Anywhere.Anytime Software
2Initial Caller Screen Operates in web browser
3Initial Caller Screen This screen provides
critical prospect and spouse information at a
glance. Employment information, educational
data, and vital giving history are all available
on this first screen. Callers have the
information they need before the prospect answers
the phone.
4Script Window
5Script Window No need to have your callers
shuffling through multiple papers anymore. With
a single click, callers have access to the
Introduction script with hyperlinks that can move
the callers from Asks to Objections to Closings.
Other scripts, such as Fact Sheets and
Miscellaneous Information are available by
clicking on the buttons below the script window.
6Schedule Callback Window
7Schedule Callback Window No more tickler files
and missed calls. Callers are able to schedule
callbacks for the date and time the prospect
requests. Callers can even save notes to remind
themselves of key prospect information when they
call the prospect again.
8Pledge Screen
9Pledge Screen Callers are able to enter all
pledge information including payment schedule,
multiple designations, and company matching gift
information. CAMPUSCALL even provides real-time
processing of credit card gifts allowing maximum
security for your donors.
10Change Demographics Screen
11Change Demographics Screen CAMPUSCALLs easy to
use change demographics screen allows callers to
update prospect information, including
e-mail addresses to capture important information
about your constituents.
12Online Statistics
13Online Statistics Know how your program is
doing up to the minute. Let CAMPUSCALL identify
areas of strength and areas that need extra
attention. Managers no longer need to keep tally
sheets and enter information on spreadsheets at
the end of the calling shift.
14Employee Statistic Reports
15Employee Statistic Reports Compare callers in
graphical display. Sort by whichever statistic
is your goal for the calling shift.
16Reports CAMPUSCALLs suite of over 100 reports
can help you analyze your program, target areas
of improvement and test new strategies.
17CAMPUSCALLs comprehensive reporting includes
detailed tracking of all relevant statistics for
calling campaigns and sub-segments on a daily,
weekly, monthly, and project-to-date basis.
18More specialized reporting in CAMPUSCALL lets you
zero in on detailed statistics, such as the
Giving Levels summary report shown here. Of
course, the giving levels may be easily varied to
suit your needs!
19Thank You for Considering RuffaloCODYs
AnywhereAnytime Software