Changes address (sector) to another sector number
- Write known data to disk
- Flush file cache
- Inject sectorwrong faultredirect to known
location - Read from file observe data from other sector
34Verification - transdata
- Data modified after read, but only the first time
- Verify sectorfail functionality
- Flush file cache
- Re-read, expect correct data
35Verification - transaddr
- Sector number modified before reads writes
- Verify sectorwrong functionality
- Flush file cache
- Repeat read, expect correct data
36Verification - failstop
- Easy!
- Install failstop fault
- Attempt to access any portion of affected drive
- Expect bad things
- Usually causes kernel panic
- Execution time overhead of injection SW
- Overhead ltlt standard dev. of runtime for
unaffected regions of disk space - Overhead ltlt standard dev. of runtime for affected
regions - Averaged over 250 accesses
Avg. (ms) Std.Dev.
No injection 3.025 0.075
Unaffected region 3.020 0.076
Affected Region
- Introduction, Motivation, Challenges
- Related Work
- Implementation Details
- Fault Model
- Methods Evaluation
- Summary
- Present five new failure models for disk
accesses, and the ability to inject them - Verified fault manifestation
- Did not verify potential side effects ?
- Fault injection has no noticeable effect on
access times - Small SW overhead much smaller than access time
to physical device